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Julian Assange and Wikileaks

Julian Assange: A Hero For a New Age?
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6:07 am, Dec 3 2010
Posts: 5

Ehh...wikileaks is now Swiss. He's also trying to get a political asylum in Switzerland.

It's not a bad thing, that they're publicating a bit more than a normal person is allowed to know. But it's not even the half of the truth. I dislike the political system in America, always thinking they must save the world (and keep their economy running).

To think there're no innocent people dying in a war is just like believing in Santa Claus.

And also I don't think that the information wikileaks get weren't that top secret, they're just not meant to be seen by the ordinary people. And it's also interessting, that you seldon hear something from other gouverment than the American. Strange, isn't it?

Post #429127

6:23 am, Dec 3 2010
Posts: 390

In my opinon he's right
If there is nothing wrong in the sausage recipe, what is the problem in showing it to us?

As for the the war kills, I think you guys don't get the point, the Muslim-US should never have happened, the US is wrong just by sending troops, NO ONE should interfere in their affairs, the US created the terrorists, if they never interfered, the world trade center would still be standing.

More than interfering in something they shouldn't, they do it for all the wrong reasons, they do it for money, not because of ideological shit.

And it's also interessting, that you seldon hear something from other gouverment than the American. Strange, isn't it?

Obviously, if you are a freedom fighter, you have to star with the biggest problem, the cancer in worlds freedom, known as US government, and some of its population that don't give a shit to how many muslims and jews lives are taken for a cheaper oil.

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6:45 am, Dec 3 2010
Posts: 71

as long as the names of people who could be endangered are erased from the released documents then i am all for it, but i don't think the leaks are as important as the hype would have u believe, most of them (all) are boring bureaucratic documents, i'm much more excited about the next leaks that assange promised which would uncover incriminating documents from u.s. banks and their role in the recent economical problems.

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7:08 am, Dec 3 2010
Posts: 1205

does anyone know newest site of wikileaks??
sub-domain had been stopped. It is surprising, cause it take few days for US gov to be able to cut the sites. Very slow indeed.. just another proof that US gov is brawny than brainy. They only think with their "missiles" rather than their head biggrin

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Peaceful Dictator™

7:52 am, Dec 3 2010
Posts: 742

what he did is techiqual not illigal is the way the info was garyhjered that could be considered illigal. like some one said on newsnight i think. it's not up to jounalist to potect the gorvenment and thier secreat thats the gorvrnments job. if america is going to be annoyed and upset by what is revealed thenthey shouldn't have said it in the first place or hide thier secrets better. taking thir anger out on wiki leaks, to me seems more childish and damaging than the revelation themselves.

some of this so called revelations are nothing new is just the person saying it that makes it so bloody serious.

to answer the question, is he a hearo it depends on your criteria for a hero and where you stand. if your a news paper editor then he's a hero you have a story that is selling papers but if you happen to be a politician, then he is a villian and if you happen to be like me neither of those then you just don't give a crap.

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insomniac Kagehime

8:02 am, Dec 3 2010
Posts: 2707

i know about wikileaks, but i can´t even access it. Seems my country banned it. There was also something on wikipedia
Police raid on German WikiLeaks domain holder's home

The home of Theodor Reppe, registrant of the German WikiLeaks domain name,, was raided on 24 March 2009 after WikiLeaks released the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) censorship blacklist.[83] The site was not affected

German wikipedia says, it wasn´t accessable for some months last year, but even now many people i know can´t access it. I think it´s pretty good what they do, but some things are very dangerous to publish.
I don´t think og Assange as a hero, but i like him fo being honest about the world

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8:20 am, Dec 3 2010
Posts: 4917

Hm. We actually talked about this the other day in what amounts to be a debate class. (Even though it's supposed to be a technology class.)

I'm not sure how to feel about this. I can see why he would do this, in the interest of letting people know the truth about things, but I also think that there are some things we SHOULDN'T know. sure, if the country was perfect and the world was at peace there shouldn't be things that we wouldn't want/need to know, but that isn't the world we live in, and that isn't how things need to be run right now.

I haven't read through the stuff personally, so I can't say much about the content itself, though. Would anybody care to sum things up?

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8:23 am, Dec 3 2010
Posts: 14

Probably not in in the strictly classic sense, but the good he manages to do has so far the outweighed the price paid for it,even by others,in my book. Ultimately I believe he does have a strong conviction and passion for his work, even if it ironically makes him resemble his worse is a toast to the fanatical idealists on our side. roll eyes

Post #429158 - Reply to (#429122) by Toto
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9:17 am, Dec 3 2010
Posts: 2275

Quote from comel
does anyone know newest site of wikileaks??
sub-domain had been stopped. It is surprising, cause it take few days for US gov to be able to cut the sites. Very slow indeed.. just another proof that US gov is brawny than brainy. They only think with their "missiles" rather than their head biggrin

Google it. Or read the thread.

Also, a few of you need to stop over generalizing Americans. It's annoying.

Quote from Identity Crisis
I also think that there are some things we SHOULDN'T know.

I'm not sure that there is anything that we should not know... no matter how unpleasant; however, there are times when knowledge might best be delayed for an overall outcome.

The only example I know of is the advance knowledge from the Roosevelt administration concerning the Pearl Harbor bombing. Yes, it's horrible that they basically allowed PH to be attacked. However, the likelihood that we would have enter the war in a timely manor, from their stand point, was almost non-existent (as most at that time were isolationist... even during WWI). Of course, this suffers from hindsight... damn it fucking Godwin, as the United States citizens were not aware of that man's actions (of course, who knows what the elites knew).

"Officially, this machine doesn't exist, you didn't get it from me,
and I don't know you. Make sure it doesn't leave the building."
Post #429159
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9:21 am, Dec 3 2010
Posts: 83

All those who contribute to Wikileaks including Julian Assange should get a medal. In an age where freedom of speech and the right to information is frequently being ignored these individuals choose to stand against these opressive governments at great risk to there own safety and reputations.

Post #429285 - Reply to (#429139) by Akatsubaki
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a possessive lover

7:56 pm, Dec 3 2010
Posts: 445

Quote from comel
does anyone know newest site of wikileaks??
sub-domain had been stopped. It is surprising, cause it take few days for US gov to be able to cut the sites. Very slow indeed.. just another proof that US gov is brawny than brainy. They only think with their "missiles" rather than their head biggrin

follow its twitter to get update status of its website @wikileaks

He is the most sensational person this year, vote for Julian Assange in TIME's Person of the Year here


9:25 pm, Dec 3 2010
Posts: 545

What's up with the US's nutty screaming over this? It's shrill and a little scary. If they'd condemned it a bit and then downplayed its importance, they'd probably come out looking decent. Instead all the politicians are running around waving their hands in the air and screaming about the sky falling. Saying that Assange should be made 'an example of' and shit like that is not something that any country that makes a big deal about being free and fair should say.

I'm still not clear how he's doing anything worse than what the newspapers are doing by publishing it. The leaker could have given the documents to anyone - that they pass through Wikileaks first doesn't mean much. What kind of journalist protection exists in the US, because I can't imagine that The New York Times would be protected by it in this case but Wikileaks wouldn't.

And yeah - lol at the bullshit rape charge.

So yes, I come down pretty firmly in the 'hero' camp. It's good to have someone take such a solid stand on freedom of information and back it up with action, especially when it increasingly seems like it's going to get him killed.

(Also, the new main url is - presumably until they find someone else to run the old domain)

Post #429317

11:59 pm, Dec 3 2010
Posts: 13

Question? Does he release the kind of incriminating stuff from Russia and China?
Because I get the feeling he only does this with the U.S. Probably because we won't try to KILL him.

Post #429321 - Reply to (#429317) by Trov

12:22 am, Dec 4 2010
Posts: 184

Quote from Trov
Question? Does he release the kind of incriminating stuff from Russia and China?
Because I get the feeling he only does this with the U.S. Probably because we won't try to KILL him.

Yes, he does.

Your "feeling" was off. Nice subtle putdown of Russia and China though. It used to be so much more in vogue to bash China and Russia for their actions against freedom of information. Now it's very obvious that we can't.

To be honest though, it's nothing new. Freedom of Speech has been restricted in the US for a LONG time. Kids these days just don't know their history. Most of you probably haven't even heard of Schenck, Debs, or "clear and present danger". But hey, for those of you who didn't know, of course, it's made all the more obvious now by this new, fresh news about Wikileaks and Assange being chased by the CIA.

What a joke. A lot of us were JUST bashing China over imprisoning Liu Xiaobo, nobel prize winner. (And what did he do to deserve the nobel prize besides accepting buttloads of cash from the NED... a historic arm of the CIA?). I wonder if Assange should get the nobel peace prize now.

Propaganda and the people who fall into it make me sad.

Quote from Aikanaro
And yeah - lol at the bullshit rape charge.

I KNOW. That bullshit pisses me off. Some countries may use *censorship* to control information, but that doesn't really work well, from what we can clearly see. And censorship is a defensive measure, and signifies weakness.

The US engages in *counter-intelligence* (confusion, obfuscation, information flooding, and misinformation), which is much more dangerous, IMO. It's an offensive measure that signifies strength and global influence.

EDIT: Sorry, "disinformation", not "misinformation". Subtle difference.

Last edited by Dr. Love at 6:29 am, Dec 4 2010

Post #429327
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1:17 am, Dec 4 2010
Posts: 1354

N0x_ has just been added to my list of B-U crushes. shy

And Trov? Assange has proven (and you'll know, if you actually read WikiLeaks yourself) that Russia, China, the US, Afghanistan, Iran and a bunch of other countries are in deep doodoo because of corruption. He's out to expose ANY government (and now, banks) that engage in corruption, mass murder or the violation of human rights. That's why they all want him dead, gone or silenced. And yes, the US is also probably trying to kill him, okay? Can anyone imagine that the CIA and the Pentagon don't have assassins after this guy? Or haven't 'procured' assassins of other nationalities to do it for them? (Like they have been ON RECORD for using 'rendering' to get other countries to do their torturing for them. It's a known phenomenon.) Of course, the Russians and the Chinese are trying to kill Assange, too. I imagine that practically every country is, by now. I have no idea how he's managing to keep himself in one piece, but I hope he keeps doing it!

For those who asked why Assange is doing what he's doing - the reason's simple. It's not just about getting the truth out - although that's obviously the weapon being used here (the truth). The end-goal is to prevent war, to prevent injustice, corruption and civilian fatalities/abuses.

Remember how we got into the war in Iraq? That totally BOGUS war that Bush only got away with waging because of totally fake, trumped-up intelligence? The war that all of Bush's and Cheney's friends in the defense and oil industries ended up profiting from (like Haliburton and Blackwater) as a result of engineering and defense contracts handed out in a corrupt manner? How many young American soldiers died needlessly? How many Iraqi civilians? And just for making those DOUCHEBAG military-industrial complexes richer! Heck, didn't America even create another haven for Al Qaeda, where there was none before?

THAT kind of war is what Assange wants to prevent. A war of misinformation, waged only because corrupt, heartless and (occasionally) brainless politicians get away with LYING TO US ALL. Yeah, sure, Bush, there are 'weapons of mass destruction' in Iraq. Let's go after 'em! YEAH, RIGHT. There were no weapons. It was all a freaking HOAX. And thousands of innocent people - Iraqis, Americans and the Alliance forces - died for NO FREAKING REASON. Oh, except for the money Bush's cronies made. Except for the oil industry. Blood for oil - an easy exchange to make for those not actually bleeding, right? So easy to order young men and women of the US Armed Forces to go out there an get themselves blown up on fake intelligence.

By keeping the public apprised of what is ACTUALLY happening behind the scenes, Assange is helping to prevent more mass casualties and more pointless war. By revealing how Saudi Arabia and other nations are egging America into bombing Iran, for example, Assange is helping to prevent another pointless war with Iran. Because he's exposing the real reasons countries go to war - so-called 'preventative' war - and that will keep such wars from actually happening, because if the American public knows that it's bogus, they won't allow their (democratically-elected) government to go to war. Or they'll vote 'em out.

That's what Assange hopes for, anyway - although maybe the government will prove even more wily and corrupt, and the public will prove to be too stupid to listen to him. But I hope Assange wins this war - the war of truth. Because then, actual wars with actual fatalities can be prevented.

Oh, and Assange is very much for the common man as well, as his soon-to-be-released, much-anticipated bank leaks will reveal. AT LAST, people in the banking industry will have to be held ACCOUNTABLE for their highway robbery of the public, that lead to this most recent recession. So many people's livelihoods were lost or put on the line because of these corrupt bankers (and government officials that cooperated with them), and FINALLY, all the cover-ups will be swept aside and the guilty parties will be fully exposed. I can't wait. Pitchfork-wielding mobs might not result (er, I hope they won't), but at least the so-called justice system will have to kick into gear and prosecute some of these bastards, right? Right.

Now do people get why Assange is a hero? He's risking his LIFE to bring this information to us. And he's really NOT doing anything more illegal than any other newspaper that reports on a source. He's got sources in various governments and organizations - they tell him stuff - he tells us stuff. That's it. How can America, the self-proclaimed bastion of free speech, find anything to complain about with that? And now, the documents are even being screened to remove the names of agents/entities whose lives could be endangered - so there really is NO reason to stop Assange from doing what he's doing. No legal reason, anyway. His website is well within its constitutional rights; to get its American host to remove it smacks of the same kind of censorship that America decries in China. Jesus. Looked in the mirror, lately, America?

Even 'Deep Throat', the corporate informant that was the Washington Post's source on the story that exposed the cigarette industry's fraud and knowing deception, was within his rights. The Washington Post was within its rights to report his words - in fact, that's considered one of the greatest triumphs of journalism, and is lauded as one of the greatest examples of 'free speech' in America.

So how is Assange exposing banks in the same way that the Washington Post exposed the cigarette industry wrong? And what's wrong with exposing CORRUPTION in the government, too? It's just another organization that's willfully and knowingly deceiving the public. Therefore, it ought to be exposed - for the sake of America. For the sake of free speech, and for the sake of every citizen having the right to form an informed opinion and, therefore, casting an informed vote. A democracy can't really be called a democracy if people are only being fooled into voting for the wrong thing... If they don't know what they're voting for.

It's not like Assange is exposing the details of on-the-ground intelligence operations or things that could put people in danger in that manner. He's exposing DIPLOMATIC missives and internal documents that reveal corruption. That's a completely different thing. So I can't believe anyone that claims they're worried about the safety of people as a result of Assange's leaks. Rather, they ought to be relieved that Assange is protecting the safety of our soldiers and agents by preventing them from being sent on stupid, pointless missions and wars that are only being fought for corrupt, strategically stupid and/or misinformed reasons.

Assange is a hero. A hero for us all...!

EDIT: Oh, and it's a travesty that the US government is after Assange, but lets Fox News get away with blatantly lying to the public and still calling it news - in fact, Fox News gets away with hoodwinking a large portion of the populace to follow some kind of crazy right-wing rhetoric that has nothing to do with fact and that twists what is actually happening in a way that favors the Republicans and the Tea Partiers unfairly, BASED ON FEW TO NO FACTS. I'm not saying Fox News should be shut down - because I believe in free speech - but if they're being allowed to operate, despite being harmful to true democracy by misinforming the voters? Then Assange DEFINITELY deserves to be allowed to operate, because he's actually telling the freaking TRUTH.

Just sayin'.

Last edited by tartufo at 1:30 am, Dec 4 2010

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