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MangaUpdates is 6!

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Post #535973
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12:50 am, Jul 31 2010
Posts: 6

Wow! Happy Birthday MU !!! *lights fireworks* yayayay !!! *raises glass* Cheers to many more years to come! ♥♥♥


~GiggLz, Yaoi FanGirl
Post #535974
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1:46 am, Jul 31 2010
Posts: 1339

Congratulations MU.



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17 Dissection

4:30 am, Jul 31 2010
Posts: 63

Happy Birthday Mangaupdates, and you guys are terrible for forgetting! How do you think you little 6 year old feels about no cake on its birthday!?

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1:01 pm, Jul 31 2010
Posts: 8

HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY! Yay! congrats on the 6th year

While waiting for your fate, would you like to dance with me?
Post #535977 - Reply to (#535914) by stlwright

3:51 pm, Jul 31 2010
Posts: 2

Happy birthday hope for many more

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9:41 pm, Jul 31 2010
Posts: 54

Happy (post-)Birthday XD.

And thank you. As Cerulean has commented some posts above, the info you provided and the people - and mind-opening - I directly and indirectly experienced/met through manga have been invaluable and are an important part of what I am today.

May this 'baby' keep growing strong and healthy biggrin .

Motomi Kyousuke is DA (WO)MAN ;D ost=382161
Post #535979 - Reply to (#535916) by Pikapu
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11:07 pm, Jul 31 2010
Posts: 7

haha also chuc mung sinh nhat MU!!! biggrin

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 Site Admin

4:37 am, Aug 1 2010
Posts: 6221

Lol, we missed it again?

Post #535981 - Reply to (#535980) by blakraven66
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7:47 am, Aug 1 2010
Posts: 10709

Yup, missed it almost every year...

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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12:22 pm, Aug 1 2010
Posts: 2



6:34 pm, Aug 3 2010
Posts: 7

Happy Birthday MU !!!!!

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12:06 am, Aug 5 2010
Posts: 1

Congrats! This is my fav place in the net!!

Post #578125

11:18 pm, Nov 23 2012

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Post #578383
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Meitantei Otaku

9:35 pm, Nov 25 2012
Posts: 48

Congrats and happy birthday biggrin

EDIT: sorry I didn't know ... (・□・;)but thanks

Last edited by Haibara at 9:58 pm, Nov 25 2012

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9:37 pm, Nov 25 2012
Posts: 384

... please don't respond to this topic. MangaUpdates is nearly 8 and a half.

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