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Manga plot description deleted.

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Post #788230
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2:45 am, Jan 18 2021
Posts: 60

This is not precisely a bug or a suggestion but something I noticed. There was a manga I added a plot description to. Some months later someone had edited this to include their personal and negative impressions on the plot/characters.

I decided to remove these additions since it didnt belong there. If you have opinions then make a review or discuss it in the forums.

So the other day I checked the mangas page...and someone completely deleted the description. I can only suspect it was the same person who saw the change and decided to delete it out of pettiness.

I have seen other manga descriptions vanish before but blamed it on some bug.

Does anyone else know what I am talking about?

Last edited by Kagama at 12:24 am, Jan 19 2021

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9:59 am, Jan 18 2021
Posts: 10691

What series was it?

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #788238 - Reply to (#788233) by lambchopsil
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12:23 am, Jan 19 2021
Posts: 60

Hoshi Furu Oukoku no Nina 

Can only assume the same person added the tags "Dumb Female Lead" and "Mary Sue"

Last edited by Kagama at 12:32 am, Jan 19 2021

Post #788243 - Reply to (#788238) by Kagama

4:50 am, Jan 19 2021
Posts: 202

ok just going to expose myself here.

for summaries, i either do translations from the JP one or write my own if the original is too short or cringe. and let's be honest, JP publishers' summaries for romance manga are very cringe.

if it's something i've written/translated i have the right to remove them. if you dont like them, write your own. if you can't read japanese, wait for someone else who has also read the work to write it just like everyone else, or learn japanese yourself, simple as that. it's not that serious especially because many series here don't have a summary.

also dont know why you mentioned those two tags as if they were relevant to the point you were making because for the record, i added a lot of the tags there, not just those two. even if i dislike a series, i tag it how it is unlike those who haven't read the work and add tags solely based on google translated summaries or their personal interpretation of images. maybe those tags didn't meet up to your expectations of the work, but nina is dumb af.

Post #788252 - Reply to (#788243) by MaskingTape
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6:09 pm, Jan 19 2021
Posts: 60

Well I appreciate you revealing yourself. I am not out for blood here,but I do feel if you are writing a summary of a manga then it should be neutral. You can always write a review detailing the points you like or dislike.

Tags,sure no argument they can be added according to your or mine or others own impressions. I only mentioned them because the vitriol in the summary was also directed at the FL and very specifically so.

And for the record ...I myself have added quite a lot of summaries for mangas without ones on here. No I dont understand Japanese but I use Google translate and most if not all mangas do have official summaries.

Even if this issue is not a serious one your attitude about this comes across as rather condescending.

You cant see the this from the other side at all?

Post #788254 - Reply to (#788252) by Kagama

7:55 pm, Jan 19 2021
Posts: 202

I've done plenty of translations as well as TL checks, so I know there are plenty of biased summaries. That includes the ones written by scanlators and those written by JP publishers alike. It's not a me thing.

You're of the opinion that I'm being biased, but I'm just writing it as it is. In actuality, my summaries have no negative effect on potential readers' expectations of the work. In actuality, there are more people who put the series on the wishlist when I do put summaries that you likely deem as biased as opposed to when there are only tags and no summary. Likely due to morbid curiosity, to ascertain the accuracy of the summary later down the line when they get to read it because they have their own expectations that won't be swayed, or lastly, they just don't care.

I notice because I actually go back and check, curious if the summaries did put people off. Nope. Again, there is an increase of people who put in on their wishlist compared to when a series has only tags. For series where my summaries where kept, I know a few that were even scanlated regardless. For some reason, some even kept them.

Tags,sure no argument they can be added according to your or mine or others own impressions. I only mentioned them because the vitriol in the summary was also directed at the FL and very specifically so

Regardless of whether or not you deemed the tags as an extension of my opinion from my summary, they were not inaccurate in any way.

Not sure why you bring up your google translated summaries. Yes, I'm aware they have official ones, hence the reason I brought up that I translated them. Now, if you're asking if I had part in deleting them, I'll admit I did because when I went to check, they were inaccurate and gave the wrong idea of the actual characters and plot and I was too lazy to edit and rewrite the awkward JP summaries because as I said, most are too short or cringe.

I like to be blunt while explaining my side. If you saw that as condescending then there's nothing I can do to change that. I won't continue further because I've explained all I could. If you want to continue regardless of whether or not I've now exhausted all explanations, then I'll mention this is my last response.

Even if this issue is not a serious one your attitude about this comes across as rather condescending.

You cant see the this from the other side at all?

Though I do notice that these two statements had nothing to do with your grievances with the summary despite the fact that I was only being blunt with explaining my side. But since you added them in I guess I'll somewhat address it.

All I'll say: I love how you say my attitude comes off as condescending while you proceed to question whether or not in the very next line if I can see the other side at all. 🤣 If you want to clear things up then you can do it in PM because again I've explained all I could.

Last edited by MaskingTape at 8:08 pm, Jan 19 2021

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