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What do you call your parents?

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Free Like A Bird

2:10 am, Nov 23 2011
Posts: 196

Usually, mom & dad

I Love You

2:32 am, Nov 23 2011
Posts: 204

Mommy and Daddy... o-o


2:43 am, Nov 23 2011
Posts: 70

Mother: "Ma" (Cantonese) or "Ah ma" The way I say it, it weirdly sounds like grandma lol cause its kinda ... flat? I never address her as "Mama". I blame my sister; I picked it up from her. I use "Ma" and "Ah ma" when I'm going to speak Cantonese for most of the following sentences. But if I'm thinking in English I end up calling her mummy/mum/mom whichever I'm feeling.

Father: I mostly use "Ba" (Vietnamese) to address him. If I'm referring to him while talking to my mom I might call him "deh-dee" (my own Cantonese-ish bastardization of the word Daddy) or "Ah pa." I might say "Hey dad" to get his attention but not very often.

I've never called them "mother" or "father." When I'm talking to someone I like refer to them as mom/dad.

bigrazz and just for fun I call my maternal Grandma: "poa-poa" sounds like paw paw and Grandpa "gon-gon" gong gong emphasis on the go? I think.

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Romance Fanatic

3:17 am, Nov 23 2011
Posts: 72

Ma and Pa, but in third person I say mom and dad.

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A silly pumpkin

3:32 am, Nov 23 2011
Posts: 174

For mum:

and for dad:
father figure
crusty old menis
pointy headed bastard

we mostly use nick names for each other in my family, and although they seem very rude, it is meant in a loving and joking way and actually shows our respect for each other, my sister and i are comfortable enough around our parents that we insult each other, knowing that the other party will not take offense. It is also all in English

[edit: us kids have pretty bad nicknames that our parents call us and mum no longer signs her name as mum but draws a little witches hat with a giant nose pocking out from underneath it... i love my family]

Last edited by RattixEmpire at 3:43 am, Nov 23 2011

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4:00 am, Nov 23 2011
Posts: 1

mama or papa
but sometimes i call my mama with her name! biggrin

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4:29 am, Nov 23 2011
Posts: 217

daddy and mommy in vietnamese: ba and me(the sound is meh not mee)

Post #508865
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4:37 am, Nov 23 2011
Posts: 197

@ RattixEmpire, i laughed so hard at that list.

I usually do that with my uncle, we call eachother names all the time in a funny manner, like idiot, imbecil, and many other names in portuguese, there's so many i couldn't possibly list them all.

I'm surprised so many people calling their parents Daddy and mommy or something along those lines.
Usually i call my mom just that, mom: Mãe. Recently i've been calling her by her name and for laughs i call her Luis or another portuguese male name.

Post #508866
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4:52 am, Nov 23 2011
Posts: 349

Lol, randomly saw this and thought what the heck~

Mostly, I call them mum and dad.

Sometimes if I'm in a silly mood I call them mother and father.

There are occassions when I use mummy and daddy like when I'm grateful for a big favour, feeling down, or I'm writing birthday/christmas cards etc

And very occassionally, in a jokey sort of situation I use their full names~

But I would NEVER call them anything rude, even if I'm furious.
And I think the majority of English people would probably call their parents in the same way.

Post #508870

5:18 am, Nov 23 2011
Posts: 36

Mommy. Or if, you know, it's one of those days when I act completely childish, then Mimeeee~ That's san sheng diao for the first syllable and er sheng diao for the second, if you know Chinese anyway. Like all high-pitched like a three year-old, yeah, something like that. I don't know why I do it. If my friends catch me, they'll all just drop dead. And then for my papa, well, yeah, it's papa. No weird childish way of saying that.

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5:29 am, Nov 23 2011
Posts: 18

I usually call my mom:
Mama biggrin

Post #508873

5:33 am, Nov 23 2011
Posts: 127

mama and papa ~

Post #508874
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Psycho. Cracked.

5:44 am, Nov 23 2011
Posts: 166

I call my father by his name and with my mother "mother".

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12:52 pm, Nov 23 2011
Posts: 365

"Ma" and "Dad"...but during conversations, I just call them "You guys"

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1:12 pm, Nov 23 2011
Posts: 35

Mother = Mama, or Mommy if I'm trying to be cute
Father and Stepfather=Daddy

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