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high-school grades

how were your HS grades?
my total score was above 70, but i had some F's
my score was avarage but i had no F's
im a perfect geek, i had amazing grades.
im a human being, i had amazingly not-good grades
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Ancient Alien

1:57 pm, Nov 9 2011
Posts: 312

I was a very lazy student :/ I still am. Teachers either really like me or are frustrated with me because I am quite smart, I just don't have the motivation to show it through grades.

Post #506456
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2:56 pm, Nov 9 2011
Posts: 150

I had good grades in high school, but high school is a joke. Really you do not have to try hard to do well there, at least in America, I don't know how people find it so difficult. If you can't cut it in high school how the hell are you going to make it in college or the harsh non forgiving real world, because high school is about the last time you can screw around and still get shit done well.

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3:38 pm, Nov 9 2011
Posts: 14

Im a sophomore now and my grades are average but last year I nearly failed my english class and I got a D in my Bio class. Worst grades Id ever had.

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3:42 pm, Nov 9 2011
Posts: 47

I'm doing mediocre in most of my classes, and now it's getting really stressful dead since univeristy application are going to be sent out soon. I actually have no one but myself to blame for te decline since I never do work, and I do half-assed work all the time.

DO NOT MAKE MY MISTAKE! seriously, you think high school isn't important but really, if you want to go to University or college they LOOK at your marks, and you'll regret not getting enough marks to get into the program you wanted, then it's real difficult to find a good job then.

Unless you wanna work at wal-mart forever. roll eyes

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Post #506467 - Reply to (#506465) by QueenTashaOfNarnia
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3:50 pm, Nov 9 2011
Posts: 389

Quote from QueenTashaOfNarnia
Unless you wanna work at wal-mart forever. roll eyes

that doesn't sound so bad ;P
MacDonald's is alot worse! LOL

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3:56 pm, Nov 9 2011
Posts: 85

i'm pretty average. mostly A's few B's. i was actually a hard worker until the middle of last year. i just didn't care anymore, working so hard and whatnot. yeah, a slacker now, but i still make decent grades. i'm a senior in high school. hopefully my 94% average of all academic classes since freshman year will not go down. btw calculus is dead

Post #506490
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Is a female

5:30 pm, Nov 9 2011
Posts: 3457

I did well in my GCSE's, not so well in my A-Levels, just about passed my foundation degree, yet I am currently at University despite the average turn out of my grades.

Grades aren't everything. Don't let them take over your life completely. I'm not saying they're not important, of course they are, but seriously, don't feel like your life is over if you don't get an A or something :/

Oh and also, don't think acing high school and going to University will guarantee you a decent job. Many grads end up having to work in places like Wal-mart and McDs until they can find somewhere that will actually give a damn about the degree they've been working their asses off to get and paid a fuck load for.
Seriously, these employers care more about experience than qualifications from what I've been hearing.

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Sly Blue

7:18 pm, Nov 9 2011
Posts: 514

Mine range from 75-85.. with an occasional 86-93 (very rare though)
Im in grade 11

Eh not too bad, but I do study like crazy, I guess this is the highest mark that I can obtain *shrug*

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Post #506517 - Reply to (#506456) by Rabin
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Ancient Alien

9:11 pm, Nov 9 2011
Posts: 312

Quote from Rabin
I had good grades in high school, but high school is a joke. Really you do not have to try hard to do well there, at least in America, I don't know how people find it so difficult. If you can't cut it in high school how the hell are you going to make it in college or the harsh non forgiving real world, because high school is about the last time you can screw around and still get shit done well.

Well, actually I find college a lot easier.


9:18 pm, Nov 9 2011
Posts: 73

I got all A's and B's 10th-12th grade (I messed up bad 9th grade) and I smoked weed everyday before school and during lunch (we were allowed off campus).
Started college recently and it's basically the same story, minus the lunchtime burn roll eyes

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9:27 pm, Nov 9 2011
Posts: 136

i was always a good student i dont know why but for me was really easy to score good grades until i start university then i was shocked when in my first exams i get 26 eek ,
then i find that it was normal for some classes so now my score goes to 60 (the best) and i'm still in the good grades lol (btw you can add points by complete a lot of projects, so you get a better final grade)

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Free Like A Bird

3:57 pm, Nov 12 2011
Posts: 196

I'm a human being, i had amazingly not-good grades laugh , Especially Math..... bigrazz

Last edited by HaruTheBirds at 3:35 pm, Nov 14 2011

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Post #507505

7:53 am, Nov 15 2011
Posts: 18

Hm, in high school I basically went from a 79% - 87% by the end of high school. This may not seem like much but in middle school I was getting 60s and was happy with that lol. Mainly because I stopped taking math courses and took up humanities because I'm better at writing and analysis than calculations.

Never got a 50% or below that in my life... until I hit university. Well I'm only in my 3rd month into uni and I came very close to failing my last test with a C- haha. sad

But yeah, high school grades really don't matter. Idk about those in America/the UK cause you have SATs, GCSEs, etc, but where I'm from in Canada you only need a certain average that the universities look for in order to be admitted. Of course some programs require a lot more supplementary info but whatever, when uni rolls around you realize that all that work in high school only served to gain you entrance into something requiring ten times more work sob

Post #507539
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Psycho. Cracked.

12:25 pm, Nov 15 2011
Posts: 166

You know, not everybody here is from the USA so the poll has a great missing part.
Like in Germany they have the maximal grade of 15 points or GB with A, B or the sort. In Mexico it's from 0 to 10.
Germany has one of the most complicated grade calculating system, mind you = =
Well whatever, I'm still in high school so I cannot tell much about how my grade will turn out in the end.

Man is more ape than many of the apes.
Post #507540
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12:29 pm, Nov 15 2011
Posts: 989

^ try to convert your grades
or just say whether yours are good or not

mine is okay, i guess. i did decent in most subjects
but sucked really hard at literature, chemistry and PE

its cold down here fam ~
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