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Post #234424
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12:41 am, Dec 5 2008
Posts: 39

preference shaven / waxed legs, arm pits and (=^.^=) mew

in the end i don't really mind depends and the girl and situation.

Last edited by cto-87 at 12:47 am, Dec 5 2008

Post #235039 - Reply to (#188700) by musicalmaria25
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1:55 pm, Dec 6 2008
Posts: 30

Quote from musicalmaria25
hehe, mostly hair doesnt bother me (well, my OWN hair does, but i mean on guys) except for all those horrible mustaches on guys my own age (at least the ones i know) sorry, but the ten little black hairs above the lip is NOT attractive.

Totally agree! However, I don't mind a stubbly beard...

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Post #235172 - Reply to (#234344) by DrakeSparda
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Eat Me

9:15 pm, Dec 6 2008
Posts: 438

Quote from DrakeSparda
im a dude and i think smooth legs are very enjoyable! so... armpits... thats a no.. arms... ive never reallie noticed... if its excessive that wouldnt be good... if a girl has facial hair, honestli im turning the other direction...

Yeah I agree with this. As for me, I have never been the super hairy type. I have to shave my facial hair daily to keep the skin smooth (hate the feel of stubly skin).

If I had a girlfriend at the moment and she wanted me to do something with my hair, I probably would as long as it wasn't something really weird. I mean hair grows back so you have a lot of flexibility.

Post #235467
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4:52 pm, Dec 7 2008
Posts: 734

mmhhh... i dont think i mind hairy guys (idunno how hairy a guy can be down there lol)
, as long as it not way 2 much..
but i dont like guys with a lot of hair under their.. arms(armpits)
better if there is none there ^^

oh and about facial hair, it depends there are guys that looks good with it and some others that dont =P

"It's so warm that, Before the snow has a chance to stick, He melts it for me."
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Only Human

9:04 am, May 31 2013
Posts: 272

I'd prefer a man with a good build and smooth chest. Otherwise, I don't mind that much. I just like a good man chest. bigrazz

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When I said 'death' before 'dishonor', I meant alphabetically.

Imagine what would happen if there were no more hypothetical situations.
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8:59 pm, Jun 1 2013
Posts: 125

I'm personally a little feminist on the borders. So I'm for hairy girls because it's NORMAL and HYGIENIC!
And I also have absolutely no problem with seeing hairy girls.
It's just mode and society but we should be abble to do what we want with our bodies without beeing judged... =(

Yet, because it's implanted in our brains, we think hairless legs and armpits are cuter. (Anyway why does girls have to be ''cute'' another stereotype... ''fragile/soft/cute girls''...)

I don't shave in winter, even when I have swimming classes (I did it this year, was a bit hard to support people's looks and silent judgment, but surprisingly not so much, and noone said a thing even if maybe they thought about it. Yet I think many people are more willing to accept diferences then what we think. Not everyone is judgmental.)

But... I'm not strong enough not to shave in summer... >.< I'm a bit sad I can't keep up to my wish and fight... but... the oppresion of society is too strong... And I admit I'm weak about other's opinion (no self esteem!!! >.<) I let my legs quite hairy tought... only shave when it starts to be too much... =/

But I never shave pubic hair. That's really bad for you girls and it will start to grow on your tight and become really troublesome. Anyway, I think that part is normal.

There's a reason why hair grow. It's for hygiene and protection. Did you know you smell A LOT less when you don't shave your armpit? And pubic hairs are important.


Well I have absolutely no problem with hairs on boys. As you saw, I don't really care what people do with their body. Like differences. <3

EDIT: If ever a boyfriend/girlfriend ask you to shave cause he/she doesn't like you with hair. Quit. He/she should appreciate you for who you are and your decisions, not your body. Anyway, it's absolutely hurtfull to be criticised about that for your self esteem. Don't let people hurt you with that.

Variety's the very spice of life, That gives it all its flavor. -- William Cowper
Post #601687 - Reply to (#601657) by -Pumpkin-
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Mome Basher

12:17 am, Jun 2 2013
Posts: 3380

Quote from -Pumpkin-
I'm personally a little feminist on the borders. So I'm for hairy girls because it's NORMAL and HYGIENIC!

There's a reason why hair grow. It's for hygiene and protection. Did you know you smell A LOT less when you don't shave your armpit?

Please don't spread BS on the forums...
You say you're all for personal hygiene and yet you're telling people to keep hair on their armpits, allowing more surface area for bacteria to be trapped and grow (and thus give you MORE body odor) ?


Not to mention that even if you wanted to use deodorant, be it spray or stick, it'll just stick to your hair and not the skin...

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Everyday I'm tumblin'
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1:15 am, Jun 2 2013
Posts: 125

I don't know what BS is...? I'm not used to English abreviations! ^^ Sorry! ^^

No, actually people THINK that it's more hygienic to shave, but it's not. You know, nature is very well done. We have hairs on the pubic area and on harmpits because these are parts of the body that tend to warm up a lot more and cause sweating. When sweat evaporates, it causes the body to cool down. The hair role is to hold the sweat to let it evaporate after and let your pubic area and harmpit warmness cool down. When you shave, your sweat can't be held by hairs and is absorbed by your clothes and so, you have no more cooling! So, you sweat A LOT more. (This is the easy and fast explanation. You can search for the scientific and more specific explanation. Absorbance and evaporation doesn't do the same job. Chemistry... some times it comes in handy! =D Never thought I might say this one day! =o)

These are the facts. And as a girl who tried both... I can really prove that true. (I prefer having my hairs on. Much more comfortable and it's true I sweat less =D )

I use deodorant... I'm very hairy when I don't shave (isn't this getting a bit personal!! xD) but it doesn't keep it from getting to my skin... =o
The only thing that is right is sometime, sure, it get stuck in your hair! xD But even when shaved, there are also traces of deodorant that get stuck there and stay on your skin.

Hmmm... Not tring to introduce anything... (even tought I still don't know what BS is) Just saying my idea. I'm not a perfect feminist too, as I said. So I don't even see how I can offend... =/ (not fitting any side! >.< )
If you want, I can delete the capslock. Wasn't meant to be aggressive. Just wanted to show a point you rarely see!

About the recommendations I did. I think I have the right to. Don't we have the right to speak? Now, it's only up to you to follow it or not. You can like or dislike... But don't ask me not to speak about it. =( We too often hear the other side of this story. We have to shave, be skinny, act cute and soft. I'm just for being ourselves. And the relationship advice is also something I think to be true, even tought I'm not into anyone else's skin, can't know what they live, can't decide anything for anyone and can't judge. But it's only a forum, I don't have loads of time and am not a psychologist and don't want to act like one! ^^ My only goal in life is to help people the best I can, and yes, it sometimes come with advices or information that go against what we're used to! But I'm far from perfect. After it's up to people! =D

Have a great day! ^^ Hope you found the information usefull! ^^

Variety's the very spice of life, That gives it all its flavor. -- William Cowper
Post #601704 - Reply to (#601698) by -Pumpkin-
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Mome Basher

2:12 am, Jun 2 2013
Posts: 3380

Quote from -Pumpkin-

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First of all, BS = Bullshit, you know, the thing that comes in the form of a wall of text you just regurgitated?

The hair role is to hold the sweat to let it evaporate after and let your pubic area and harmpit warmness cool down. When you shave, your sweat can't be held by hairs and is absorbed by your clothes and so, you have no more cooling! So, you sweat A LOT more.


When you shave, your sweat can't be held by hairs and is absorbed by your clothes and so, you have no more cooling! So, you sweat A LOT more.

You know what makes me sweat a lot more? Putting on thick layers or clothing.
Having a patch of hair that traps heat on my armpits is essentially the same.

You can search for the scientific and more specific explanation.

Don't tell me to look for a scientific explanation for your weird sci-fi world!

Underarm hair traps heat, sweat and bacteria (ergo body odor). It does not help you cool down faster and nor is it more hygienic!

The only thing that is right is sometime, sure, it get stuck in your hair! xD But even when shaved, there are also traces of deodorant that get stuck there and stay on your skin.

Good lord!
I'm not trying to be mean (ok, maybe a little)
I'm not against your feminist beliefs.
Do whatever the hell you want with your bodies, but please, don't spread false information.

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Everyday I'm tumblin'
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10:47 am, Jun 2 2013
Posts: 217

I'm a bisexual girl
For girls I prefer them not to have too much leg hair, no armpit hair and trimmed pubes.
For guys I like them unshaved. Shaving is for pussies.

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11:35 am, Jun 2 2013
Posts: 125

Wow. Pretty susceptible person there. (@ Scyfon )
I wonder if you're really rejecting my argument, or just felt attacked by the fact that I said I'm a little feminist.
You know, a lot of guys criticise feminism saying girls are only complaining for nothing. Those are prejudice. We're not all like this picture: or this: (C'mon, I paid my first date)
I know a lot of guys who are feminist too. It's only about wanting women and men to be respected equally.
Actually, this subject (shaving or not) isn't even super related to feminism. It's only that it's often aborded by feminist girls, saying we should be free to do what we want with our body.
I have the same opinion about makeup. Will you start bitching me about this too?

My idea of respect and equality isn't only centered on women. I also encourage the men to get out of the stereotypes.

If that wasn't the case, then I'm sorry. I don't want to put words you didn't think in your mouth. (Like you're doing with me, thanks) It was just a feeling I had...

Oh god... Every good dermatologist will tell you that sweating is there to evacuate the body's heat and that it is regulated by your hair! People these days prefer listening to publicity and rumors than to science. You're really discouraging me.

I really don't wanna go search for books in the Library, scan them and send them to you.

You know what makes me sweat a lot more? Putting on thick layers or clothing.
Having a patch of hair that traps heat on my armpits is essentially the same.

I don't put thick and hot clothes during summer. Anyway, where does this strange argument come from. It doesn't have to be thick to absorb. Clothes absorb whatever their tickness.
And if I have to repeat myself, hairs keep you cooler.

I feel like you didn't even read seriously what I wrote.

The only thing that is right is sometime, sure, it get stuck in your hair! xD But even when shaved, there are also traces of deodorant that get stuck there and stay on your skin.


I tought you wanted to say that it's anoying sometime when it just dry up and make anoying granules that stick to you. But I admit I'm such an awfull person for making mistakes. roll eyes

I thank you for respecting my beliefs, but I wasn't spreading false information. Why are you so sure that I'm wrong. Sometime, it's really nice to check the other side of a question.

I also want to tell I respect you too if you shave. I did tell my arguments agaisnt it, but it doesn't mean I'm gonna judge you.

I'd appreciate if you'd stop the personal attack. I spent a lot of time writing these messages and it's only unkind to call it bullshit. I never wrote anything with bad intentions and I keep respecting you. I don't call you names.
I'll start to wonder why I'm putting efforts into this if you continue to object with such pitifull arguments and free attacks/insults.

Finally, I don't speak English frequently. It's only my second language, so I'm bad with your abbreviations. There's nothing abnormal with this. Not everyone speaks English on earth and I think I'm doing pretty well! =)

Last edited by -Pumpkin- at 12:31 pm, Jun 2 2013

Variety's the very spice of life, That gives it all its flavor. -- William Cowper
Post #601785 - Reply to (#601770) by -Pumpkin-
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Mome Basher

1:38 pm, Jun 2 2013
Posts: 3380

Quote from Mome
Wow. Pretty susceptible person there. (@ Scyfon )
I wonder if you're really rejecting my argument, or just felt attacked by the fact that I said I'm a little feminist.

Aaaaaand there it is! laugh
Of course you're gonna take it that way - as expected. (Hint: No I wasn't)
Susceptible? If someone told you right now that the world was flat, would you not try to explain to them that it wasn't?
If that wasn't the case, then I'm sorry. I don't want to put words you didn't think in your mouth. (Like you're doing with me, thanks) It was just a feeling I had...

Yep, juuuust as expected.
I feel like you didn't even read seriously what I wrote.

I actually did.
Did you do the same for what I wrote?
...but I wasn't spreading false information. Why are you so sure that I'm wrong. Sometime, it's really nice to check the other side of a question.

LOL obviously not.

I'm done.
Whoever wants to believe whatever you're's their problem laugh

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Everyday I'm tumblin'
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2:37 pm, Jun 2 2013
Posts: 10

You know, I don't want to break down your beliefs, Scyfon, but -Pumpkin- is actually right in some of her arguments. Body hair actually really helps to regulate your body temperature by providing a bigger surface for evaporation leading to a higher removal of vaporization energy and causing evaporative heat loss, HOWEVER, there is probably just a minor difference between a non-shaved and a hairless armpit. Depending on how you look at it, shaving can actually be a bit less hygienic regarding the subtle higher risk of skin fraction (which should still be kinda minimal) causing rashs and the possibility of ingrown hairs, but all that also depends on your individual genetics.
The body odor part is something entirely different. As you already mentioned, an axilla covered with hair provides more surface for bacteria as well and with more bacteria, there also comes "more" body odor along with it, since they break down more of your skin gland excretions. If you believe in what evolutionary biologists argue, this is somehow intended to increase the release of pheromones at the same time as well even though neither one has anything to do with the other one. It's just about the provided surface. So you're kind of both right

Your argument regarding thick layers of clothing, however, is not quite comparable since they're not connected to your skin glands and just function as a heat insulation. According to the used fabric your clothing can either trap your body heat or even help the sweat to evaporate.

@-Pumpkin-: Don't feel too offended, it's the internet smile

To get back to the topic, I also prefer less to none hair as I just like the smooth feeling of it.
No other particular reason than that

Last edited by Superoxid at 3:12 pm, Jun 2 2013

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2:45 pm, Jun 2 2013
Posts: 125

Thanks Superoxid =) That was really interesting

Don't worry. ^^ I'm not offended. Just proposed that he could be kinder cause it's kinda... =/ Dunno...

Have a great day! And yeah, let's let the others come back on the subject! xD

Variety's the very spice of life, That gives it all its flavor. -- William Cowper
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Mad With a Hat

3:36 pm, Jun 3 2013
Posts: 4764

Ok, so regarding body hair - I don't like it.
I always think in terms of "if I were to lick that pussy, would I want a carpet of pubes in my mouth?".
The answer for me is no - I wouldn't want a mouth full of hair, thank you very much.
I prefer to be smooth, myself. And I have tried the other way.

I read the conversation above me and honestly, Pumpkin, you made laugh and worry at the same time.
Do you really think that disliking/getting rid of body hair makes a woman "less a feminist"? Or in contrast, if she keeps her hair and parades her fuzzy pits she's a better woman for it?
Your pro-hair arguments don't hold up. The human animal evolved from a hairier creature with a full coat to the bizarre naked mole rat you see today, because there was no need for that coat to keep us warm any more. Like with anything, it takes a long while for things we don't use do go completely, so they shrink, i.e the appendix, coccyx. It's the same with body hair. We've retained some of the hair we do need, like the hair on our head (to protect us from severe injuries upon impact and other awesome stuff like that). Armpit and pubic hair are mostly for spreading our scent (because we're animals, don't forget). There is no use for it at this day and age, so shaving it off isn't a big deal. And please, don't claim it's more hygienic that way, because it isn't. The key to not smelling is washing (unless you have some infliction). No more, no less. But due to the hair and friction under our armpits, the temp rises and gives bacteria a nice, humid place to grow in, especially if there's a small forest for them to play in. A smooth pit doesn't stop the process, but it sure doesn't make it faster.
Hair doesn't help heat evaporate faster, either.

Most of all, it's a cultural thing. Some women even shave their heads. So what?
Because in the society you and I live in long hair is considered pretty, does shaving it makes you more a feminist? But you're still getting rid of hair!
What if it's a hormonal problem? Did you know that some women grow beards due to a hormonal imbalance? Is it bad for them to shave it, too? Sure, it's just appearances, but not everyone is kind enough not to stare or mock, now do they?

Basically, what I'm saying is that it's everyone's individual choice what to do with it, and I agree with you that pressuring people into something isn't good, either. But people, as a herd, adhere to certain "standards" and "codes" common to the area they live in. What can you do?
And it's not crucial enough to leave on.

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