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Scanlation info deleted

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Post #465477
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7:39 am, May 1 2011
Posts: 19

Somehow the scanlation release info for geki-man chapter 1 has been deleted. Google's cache of the page shows that it was listed here on MU at one point, but now it no longer appears on the geki-man entry, on the release list for the geki-man entry, nor on either of the scanlator's pages (dynamic pro, and project bite-me).
I have confirmed that this scanlation does indeed exist, is a full translation of the specified chapter, is not some kind of prank scanlation, etc. As such, I am left to wonder why it got deleted. Was it merely some accident/database error, was someone screwing around & vandalizing MU, or did the admins intenionally delete it for some reason?

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8:21 am, May 1 2011
Posts: 10691

One of the groups (it was a joint release) requested us to remove it because it was a "draft release". Probably means it hasn't gone through QC yet

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #465490
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8:30 am, May 1 2011
Posts: 19

Ok then, thanks for the answer.

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