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4:19 am, Sep 21 2014
Posts: 187

I don't understand how some of you can "not care" about sexism? Why in the world don't you? Don't you think it's important to stop physical and emotional harassment against (roughly) half of the people existing on earth just because they were born with female genitals? Don't you care whether people, *people you know*, your sisters, mothers, girlfriends, friends will probably be assaulted at some point during their lives? Don't you care that they feel insecure, that they feel as if they are a man's belonging, that they can't go out alone, that they have to beware of the men around them??
HOW CAN YOU NOT CARE?! Please tell me, I need an answer to this.

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Post #652550 - Reply to (#652512) by Lorska
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4:21 am, Sep 21 2014
Posts: 187

I'm guessing you don't know much about masochists. They usually -to not say always- don't like being raped. I suggest you look it up if you don't understand why.

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Post #652552 - Reply to (#652503) by Scyfon

4:40 am, Sep 21 2014
Posts: 65

My brother died due to red pill overdose. You should be careful.

Post #652553 - Reply to (#652498) by Reyalsdog

4:42 am, Sep 21 2014
Posts: 65

reverse harems are completely realistic

Post #652554 - Reply to (#652444) by anmo
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5:02 am, Sep 21 2014
Posts: 187

Quote from anmo
You forgot the category "sexism at all is not tolerable."
I don't want to decide, because sexism is always wrong.

I go for this also.

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Post #652557 - Reply to (#652479) by Kiks
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5:26 am, Sep 21 2014
Posts: 79

Read some shojo by minami kanan, shinjo mayu and the'll see plenty of girls fall in love with their rapist....

Post #652558 - Reply to (#652549) by Aijin-of-Iwa

5:26 am, Sep 21 2014
Posts: 65

Don't think it's much "I don't care about sexism" as it is "I don't care much about the tropes listed in the poll"

"you're a girl" and "all women are" tend to be said by characters who are set up to not be very bright and tend to be proven wrong

Objectification is not all that gender specific in manga, and in the more immature ones, pretty much every character and thing is a sex toy.

Rape as love and rape as comedy has more problems with it than just sexism (take sexism out of rape, it's still rape).

Don't see too many Damsel in Distress in manga outside of battle shounens (battle shounen are not known for their maturity)

Likewise the cruel fangirls is a staple of shoujo manga (it's more saying "every girl besides the MC is a bitch" where the MC is the audience and the fangirls are "everyone else")

and the Madonna/whore thing is not much of a problem with manga (mangaka loves blurring that line) as it is the fanbases (they're the ones giving death threats when the mangaka does said blurring).

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6:07 am, Sep 21 2014
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Do these tropes commonly occur in shoujo or something? Cuz I can't recall ever seeing some of these. Objectification bothers me, but that isn't just in manga. Crazy fangirls are super annoying, and I understand their purpose in the story so it doesn't bother me much. The thing that really irritates me is the damsel in distress, who usually exists in the story to fulfill that role and not much else.

Post #652565 - Reply to (#652530) by auriga
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6:48 am, Sep 21 2014
Posts: 387

No, I didn't.

Don't ruin the moment.

Post #652566 - Reply to (#652554) by Aijin-of-Iwa

7:00 am, Sep 21 2014
Posts: 16

Quote from Aijin-of-Iwa
Quote from zeroINUGAMI
also how come most of them are only sexist tropes against females, there are tons of sexist tropes against males (shoujos are full of them)

I go for this also.

^ditto that

I can't even choose because all of these tropes are super annoying. no There should be an "all of the above" option.

Post #652568 - Reply to (#652549) by Aijin-of-Iwa
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7:06 am, Sep 21 2014
Posts: 39

Quote from Aijin-of-Iwa
I don't understand how some of you can "not care" about sexism? Why in the world don't you? Don't you think it's important to stop physical and emotional harassment against (roughly) half of the people existing on earth just because they were born with female genitals?

Well, you're talking on the world level, and obviously 'sexism' is generally a bad thing in reality. I could easily vote that 'I don't care' in this particular poll because it's asking me my views on "sexism" within manga, a medium of entertainment that's practically designed to exaggerate tropes.

Also, the poll is a double edged sword. For every bit of 'female sexism' listed, there has to be a male implicating it. I hate that the male population is portrayed in this manner more than I hate how the fictional female gets harassed, as I feel the former's a more telling introspect on what the author thinks, whereas the latter is just his or her made up reaction.

But really? Lighten up.

Post #652571
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The Yullenator

7:19 am, Sep 21 2014
Posts: 122

"Falling in love with their rapist"--welp. I can't say much about this, because it happens way too much in yaoi manga, and I can't say I haven't seen it done well, because I think Koisuru Boukun and Sakura Gari and a few others are great reads. But in general, it's done with terrible rape apologia and it's disgusting no matter what gender. There are people who get off on rape and hey I'm not gonna judge their kinks as long as they remain fantasies and they don't confuse reality with it, but the romanticized rape that appears so much in Japanese fiction and porn is rather sickening. At least Koisuru Boukun depicted it more realistically (imo), the conquest lasted at least 6 years, and it was fully acknowledged it was rape within the story. As for Sakura Gari--that was the first time I saw "no-no-no-NO" rather than the typical "no-no-no-YES". ...though he did come back. OTL Still Watase Yuu's only good work.

My vote goes to "girl solely exists to be a love interest"--or worse, the girl solely exists to have the main character as a love interest. For instance, Akari from Hikaru no Go seemed to only be in the story because--I don't know--maybe the editor insisted to have a romantic aspect in the series to "spice things up" even though Hikaru and Sai had a 1000x more profound platonic relationship, and Hikaru and Akira were so destined for each other it was ridiculous. That bugged me more than anything, and Hikaru only ever treats her like a nuisance, which I /do/ think she had coming. But I wish she weren't portrayed so much like a tool. At least Misa Misa from Death Note was more than that and Light's treatment of her was purposely used to show that he became a d-bag.

Objectification doesn't actually bug me that much unless the poses are anatomically incorrect or... y'know, like that spiderwoman cover that people was fussing over a while back.

Damsel in distresses like Elizabeth in Nanatsu no Taizai would be my next biggest annoyance. The Mary Sue types are the worst. Meliodas gropes her all the time and she just lets it happen and it's played off as a joke. I get that she likes Meliodas, but I still don't want harassment being played off as a joke.

I don't really have a problem with most sexist generalizations (my belief is that, in general, women have less physical strength than men, because of several factors including that it's harder for many women to build up muscle, or the general lack of interest in women to bulk up because of society's warped view on feminine beauty (even though Korra is frikkin majestic and she's muscley), or because depending on her environment that her community may discourage her training or becoming stronger, less opportunity throughout history of evolution, etc etc. But ofc it's possible for anyone--not just women--to become physically strong if they are the type to be willing to put in that kind of work. Idk, to say "women are just as strong as men" rings as true to me as the statement "all men are created equal"--wishful thinking that ignores the fact that not everyone has the same window for opportunity. I do believe that women, however, are generally able to withstand more pain than men--because, hello, childbirth. I think women often have different kinds of strength.)

I don't have a problem with depictions of terrible fangirls, either. Unfortunately, terrible fangirls exist in large numbers in real life (see South Korea, especially). Men typically fight through actions, but women can be really, really cruel to each other. Even if they don't use physical strength, the psychological battles and social wars that they fight (especially with bullying in Asia) are often much more terrible. no

I've also seen Seth Macfarlane get flamed all the time for sexist remarks like "women have the innate abilty to never ever let anything go"--which I actually agree with, because I'm one of those women. laugh I've also gotten slack for saying "(most) Chinese women can't drive". People give me shit for it, but I grew up being driven around by terrible Chinese female drivers. Seriously, my old counsellor drove slower than I could walk--no joke. When she tried to parallel park, I wanted to hide in a hole. My biological mother crashed the car several times, too. And then my social worker was also terrible.

Speaking of which, yesterday, I picked up Strong Female Character (purposely ironic title) which is a feminist webcomic (surprisingly, written by a guy). Usually, SJ stuff rather suffocates me because tumblrian SJWs are so friggin nasty and often unreasonable. But that comic was a breath of fresh air. Really called into question the meaning of being "strong", and even made me cry a few times. A lesser known antifeminist thing is that "strong" females are often depicted as tomboyish, but girly girls often get made fun of in real life (friggin hipsters)--this is more of a modern N. American phenomenom. The comic also pokes fun at that, which I appreciated.

Last edited by Baniita at 7:36 am, Sep 21 2014

Post #652575 - Reply to (#652568) by regularsharp
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7:50 am, Sep 21 2014
Posts: 187

Quote from regularsharp
Well, you're talking on the world level, and obviously 'sexism' is generally a bad thing in reality. I could easily vote that 'I don't care' in this particular poll because it's asking me my views on "sexism" within manga, a medium of entertainment that's practically designed to exaggera ...

Sexism doesn't always occur between a girl and a boy. A girl can also be sexist. And sexism can also be directed towards men, not only towards women. There is no evidence that the poll is implying a male perpetrator.

And why should I "lighten up"? I take sexism seriously.

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Post #652576 - Reply to (#652553) by nightazday

8:10 am, Sep 21 2014
Posts: 60

lol'd laugh

Post #652587 - Reply to (#652498) by Reyalsdog
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10:32 am, Sep 21 2014
Posts: 981

Quote from Reyalsdog
My most disliked trope isn't here, and that is the shounen harem - the idea that an average guy can have tons of women competing for his attention. I find that more offensive and unrealistic than the other choices, as there are few legitimate plot reasons to support it. Is it so common that its offensive nature is waved away?

And shoujo/yuri/yaoi harem is realistic and fine?


Yes in shoujo, when the plot supports it. Usually they have the appearance of harems, but only one or two of the guys is actually romantically interested in the heroine.
Yes in yaoi, because the guys aren't ordinary. eyes
I don't read yuri.

Last edited by scarletrhodelia at 10:46 am, Sep 21 2014

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