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Shameful Faults about your Persona

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Post #232498
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The hope

1:23 pm, Nov 30 2008
Posts: 205

hmm, I have a bad habit of looking down on people, especially the ones who are new to me. I always act kind of high and mighty and normally don't give much credit to people. lol, my mom was telling me that I am acting like some spoiled, selfish royalty and thats why no one can bear with me for a long time. I know I have to change myself but well, it is not that easy. none

Last edited by LillithGloria at 1:50 pm, Nov 30 2008

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2:59 pm, Nov 30 2008
Posts: 435

im really easily addicted to stuff and i let myself go so i guess no self control n i keep alot of things to myself
theres also times when i lie,have attitude problems and when im angry i take it out on otherpeople none gosh i sound horrid

never fr0wn cause you never know whos in love with your sm smile e
Your mind is like a parachute it works best when its open
Post #232528
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3:04 pm, Nov 30 2008
Posts: 3120

i'm way too lazy...

Post #232529 - Reply to (#232399) by Dr. Love
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3:11 pm, Nov 30 2008
Posts: 272

Quote from Dr. Love
... getting bored of people after a certain period of time, or can't help but lying each day.
Still, after all is said and done, you have a trustworthy person by your side. cool Silence is an intimate way of communicating too~

Seriously are you my doppelganger or something ? cool

This stuff goes for me too; lying is bliss, there's no reason to ever tell the truth roll
Also the bad habit of always postponing things untill it's too late...
And yeah a little bit more self control would be desirable as well...

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The Gorilla Killa™

3:19 pm, Nov 30 2008
Posts: 3229

Lazy (Fixing that)
Getting mad too easily (Fixing that too)
Lying to people just to get off of the phone with them (I'd rather talk to them face-to-face, or on an IM)

Quote from Klapzi
The cool part is that I never get tired of being deceived

Quote from tactics
Just because someone's head was chopped off doesn't mean they're dead. That's just silly.

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Post #232537
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3:47 pm, Nov 30 2008
Posts: 1027

I make to many promises/plans at the same time and then bust myself trying to keep all of them...and often fail in doing so.

I'm quite reckless at times and I often don't think things through.
I forget things I'm not keen on doing.

I don't like (f***ing hate) loosing...even if I'm bad at something and am loosing to a better person, I'll curse and make all kinds of excuses for my loss.

crap...there's so many more...

If the sea were made of Whiskey and I was a duck
I'd swim to the bottom and never come up
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3:47 pm, Nov 30 2008
Posts: 612

i can't help but think that you created this thread to sneakily gather defects in our personality and character to blackmail us later on none

on the other hand, i'm a very successful procrastinator...successful in terms of getting away with handing in assignments late, and getting good grades for assignments i've just barely finished hours prior to handing them in cool

The Deviant
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4:01 pm, Nov 30 2008
Posts: 29

i set myself up for disappointment sometimes

other than that, i think im just fine.

consolidate this!
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unknown species

5:01 pm, Nov 30 2008
Posts: 909

bloody hell, where do i begin...

>obviously lazy
>i lie too much
>i neither think too much about things or do/say things without any thought at all
>i am a sorta quiet person so people see me as innocent ect, so i use that to my advantage bigrazz eg. i didnt like this girl at school (telling lies to make herself more popular) so i told my mum she was bullying me and she got in trouble
>i am very competitive
>i am impatient
>i get easily angered.
there are more but its too embarrassing.........

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5:24 pm, Nov 30 2008
Posts: 2028

I'm shy around girls
I'm very forgetfull
I am an ass sometimes

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5:34 pm, Nov 30 2008
Posts: 4917

I'm lazy, i am a sexual person, i am unmotivated to the point where if i could just sleep all the time i would, i regret to much, i try to please everyone so i wont ever be alone again, and I eat alot even tho i am already fat. dead

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5:42 pm, Nov 30 2008
Posts: 3342

I'm scared of realizing that my best isn't good enough...
So I never give my best so that I can never find out.
Escapism? or pride?

The only thing I can give my best at is improveing my self... so that my mediocre becomes good enough. That's why I can get through life stress free...
It's worked so far, but now I lack passion and motivation in just about everything.


Don't judge me

"“That's the difference between me and the rest of the world!
Happiness isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!” "
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5:58 pm, Nov 30 2008
Posts: 838

I'm a misogynist, racist and slightly homophobic, just like almost every guy who went through public school in Brooklyn.

Post #232571 - Reply to (#232565) by drunkguy
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Sweet Contagions

6:11 pm, Nov 30 2008
Posts: 33

Quote from drunkguy
I'm a misogynist, racist and slightly homophobic, just like almost every guy who went through public school in Brooklyn.

What, really? What is it about Brooklyn?

About me, umm well I tend to be OCD and depressive.

Heisenberg may have slept here.
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6:32 pm, Nov 30 2008
Posts: 830

I'm misanthropic, patronising, sarcastic, jealous, procrastinate at everything, tardy, lack empathy, secretive, deeply resentful, talkative, deliberately annoying, have the inability to tolerate vanity or shallowness, untrusting, easily bored, tenacious.

I have good points as well. I swear, lol.

Sometimes I lie awake at night and ask 'Where have I gone wrong?' and a little voice answered 'This is going to take more than one night'
~ It amuses me. By Charlie Brown I think.

The pen is mightier than the sword...and considerably easier to write with.
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