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A MangaUpdates Project - Folding@Home Features!

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10:07 pm, Sep 16 2008
Posts: 10691

Help humanity by just using your computer!

First off for those of you that do not know what this is, Folding@Home uses your computer's unused processing power to simulate the folding of proteins, which helps in studies of various diseases. Just by running F@H in the background while you normally use your computer, you can help out this cause.

As part of a revival in interest with the MangaUpdates Folding@Home team, we have added a special little icon for people who have joined the team! If you edit your profile by clicking here or accessing it through your User CP, you can choose "Yes" for the field "Show Folding@Home Icon?"
This gives you a spiffy red gear icon right below your avatar on all forum posts. And for the user list at the bottom of the main forum index, you can see that same red gear next to our supporting members of Folding@Home~

If you have questions or want more information on what Folding@Home is, visit this thread:

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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