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Needs a sequel

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7:58 pm, Aug 11 2011
Posts: 20

I feel like the ending wasn't as complete as I would like. I wouldn't mind Saver having a sequel series where Ley has to deal in the political world to be crowned queen. Like say, high ranked officials were against her ruling and she has to prove herself worthy. She could meet her biological dad and struggle with the concept of having family and being a
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. Also they could throw in some romantic complications ect.
And of course more fighting for one country or another.

Anything else that you would like to see in a sequel or ends you want knotted?

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8:02 pm, Aug 11 2011
Posts: 1737

I would definitely like to see Sean and Lucien end up with someone.

Nulla in mundo pax sincera
"Always go too far, because that's where you'll find the truth." - Albert Camus

1:15 am, Jul 17 2013
Posts: 90

Lucien is with Lena, just so anyone that reads this decideds to look.

Post #612798
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6:49 pm, Aug 30 2013
Posts: 1

Oh ya I would love a sequel!!! biggrin

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