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Live action music rock band

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3:00 pm, Mar 8 2024
Posts: 75

All I remember is there was a girl who had an amazing voice and a band was made the lead singer is a girl and the rest were guys. They were high schoolers and they were in a recording booth I think they were auditioning for a company and the producer guy was smoking a cigarette without having any high expectations because they were just a bunch of high schoolers. But when he heard her voice he paused then put his cigarette in an ash tray to pay more attention to the music. I also remember they were doing a live performance and she was wearing an eye patch possibly as a concept for costume or possibly for actual medical use I just remember watching one clip and now I want to watch the whole thing. Someone please help me find the title!


3:41 pm, Mar 8 2024
Posts: 75

Nvm I found it the title was Unmasked Noise

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