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New Poll - Deal Breaker

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Post #694415
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4:20 am, Aug 13 2017
Posts: 167

It's not topic. But a bug. A certain lifeform. I'm so digusted I don't even want to write the name. If a manga suddenly featured that, doesn't matter even if it 's a combination of every thing I love, NAAAH. Good thing so far I haven't found one...

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5:12 am, Aug 13 2017
Posts: 374

Can't say there's a topic that'd make me drop a series immediately. I'm usually fine with anything that's interesting.
The only thing I can possibly think of would be NTR, but it's not really common to see among the series I read and I haven't seen it done "tastefully" yet.

Post #694420 - Reply to (#694378) by MangaGhost
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6:09 am, Aug 13 2017
Posts: 566

Quote from MangaGhost
Its mostly how a topic is handled. Most topics if handled seriously it doesn't bother me. On the other hand, let's say its something like rape and the manga author is obviously using it like fan service that ticks me off and I'm likely to drop it.

This exactly.

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8:05 am, Aug 13 2017
Posts: 421

No topics offend me on principle.

It's just fiction, All Fiction!

Tv Tokyo - Anime & Manga ~ MinatoAce
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6:16 pm, Aug 13 2017
Posts: 291

If I'm already reading it, no topics offend me on principal. (I'm really bad at the whole sunk costs thing.) If I'm not reading it already I'd probably avoid it, though the only topic that offends me is the normalization of rape.

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12:11 pm, Aug 14 2017
Posts: 27

Some examples of mangas that are weird for me that might seem "tastefully" done for others:
Kore wa Koi no Hanashi (a 10 years old girl and a 31 years old man; c'mon people how can you see that as romantic; well i knew from the start that they are the main characters, but i didn't expect the dude to fall for a little girl, i thought he will find someone of his own age) this manga should be tagged with lollicon.
Crush on You (one dude suddenly becomes gay after meeting a pretty boy, and this is a shoujo manga not yaoi)
Boku wa Imouto ni Koi o Suru (twins in love with each other; do i need to explain why is this weird)
Nan Eomma Nun Appa (the couple has kid together, and the dude treats the girl and their kid like shit)
Hajimari no Niina (again with the little girl and older dude)
Kuragehime (the dude doesn't stop crossdresing, i really don't understand why straight guys would like to wear make up and female clothes)
Usotsuki Lily (the dude doesn't stop crossdresing)
Otona Pink (the mc is crazy in love with her classmate and they start going out, and then their weird teacher gets between them just for plot twist)
Crazy for You (the main character has an obsessive crush and she's becoming more and more dumb)
Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo; Nisekoi ; Jitsu wa Watashi wa (this 3 went from promising beginning to shitty harem dragged to hundreds of chapters; that's annoying and boring)
Other manga that seemed good but i didn't like where they headed and droped them: Six Half ; Taiyou no Ie ; School Days (this is cherry on top of the cake on the level of messed up)

well... i too think that some of them are not done in gruesome way, but is still bothers me the topic, and when the annoying topic is there from the start i just hope it would change direction, but if it doesn't i can't continue reading.

I don't mind the suicide topic, it's sad but i am interested how they deal with it, actually i've read some good manga with this topic like: Koe no Katachi ; UTOPIA (NEUK DAE SAM) ; ORANGE (TAKANO ICHIGO) ; Wonderwall (by Senaloli).

Last edited by LazyCat3 at 12:17 pm, Aug 14 2017

Post #694497
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4:43 pm, Aug 15 2017
Posts: 29

Male pregnancy.

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4:39 pm, Aug 17 2017
Posts: 421

@lambchopsil the topic name got changed to the poll we had four epochs ego, to "New Poll - Eating Apples".
Forgot what it originally was, Immediate Deal Breaker' or something probably.

Tv Tokyo - Anime & Manga ~ MinatoAce
Post #694526

8:52 pm, Aug 17 2017
Posts: 263

There is plenty that gets me to stop reading manga or reading a ln, but the main two that make me stop are

Rape, not because of the content, but because for the most part rape is only used as a 'SEE, LOOK AT ME, I AM THE BAD GUY, F***ING HATE ME' kind of deal, and its almost always done in such a crappy manner that its hard to look past.
Mind control, another very crappy done plot point that gets me to stop completely, ill wait a year and check in later on, but almost always this is a no go from the get go for me.

everything else is kind of a combination of various elements that gets me to check out of a story.

Post #694533 - Reply to (#694524) by MinatoAce
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11:29 pm, Aug 17 2017
Posts: 10688

Quote from MinatoAce
@lambchopsil the topic name got changed to the poll we had four epochs ego, to "New Poll - Eating Apples".
Forgot what it originally was, Immediate Deal Breaker' or something probably.

Good catch. I hadn't even noticed. And apparently no one else did either

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Post #694541 - Reply to (#694533) by lambchopsil
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7:01 am, Aug 18 2017
Posts: 454

Quote from lambchopsil
Good catch. I hadn't even noticed. And apparently no one else did either

What, you mean it wasn't intentional? I just figured that was you taking a stab at satire biggrin

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4:07 pm, Aug 18 2017
Posts: 24

If the book I am reading is properly tagged, then technically I don't have a deal breaker if something is tastefully done. But what I consider tastefully done and what others consider tastefully done is subjective.

I do have certain genres I will not read, so if my book was wrongfully tagged and the genre I refuse to read is a core part of the story, then I will drop it. But I have never had that happen to me before.

Every book in my dropped list is there simply because it felt torturous to read as every chapter dragged on and every panel lead me to sigh as I wished with every fiber of my being that I didn't have to read it.

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Post #694549

9:30 pm, Aug 18 2017

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Post #694568 - Reply to (#694533) by lambchopsil
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4:25 am, Aug 19 2017
Posts: 421

Quote from lambchopsil
Good catch. I hadn't even noticed. And apparently no one else did either

Well, happy to help(?). ^^

Tv Tokyo - Anime & Manga ~ MinatoAce
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