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Site Manga Poll Suggestions

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Post #286143 - Reply to (#285154) by kiddo
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10:40 am, May 9 2009
Posts: 10691

Quote from kiddo
What is your common/general reading method?
- Read each release as soon as it comes out.
- Wait a while and read releases in sets (i.e. volumes).
- Wait until the series is complete before reading.

This kinda leans towards scanlations. If you want to alter this, go right ahead.

Tagged. You're it

A just ruler amongst tyrants

5:14 am, May 16 2009
Posts: 17

A poll about the age groups here.

Younger than 13
Older than 21


3:58 pm, May 16 2009
Posts: 259

Hmmm... How do they say meow? Like meow, nya, mya, nyoro, nyan, myan, mao, and etc.

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1:31 am, May 18 2009
Posts: 3

I thought of helping you guys, so I will give it a try and hope you'll like my idea's:

"How much manga do you read in one go?"
(a chapter - a few chapters - a volume - a couple of volumes - a serie [10+ v] - a massive series [20+ v])

"Which manga persona does your loved one resemble?"
(None, I'm single - Tsundre - Kawaii etc.)

"What manga 'world' would you prefer to be in?"
(There should be 1-2 famous series from most genres)

"Do you like Asian food and what kind?"
(No thanx, McDrive for me - Japanese/sushi - Chinese -Thai - Vietnamese etc)

I hope you can use them smile I'll submit some more at another point.

- SC

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8:24 pm, May 22 2009
Posts: 1705

1. How much do Comments and Reviews affect your choice in picking up a new series?

If there isn't anything said yet, I'm not picking it up
Very much
A little, at the very least, it might go on my Wish LIst
I don't really care or look at them anyway

2. Doujinshi?

I enjoy reading about anything related to my favourite series'
No thanks, I'm afraid it might scar my memories
It's not by the original mangaka so I'm not interested
Umm... Maybe just the SFW ones?

(feel free to edit phrases or add new choices smile )

Last edited by CatzCradle at 12:19 am, May 23 2009

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Post #291173

6:52 pm, May 23 2009
Posts: 8

It often seems like a lot of people in the manga/anime community are of Asian ethnicity. I was curious how high a percentage were Asian. I was a bit unsure how to word it, so if you were to choose it, would you please improve the phrasing. Maybe East Asian instead of Asian?

Are you Asian?
- Asian living in Asia.
- Born in Asia, but living temporarily somewhere else, e.g. exchange student.
- Born in Asia, but living permanently somewhere else.
- Of Asian ethnicity, but born and living somewhere else.
- Non-Asian living in Asia.
- Non-Asian living somewhere else.

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10:26 pm, May 23 2009
Posts: 838

Well, this isn't the most relevant of polls but it's tough to come up with anything interesting nowadays.

Do you enjoy the outdoors?

-I live outside. I was raised by raccoons.
-I love the outdoors. UV radiation is a myth.
-I need to get out more. I smell like feet.
-There's no scanlations on the street!
-My skin is pink and pasty like a newborn bunny rabbit.
-Natural sunlight?! I'm blind!

Post #291243
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5:20 am, May 24 2009
Posts: 91

What type of personality do you prefer in an antagonist?

Good guy gone bad
A rival with honor
Completely insane and evil
Decietful and cunning
Strong but easy to fool
Corrupted by twisted ideals

Kinda curious to see what people like. You could also add a few alternatives... but this is all I can come up with right now. =)

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."
Post #291360 - Reply to (#291243) by Orka_n
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Inactive Phantom

2:36 pm, May 24 2009
Posts: 1078

Quote from Orka_n
What type of personality do you prefer in an antagonist?

I think we had one similar to that already, actually.

This poll would obviously only apply to those who purchase manga, but I believe a sizeable amount of MU members do anyway.
What do/would you do with a manga volume you no longer read and want?
- Recycle it/bin it
- Hand it in to my local library
- Sell it to a secondhand bookstore
- Sell it online/elsewhere
- Give it to a friend/family member
- Put it away in a box/shelf/compartment
- Other (please specify)

Or perhaps this one, if it isn't too personal;
Has the global recession and economic crises affected your manga purchasing/reading habits?
- Yes! I can no longer afford to spend any money on manga
- Yes, but I still buy some from time to time
- No
- No, but has affected my other purchasing habits

Post #292128
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Dark Otaku

11:49 pm, May 26 2009
Posts: 96

How about, "is manga better than western style comics?"

Yeah, duh
Yes, but not much...
I'd say they're equally good.
No, western style comics rock!
I don't read western style comics.
I don't read manga -_-;

Something like that.

I wonder if there is a synonym for "western style comics"...

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12:04 am, May 27 2009
Posts: 254

1)Type of music you listen to:
* rock
* pop
* dance
* latino
* rap
* R&B ...and so on ...

2)Fav color maybe

3)Talents one has:
* drawing
* singing
* sports
* eating bigrazz
* sleeping embarrassed

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I love vampires.

8:44 pm, May 27 2009
Posts: 13

Favorite genre?

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Lord of nonsense

8:51 pm, May 27 2009
Posts: 1310

Favorite Government type?


etc >_>

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Post #292517 - Reply to (#292423) by Chaoswind
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2nd wave MU user

4:21 am, May 28 2009
Posts: 7784

Quote from Chaoswind
Favorite Government type?


etc >_>

On a forum like this, democracy is very likely the winner.

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Monkey. :B

5:02 am, May 28 2009
Posts: 1966

^ As depicted in many threads...

Why visit anime/manga related sites?
~Read the latest news on series I follow, or hope to.
~In hopes of finding new releases.
~To discuss anime/manga in forum topics.
~Keep contact with/meet fellow anime/manga fans.
~In hopes to contribute to the community. (O_O?)

How long have you been visiting manga-related sites for?
~Started just recently.
~ -6 months.
~+6 months.
~About a year.
~More than a year.

Longest time you've spent online? (Manga related or not.)
~ I'm online all the time. It's an addiction!
~3-4 hours max.
~Over 6 hours.
~Over 12 hours.
~More than a day.

Genre you most associate yourself with?
*insert genres here* ...too many to list. >.>

Your news source? (Non-manga related)
~ T.V.
~I don't read/follow news.

Scanlation pet peeves was a good suggestion as well! Too far back to quote it though. O_O

-And this is what boredom does to you: Gives you boring ideas. .__.

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Monkeys, always at your service.
Quote from NightSwan
I have to thank you again. It's been a while since I've had this much d**k on my computer. :'3
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