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Online Manga Reader

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4:59 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 5

There are a lot cropping up here and there, most notably Onemanga and MangaFox. Those are for English scans. For chinese scans, there are hundreds of them and easy to find as well as free to read. For Korean manhwa, i know of several sites but you need to register and most of them are pay2view. There are also random foreign language online manga reader in French and Spanish (though, I've never seen one before).

However, has anyone ever stumbled on a Japanese Online Manga Reader? One that features the latest chapters of your favorite Naruto/One Piece/Bleach/etc in its pure raw form? Anyone? Coz I'm really curious to know if there are any at all.

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7:52 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 10666

Even if you don't care about reading in Japanese, this is still asking for downloads (which is against the rules)

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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