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2:59 pm, Oct 26 2008
Posts: 227

I mean company, not person. I'd have to say Bioware. The only game that they've released that isn't an A title is the recent Sonic Chronicles.

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3:05 pm, Oct 26 2008
Posts: 4917

Lionhead Studios

their games are so detailed and interesting to play, since not everyone can have quality and quantity, they seem to focus more on quality.

Post #220940
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the engineer

3:11 pm, Oct 26 2008
Posts: 90

i have to say blizzard.
i have always loved starcraft,warcraft and diablo series

In harsh times, the strongest currency is cooperation.
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Demented Octopus

3:17 pm, Oct 26 2008
Posts: 737

It's hard to limit it to one. These five are probably my favorites though:

Intelligent Systems
Nippon Icchi Software
Namco Tales Studio (formerly Wolfteam).

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Memento Mori

3:30 pm, Oct 26 2008
Posts: 365

Second Square, not only for the FinalFantasy games
Maxis, thu i wish they hade never made The Sims

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown"
Post #220968 - Reply to (#220938) by Identity Crisis
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4:41 pm, Oct 26 2008
Posts: 2506

Quote from thezombieking
Lionhead Studios

their games are so detailed and interesting to play, since not everyone can have quality and quantity, they seem to focus more on quality.

I'm sorry, llofk, but you definitely don't know their track record. They're quite famous among the game industry for releasing unfinished games and going back on their promises. It's true that their games are often fun to play, but one has come out unfinished (Black and White 2), and two are not what was promised (The Movies, Fable). They're rated low.

I'd have to say my favorites are Bioware, Valve, and Blizzard has a huge commitment to quality that deserves attention. Nintendo also runs a very good ship as well, but their name is often smeared in the stupid System Wars. It doesn't make sense, since Microsoft doesn't really make their own games, and Sony definitely doesn't.

This signature was recovered from Hades to serve in my rotting armies.
Post #221008

6:20 pm, Oct 26 2008
Posts: 332


Last edited by Sijy at 11:37 am, Dec 25 2015

Post #221020
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6:38 pm, Oct 26 2008
Posts: 1574

hard decision.... but if it has to be for multiple games not just a favorite, treasure
namco and squaresoft are close seconds(not squarenix, too many beltz and zippers now)

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6:53 pm, Oct 26 2008
Posts: 641

Never been too fond of the NA developers, too money oriented and not my style of games.

Good ones I like since there's no clear favorite,

Cyber Connect 2 (also known as CC Corp in their .Hack games).

Namco Bandai

Nippon Ichi Software

Atlus Co (for their persona series)

These are the ones I can point out more easily than others, SE isn't bad but the FF series isn't that big in my books, love the Dragon Quest series though.

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10:41 pm, Oct 26 2008
Posts: 6221

Nippon Ichi

Post #221217
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1:58 am, Oct 27 2008
Posts: 1027

Bioware by far, (they also have a nice forum)
Blizzard for obvious reason
LucasArts...only for making Monkey Island
Sid Meyer

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Post #221226 - Reply to (#221027) by greydrak
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2:10 am, Oct 27 2008
Posts: 2506

Quote from greydrak
Never been too fond of the NA developers, too money oriented and not my style of games.

I don't know if you mean what I think you mean, but if you don't think eastern and European (Yeah, Europe has development companies too) aren't interested in money, you obviously haven't seen the litany of crap games that are equally prevalent in all markets. You're being a little naive...

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Post #221373
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9:36 am, Oct 27 2008
Posts: 103

PC: Blizzard
console: Square-Enix

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9:38 am, Oct 27 2008
Posts: 974

Arc System

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The Gorilla Killaâ„¢

10:06 am, Oct 27 2008
Posts: 3229

Bioware, Bethesda, 2K Sports, Infinity Ward, Insomniac Games, Epic Games...

I'm gonna stop here before it becomes a full-fleged rant

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