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what is this manga called?

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2:18 pm, Apr 11 2012
Posts: 2

okay I dont remeber it too well but hopefuly this is a good enough description

The uke is a laborer of some kind either construction or window washer the seme is I believe a CEO of some company and the seme want to keep the uke locked away so he wont leave him and there is this one part while they are "doing the do" where the sun light hits the uke and the seme starts thinking how he shouldn't be keeping the uke locked away that its like caging a bird or something

again I apologize for the poor description,but please give it your best shot
thnx a bunch biggrin

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5:13 pm, Apr 20 2012
Posts: 157

Ahh, can't remember the title. It's by Kamo Nabako though. Maybe a one shot in Love Cafe?


1:36 pm, Apr 23 2012
Posts: 2

Yep,it was a one shot in love cafe. Thanks a bunch! biggrin

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