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Site Manga Poll Suggestions

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Post #785082 - Reply to (#779246) by jacob66
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10:51 am, Oct 24 2020
Posts: 10709

Quote from jacob66
Should the entire human race be under one government system?

-Yes, we need it to end all the fighting/war

-Yes, but it should be some kind of A.I.

-No, humanity is just fine as it is

This but simplified

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #785850
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9:42 pm, Oct 30 2020
Posts: 164

Kind of random but here:

What’s your favorite/preferred kind of car door?


-Gull wing (Back to the Future car)

-Side Roller (typically for the backseat of a van)


Post #785918 - Reply to (#779268) by vivant
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9:49 am, Oct 31 2020
Posts: 10709

Quote from vivant
From the 5W+1H, what are the most annoying question word to you (despite the purpose of question)?

For example I kinda feel annoyed if people ask me "why" (why can't I sleep, why is A successful, why does B have a heart attack, etc ). And there are also people who dislike "when" (when will you graduate, when will you get married, when will you have child, etc).

Feel free to change the sentence if it's a little bit unclear. 🙂


A just ruler amongst tyrants

6:12 am, Nov 4 2020
Posts: 4

Maybe a the job-related poll?
"How close are you to your dream job?" (example of answers: "light-years, I'm living the dream, somewhat close, quite far, who needs a dream, no job so still dreaming"...)

Or a poll related to the evaluation of yourself:
"Where would you pin yourself in the food chain?" (example of answers could be type of animals at different level: "wolf, fox, deer, chicken, worm, flower..." or the more scientific terms: "bottom-feeder, herbivorous, carnivorous, onmivorous, sun-light powered". )

Post #786538
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8:13 pm, Nov 6 2020
Posts: 164

Should there be a limit on the number of children each person can have?

-yes, overpopulation is a big problem

-no, reproduction is an individual right

Post #786539
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8:29 pm, Nov 6 2020
Posts: 164

So with U.S. elections ending a few ideas occurred to me.

1. In the U.S., should the electoral college system be dropped and replaced with direct/popular vote?

2. In the U.S., should governors and/or senators have term limits like the president?

3. Who did you support/vote for in the U.S. election?

4. What was the main reason you supported/voted for your chosen candidate?
-I agree with their ideals
-I dislike both candidates but think the other candidate is worse
-I was siding with my (political) party

Post #786568 - Reply to (#779319) by jacob66
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7:49 am, Nov 7 2020
Posts: 10709

Quote from jacob66
How about a basic trolly problem:

You’re stuck on a runaway trolly and have to make it go down one of two different tracks. On the left track is one person on the right track are two people, default track is right. Which track do you choose?

-Left, 1 person dies & 2 live

-Right, 2 people die & 1 lives

-Don’t decide, fate already chose the track it will go down.


A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #786698

3:46 pm, Nov 8 2020
Posts: 20

Which is more valuable to you, family or friends?

Post #786801
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12:19 pm, Nov 13 2020
Posts: 648

How about ‘are we living in a simulation?’ with answers ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘it doesn’t matter’ and whatever else. A friend posted this on Twitter recently and I was surprised by the results. In a bad way 🙈

Post #786811 - Reply to (#779586) by jacob66
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11:49 pm, Nov 13 2020
Posts: 10709

Quote from jacob66
Here’s a real basic one:

In an RPG game/world which do you choose to use:




-Ranged Weapon

Sort of like this...

A just ruler amongst tyrants

10:19 am, Nov 14 2020
Posts: 1

If you were to choose a single anime / manga story to take over as protagonist and live the same life as he/she did which would you choose?
(I know this isn't a poll exactly but I think it would be interesting to see which life people choose also I believe having a wide range of choices from multiple genres is best like adding bleach sailor moon niskoie
Fujimura Kun and so on)

Post #786830
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9:39 pm, Nov 14 2020
Posts: 164

Should a lesser evil (example: an honorable yakuza clan) be overlooked to prevent a greater evil (example: a violent gangs) from taking its place?




6:22 am, Nov 15 2020
Posts: 8

I sometimes saw discussions or comments on some anime/manga, saying something like “everyone is beautiful, no matter what shape, size, and color”, but these comments are usually directed towards the protagonists. While, often times, fat and ugly traits are actually given to the bad characters.
So, my poll suggestion is;

Based on appearances ONLY, do you think every single person in this world is beautiful or do you think there are also people who are born average or even ugly?

-Everyone is beautiful
-There are ugly people too


6:09 am, Nov 16 2020
Posts: 27

Warn: Banned

I want some in-depth polls man. Way too general and way too mainstream for me. I know that they are the ones that involve a lot of engagements but man, give some time and space for some mangas and shows that deserve more attention but isn't getting it.

Post #786964 - Reply to (#779828) by Desert
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9:36 am, Nov 21 2020
Posts: 10709

Quote from Desert
What's your Gender?

-Non-binary/Gender Neutral

What's your sexual orientation?

-Other/not mentioned


A just ruler amongst tyrants
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