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Tales of Creepy Stalkers, Rejection and Harassment + Bus Stories

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Post #213623 - Reply to (#213619) by CalĂ­bre
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9:21 pm, Oct 10 2008
Posts: 3120

Quote from Calliber
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i remember once there was lady who kept screaming at me in French, couldn't figure out why though....

You must've looked like her Ex...

what makes you say that?

It happened to me once. Some woman came up to me all upset trying to curse me out. She thought I was her Ex... or her baby's daddy. Whatever.

i see....thought it had something to do with being French

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9:31 pm, Oct 10 2008
Posts: 776

When I lived in Florida, one of the guys in my bio class started passing me these weird notes "We need to talk" and then there'd be his phone number. Since I didn't even know the creeps name (I'd been attending that school for 2-3 days when the notes started), I just tossed them. Then, I started getting weird e-mails saying the exact same thing (and I know for a fact that no one in the state had my e-mail address). I'd block the address they were sent from, but then they'd come from another one. He finally gave up and just started telling people we'd done it. So, I finally cussed him out in class one day and the teacher told HIM to stop "that kind of talk" and that was the end of it. Of course, by that time, I had a bunch of weird band friends who'd do who knows what to a stalker (and thanks to a loud conversation with one of said band friends, he knew what)...
Actually, one of my friends had a stalker like that when we were freshmen. He scared all of our group that knew him. The irronic bit: by the time we were all seniors, he was dating a different girl from our group and was best friends with me and the girl he'd stalked.

Last edited by IMustBeInsane at 11:36 pm, Oct 10 2008

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Post #213629 - Reply to (#213539) by bedob
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9:33 pm, Oct 10 2008
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Quote from bedob
Quote from x0mbiec0rp
Quote from amaranthine
Quote from blakraven66
I have a stalker...Her name is Ama...User Posted Image

LOL that's why you're so fun to stalk, Blak~

@Law: That's creepy O_O You should bite back!

I wish I had such a beautiful girl around me all the time.

you could always stalk her O_O

If only she wasn't obsessed with making me gay dead

Post #213630 - Reply to (#213309) by loosecannon504
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9:38 pm, Oct 10 2008
Posts: 70

Quote from loosecannon504

We got to talking and we're friends again, but I'm making damn sure that I don't go out with her again no And the sad part is that she's one of the hottest redheads I've ever met (Me like redheads biggrin )

no wierd stories to report. but bro, you should know by now that it is safest to assume all red heads are crazy >.>

We are all more afraid than we are willing to believe but we are also more braver than we could have ever dreamed.
Post #213654 - Reply to (#213629) by blakraven66
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11:10 pm, Oct 10 2008
Posts: 2506

Quote from blakraven66
Quote from bedob
Quote from x0mbiec0rp
Quote from amaranthine
Quote from blakraven66
I have a stalker...Her name is Ama...User Posted Image

LOL that's why you're so fun to stalk, Blak~

@Law: That's creepy O_O You should bite back!

I wish I had such a beautiful girl around me all the time.

you could always stalk her O_O

If only she wasn't obsessed with making me gay dead

So, Blak, have you ever though of dressing up HG? I'll make sure you're compensated...

This signature was recovered from Hades to serve in my rotting armies.
Post #213703 - Reply to (#213654) by x0mbiec0rp
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6:33 am, Oct 11 2008
Posts: 1901

Quote from x0mbiec0rp
Quote from blakraven66
Quote from bedob
Quote from x0mbiec0rp
Quote from amaranthine
Quote from blakraven66
I have a stalker...Her name is Ama...User Posted Image

LOL that's why you're so fun to stalk, Blak~

@Law: That's creepy O_O You should bite back!

I wish I had such a beautiful girl around me all the time.

you could always stalk her O_O

If only she wasn't obsessed with making me gay dead

So, Blak, have you ever though of dressing up HG? I'll make sure you're compensated...

I don't think any amount of compensation can heal the damage that dressing up as him would do. laugh

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6:34 am, Oct 11 2008
Posts: 4917

Back on topic, people.


Post #213882 - Reply to (#213533) by TofuQueen
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1:29 pm, Oct 11 2008
Posts: 142

Quote from TofuQueen
Quote from TheRedSpade
A lot of the things that people are saying are that people would ask about them and stuff, which in itself isnt very bad, but then they add that this stalker was creepy, so then its stalking? if he/she was good looking it wouldnt have been a problem?

IMO it's not so much whether the person was "good looking" or not, some people just give off a "creepy" vibe. Also, asking some things once isn't a big deal, maybe, but asking repeatedly (and/or asking for personal information from someone you just met on the street) is definitely creepy. eyes

My friends & I were "stalkers" in jr. high and HS, btw. We meant no harm, we were just "gathering information" about the guys one or another of us had a crush on but were too shy/whatever to actually talk to & get to know. laugh

well okay then, good point. as long being shy is still allowed biggrin

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2:43 pm, Oct 12 2008
Posts: 44 those bus stories are sooo funny!!!
but too bad i dont have any bus stories to telll.....>.<;
and no rejection or harassment from strangers but mostly from classmates and friends...
and no stalkers..but my friend did stalk this kid she likes..
she even memorized his schedule!!!
she knows lots of information about

Post #217005
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8:44 pm, Oct 19 2008
Posts: 117

Haha, yeah I did try to memorize the schedule of someone I liked. Also hoping to get paired up with this cute girl in french. =3

Anyway, I should update this. MOAR STORIES.

Here's a short bus story...

A lady gets on my dad's bus and is like, "I don't have any money, I'm not paying". And he says, "Well you can't ride without paying" And so the lady says, "Well I have a gun in my bag, so what if I shoot you with it, huh?" And my dad was in a bad mood. So he's all, "Well, you're just gonna have to shoot me then, miss" So the lady leaves the bus in a huff. Haha, stupid bluffer.

Okay, so my mom and her little sister lived across the street from this evil kid named Terry. Terry secretly liked Colette, my mom's little sister. So one day they were talking, they obviously got in an argument. So Terry goes and gets his dog. He tells the dog, "Sic her, sic her boy" The dog, being trained to to that, goes up to Colette and growls and gets ready to attack. Out of nowhere, the family cat (who kinda lived wherever she wanted) jumps on the dogs back and starts scratching and slicing the dog up. There was blood everywhere and Terry and the dog are crying, and the dog was missing skin and fur BADLY. Hahah, I like that story, cause Jenny the alley cat saved the day. I wonder if my pets would attack someone threatening me.

Okay WAITER STORIES. not mine. Goes to this awesome anonymous waiter.

He's got tons of awesome stories about crazy people while he was waiting on people. I'ma share some in this thread. Okay here's one his friend emailed him.

Last week, we took some friends out to a new restaurant, and noticed that the waiter who took our order carried a spoon in his shirt pocket. It seemed a little strange. When the busboy brought our water and utensils, I noticed he also had a spoon in his shirt pocket. Then I looked around saw that all the staff had spoons in their pockets.

When the waiter came back to serve our soup I asked, "Why the spoon?"

"Well," he explained, "the restaurants' owners hired Andersen Consulting to revamp all our processes. After several months of analysis, they concluded that the spoon was the most frequently dropped utensil. It represents a drop frequency of approximately 3 spoons per table per hour. If our personnel are better prepared, we can reduce the number of trips back to the kitchen and save 15 man-hours per shift."

As luck would have it, I dropped my spoon and he was able to replace it with his spare.

"I'll get another spoon next time I go to the kitchen instead of making an extra trip to get it right now."

I was impressed. I also noticed that there was a string hanging out of the waiter's fly. Looking around, I noticed that all the waiters had the same string hanging from their flies. So before he walked off, I asked the waiter, "Excuse me, but can you tell me why you have that string right there?"

"Oh, certainly!" Then he lowered his voice. "Not everyone is so observant."

That consulting firm I mentioned also found out that we can save time in the rest-room. By tying this string to the tip of 'you know what', we can pull it out without touching it and eliminate the need to wash our hands, shortening the time spent in the rest-room by 76.39 percent."

"After you get it out, how do you put it back?"

"Well," he whispered, "I don't know about the others, but I use the spoon."

lololol. Okay more stories plz.


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Monkey. :B

5:26 pm, Jul 20 2009
Posts: 1966

I must have missed this thread. @_@;;

I don't notice when people stalk me, which should be bad, right? O_O;; Well in middle school there was this PE teacher who was a bit too fond of me. O_O He would always pick me to run errands for him, and it turns out that he had been following me home for like a week. I didn't notice until my best friend saw him. So we made a plan, got our sticks and waited for him. She got her cam and recorded him following me home three days in a row. He was fired. X3 Turns out I wasn't the only one he was following, and the sticks were just for show. xD

Another time was this creepy guy who would always follow me to my bus stop, asked me for my number, and call my name every time he saw me. ._. I grabbed my lacrosse stick and hit him with it really hard. Never bothered me again. O_O~

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Post #307521
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5:49 pm, Jul 20 2009
Posts: 1975


A few friends and I were walking towards this really dark park (since it was around 7:00 pm I think) after we watched a movie just for a shortcut. So we were midway, and suddenly around seven to eight men approached us, and surrounded us...then they said "Oh what cute girls.." and started closing in. I really thought it was the end of me O_O. But luckily, one said, "What the hell?! You're just a bunch of kids." Then he cussed and said, "You're just a bunch of kindergarteners.." then he said to his people, "Let's go." After they left, I could've sworn I sprinted the rest of the way.

and that's about it.

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3:45 pm, Sep 9 2009
Posts: 48

I remember I was walking home one day and this guy in a car talked to me and asked me if I needed a ride to school, home, etc. I quickly refused and ran back to my house.

Bus story: It was a hot day, and I was sweating a bit from walking. So I get on the bus, pay my fare, and stand near the door because the seats were full. Then the bus went to the next stop, and all these people got on. It was overcrowded.

Unfortunately, I had to stand near a super sweaty man, and his arms were raised and clinging to the upper part of the pole. This guy did not shave or use deodorant...

Post #320673 - Reply to (#213276) by TofuQueen
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10:17 pm, Sep 13 2009
Posts: 1205

Quote from TofuQueen
Um. Nothing THAT crazy has ever happened to me, but I did have a guy call up once and ASK if I wanted an obscene phone call. laugh (I said no and hung up.)

same here

Oh yeah, when I was in high school, I entered all girls school.. I remembered my P.E. last exam, marathon running.
We went outside the school, to the street...
I wasn't very good at running, lack of stamina biggrin
Me and my friend, bertha, just walked... at that time there were only two of us, then a man stood on opposite side of the street, followed us. Bertha, pull me... well i still dunno what happened..
She noticed that the man showed his 'P' to us.
Then the two of us run ASAP.

Last edited by comel at 10:27 pm, Sep 13 2009

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11:28 pm, Sep 13 2009
Posts: 25

Nothing creepy. Just wierd. Back when my brother and I were younger, (mid teens) we would get wierd phone calls from random girls. Seriously, my older brother was 16 at the time and got a call from a 12 year old around 11pm. I believe he talked to her for about 5 minutes while asking how she got our number and who the hell is she. I had gotten a phone call from a person I knew from school but didn't even talk to. Wierd people fill this world. no

Another story while I was working (fastfood). I was in the middle of cleaning and my co-worker worked up from. She took a guys order and went on with her business. He later asked her if she was with anyone, and she said no and she isn't looking. (My co-worker was in her late 50s-early 60s) We had a good laugh about it though.

I'll tell more some other time.

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