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Site Manga Poll Suggestions

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12:05 pm, Apr 9 2011
Posts: 57

Have you read or watched a manga or anime that had a huge impact in your life to better yourself and pursed a dream?

-I learned the Guitar from watching/reading K-on.
-I decided to learn martial arts from watching/reading History Strongest Disciple Kenichi.
-I decided to read and speak japanese because of anime/manga.
-Made me see life in different view.
-Interest in your own adventure from reading/watching One Piece.
-It had no impact at all except more reading impact.

This is all of the things that I decided to do except "It had no impact at all except more reading impact." when I first started reading and watching manga/anime. Anime and Manga can have the really possitive effects and complete negative ones.

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7:53 pm, Apr 9 2011
Posts: 83

Would/has the hosting or listing of some types/categories of manga stopped you from 'liking' or openly acknowledging use of a manga site on social media?

- Yes, I'm worried about other's going onto the site. I don't want to be associated with it.
- No, I don't have to like any of those genres.
- Yes and I only 'like' or read certain manga titles and not the site so it's okay.
- Yes... No... kind of? I pretend those kinds of manga don't exist.
- No, if I Iike something you get to hear about it biggrin
- Yeah, it sucks.
- It would except I don't care.

Post #460897
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1:15 am, Apr 12 2011
Posts: 82

It might be interesting to ask, "Do you ever feel like you have read all the manga ever written in your genre?" Cause sometimes I think I have, but after hours or weeks of hunting I find some fabulous new, or old, thing. But I haven't expressed the question well, so modifications are welcome. One of the options would be that you still hang on, hoping you'll live to eighty and get to see all the tiny, incremental updates and completions... Or that a mangaka who dropped some fabulous thing in the middle will pick up the pen again and get to work. ( ;_ ; )

P.S. My answer to the above post about sensitive site listings is that I think manga sites deal with the issue very responsibly, and do good self-governance. So everyone should just do their own thing and not worry about what other people like. smile Every type of manga has it's close-knit little circle of fans, and it's an important part of the internet that you may freely express yourself without fear. I think most internet users try to be responsible, considering there are children peeping everywhere. ;o

Last edited by nowyat at 1:36 am, Apr 12 2011


8:08 am, Apr 13 2011
Posts: 8

I realised that the Japanese animation/manga/light novel story is really quite tightly bound together. So I was thinking, what was everyone's take on one thing based on another? Is it fine for you to read/watch something you have already seen? Do you prefer original manga/anime to stuff based on something else which was original first, or are you strictly an 'original work' fan? Or are both a-okay? Personally, I prefer original stuff, since the orignal form is usually the best representation, but what are everyone's views on this?

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11:44 pm, Apr 15 2011
Posts: 333

I thought this would be fitting with the news of manga companies shutting down/canceling series so:

Do you purchase manga or other types of merchandise (anime dvd, figures, etc.) when it is liscenced in your country?
- Yes! I have to support the industry!
- I buy some stuff (only manga, or only dvds for example).
- No, I only read off the net.
- No, I have no money to do so.
- They don't sell these stuff in my country.
- I don't read manga/anime to need this stuff.

You can change around the answers if you wish to do so.

Post #461916 - Reply to (#457309) by icassop
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12:49 pm, Apr 16 2011
Posts: 10683

Quote from icassop
Do you read the credits/insert pages in scanlations?
- Yes.
- No.
- Sometimes.
- Only explanatory notes.
(- They're annoying.)


A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #461998
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4:35 pm, Apr 16 2011
Posts: 12

Do you have any friends in your neirborhood/school/house etc that you can talk about manga/anime stuff with (do not include people tthat you talk only through the internet)?

yes, lots of them and we meet often
yes a lot but we dont keep in touch a lot
not many
very few
I only meet them in festivals, conventions

(there coud be other choices)

sorry about the grammar, my first language is Spanish , so... roll

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The Shorty

5:29 pm, Apr 16 2011
Posts: 330

How many times do you read your e-mail?
-every day
-every week
-once a month
-never unless you are searching for something specific


7:12 pm, Apr 17 2011
Posts: 18

What form of media do you use to read manga?

Iphone/Ipod Touch
Others (don't know if there's really any other)

For scanlation, do you prefer to

Download it
Read it on online reader
Watch it on youtube (yea seriously, there are people posting chapters of manga on youtube)

My anime store
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insomniac Kagehime

8:15 am, Apr 23 2011
Posts: 2707

Did you ever want to try the japanese food you see in manga/anime?
Except the failed food, yes
Only if it does look really good
I already tried some
I live/d in japan

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Post #463759 - Reply to (#461195) by HouseOfBlack
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12:06 pm, Apr 23 2011
Posts: 10683

Quote from HouseOfBlack
I realised that the Japanese animation/manga/light novel story is really quite tightly bound together. So I was thinking, what was everyone's take on one thing based on another? Is it fine for you to read/watch something you have already seen? Do you prefer original manga/anime to stuff based on something else which was original first, or are you strictly an 'original work' fan? Or are both a-okay? Personally, I prefer original stuff, since the orignal form is usually the best representation, but what are everyone's views on this?


A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #463924
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3:11 am, Apr 24 2011
Posts: 1

Does'nt Really matter to me if it's got a good story but isn't a complete rip off of the original then it should be fine

Post #463925 - Reply to (#463924) by atagl2
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insomniac Kagehime

3:13 am, Apr 24 2011
Posts: 2707

Quote from atagl2
Does'nt Really matter to me if it's got a good story but isn't a complete rip off of the original then it should be fine

wrong thread

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currently reading: Nyotai-ka
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6:08 am, Apr 24 2011
Posts: 141

as a kind of follow up to this weeks poll i thought that something like "how do you feel about Fillers in your Anime."

i think the majority would be against fillers but i wouldnt mind hearing the other side (i mean there has to be someone who doesnt hate fillers right?). i really dont know what to put for the answers but they would be some what similar to the current poll

Post #465213 - Reply to (#461782) by Karonhioktha
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1:46 am, Apr 30 2011
Posts: 10683

Quote from Karonhioktha
I thought this would be fitting with the news of manga companies shutting down/canceling series so:

Do you purchase manga or other types of merchandise (anime dvd, figures, etc.) when it is liscenced in your country?
- Yes! I have to support the industry!
- I buy some stuff (only manga, or only dvds for example).
- No, I only read off the net.
- No, I have no money to do so.
- They don't sell these stuff in my country.
- I don't read manga/anime to need this stuff.

You can change around the answers if you wish to do so.

Something similar to this...

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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