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Site Manga Poll Suggestions

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9:51 pm, Jun 12 2023
Posts: 3

When you see the title “Prince of ________”, what word do you use to fill the blank?
* Tennis (sports manga/anime franchise)
* Stride (Japanese VN/sports anime)
* Persia (Ubisoft video game franchise)
* Egypt (Dreamworks animated film)
* the City (1981 film)
* other

If you have any more possible answers, feel free to include them.

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8:50 pm, Jun 14 2023
Posts: 139

What religion were you raised in (even if you no longer practice)?

- Christian (Catholic)
- Christian (Protestant)
- Mormon/LDS
- Jehovah's Witness
- Jewish
- Muslim
- Hindu
- Sikh
- Buddhist
- Shinto
- Baháʼí
- Taoist
- Zoroastrian
- Jain
- Other
- None

Post #802766 - Reply to (#800431) by LazyReviewer
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9:59 am, Jun 17 2023
Posts: 10683

Quote from LazyReviewer
What sector/industry creates the best or most memorable advertisements?
- Medical
- Automotive
- Food
- Military
- Government
- Entertainment
- Charity
- Scam
- Personal Health
- Insurance
- House/Garden

Personally, there are two local businesses who regularly played entertaining ads on regional television stations. And honestly, the one company made what I argue are the funniest ads ever run: An actor with the perfect shock/horror look on his face going through several commercials where his house ends up damaged or destroyed in various, exaggerated ways as he makes a futile attempt to stop the destruction.

Sadly, no one has uploaded them to YouTube. I miss those ads greatly.


A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #802774

8:50 pm, Jun 17 2023
Posts: 67

When was the last time you actually read manga in physical print form (magazines or tankobon/volumes)?
-Very recently (up to a week ago)
-Recently (up to a month ago)
-Not that recently (up to a year ago)
-It's been a while (more than a year ago)
-It's been a very long time (more than a decade ago)
-Never (I've only ever read scans & digital releases)

If I've made a thread in the "I'm Looking For..." forum, I am only interested in Japanese manga. I am not interested in non-Japanese media at this time.
Post #802842 - Reply to (#800548) by Afiaki
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10:50 pm, Jun 24 2023
Posts: 10683

Quote from Afiaki
On the eve of 2023, I sincerely hope everyone has a great new year. I wish you all the best.

What is your favourite pre-2006 planet (except Earth)?

⚪️ Mercury
⚪️ Venus
⚪️ Mars
⚪️ Jupiter
⚪️ Saturn
⚪️ Uranus
⚪️ Neptune
⚪️ Pluto


A just ruler amongst tyrants
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12:12 pm, Jun 28 2023
Posts: 24

If you could choose a superpower it would be:
-Time manipulation
- Teleportation
- Shapeshifting
- Elemental control
- Super strength
- Mind control
- Energy manipulation

Don’t believe in the me that believe in you, don’t believe in the you that believes in me, believe in yourself who believes in you!
Post #802887
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3:19 pm, Jun 28 2023
Posts: 66

Assuming all methods were available, how would you generally prefer to support an artist?

⚪️ Ad-watching
⚪️ Buying their finished Art product
⚪️ Crowdfunding a specific Project
⚪️ Direct donation
⚪️ Merchandise (of their art)
⚪️ Subscription (e.g., Patreon)
⚪️ A combination of the above!
⚪️ Some other way...

Last edited by Afiaki at 4:15 am, Oct 31 2023

Post #802892 - Reply to (#802887) by Afiaki

7:52 am, Jun 29 2023
Posts: 197

Can we please add "it depends" if this gets chosen? For example: I actually like Genshin Impact for the most part, but I sure as heck don't want Starfield to demand I make wishes for characters. Two different games I appreciate two different ways of monetizing.

I'm a jack of all trades but master of none. Too many jars and not enough hands.
Post #802916 - Reply to (#800694) by mallika23
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11:14 am, Jul 1 2023
Posts: 10683

Quote from mallika23
If you somehow got a time regression and repeat your life, in which point of your life would you like to repeat it?

1. Newborns
2. Infants/toddlers
3. School age
4. Adolescent
5. College life
6. Adulthood

(Or other options, if any. I'm not sure.😅)


A just ruler amongst tyrants

2:37 am, Jul 4 2023
Posts: 197

There is a glass, there is water exactly halfway between empty and full. The glass is...

- Half-empty
- Half-full

I'm a jack of all trades but master of none. Too many jars and not enough hands.
Post #802965 - Reply to (#802892) by LazyReviewer
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5:49 am, Jul 4 2023
Posts: 66

Can we please add "it depends" if this gets chosen? For example: I actually like Genshin Impact for the most part, but I sure as heck don't want Starfield to demand I make wishes for characters. Two different games I appreciate two different ways of monetizing.

I generally like to get fence-sitters off their perch as much as possible with questions like these, but thinking about it I do actually totally understand that perspective.

I’m not sure yet if I want to include ‘It depends…’ literally, or modify the wording of the question, but I’ll be sure to acknowledge this when I edit the suggestion next.

On average, how many hours of sleep do you get?
⚪️ 2 hours or less
⚪️ 3 hours
⚪️ 4 hours
⚪️ 5 hours
⚪️ 6 hours
⚪️ 7 hours
⚪️ 8 hours
⚪️ 9 hours
⚪️ 10 hours
⚪️ 11 hours or more


9:40 am, Jul 12 2023
Posts: 19

From the scanlation perspective, what is your current status ?

1- scanlator
2- reader
3- both
4- none of these

As english is not my native language some rephrasing may be needed here... (my bad)

Post #803093 - Reply to (#801548) by AUOdere
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11:50 am, Jul 15 2023
Posts: 10683

Quote from AUOdere
Which would you rather choose:
1. Be able to get any physical manga for free but never be able to read or collect digitally ever again.
2. Be able to download and read any manga digitally, but never be able to touch or own a physical volume again.

if chosen, feel free to reword for clarity haha

Chose this but made it a lot simpler

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #803104 - Reply to (#664081) by RocketDive
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5:21 am, Jul 16 2023
Posts: 109

Quote from RocketDive
This has probably been done before but....

Mainly, where do you buy your psychical manga?
- Major online retailers (Amazon, Rightstuf, etc)
- Second hand/used online (Ebay, LiveJournal, etc)
- Local retailers
- Other
- I don't buy manga

I suggest that we ask this question again since it's related to this week's poll and in the past 8 years many things have changed, especially how people make purchases. I feel like a lot more people order things online these days.

Last edited by ForeignerChan at 5:25 am, Jul 16 2023

Post #803211 - Reply to (#803104) by ForeignerChan
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2:38 pm, Jul 22 2023
Posts: 10683

Quote from ForeignerChan
Quote from RocketDive
This has probably been done before but....

Mainly, where do you buy your psychical manga?
- Major online retailers (Amazon, Rightstuf, etc)
- Second hand/used online (Ebay, LiveJournal, etc)
- Local retailers
- Other
- I don't buy manga

I suggest that we ask this question again since it's related to this week's poll and in the past 8 years many things have changed, especially how people make purchases. I feel like a lot more people order things online these days.


A just ruler amongst tyrants
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