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What do you call your parents?

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Shoujo Queen

3:12 pm, Nov 26 2011
Posts: 418

I usually call her mommy, mama or "madre" when I feeling happy!! "or sometimes when I want to get her attention dumpling smile cuz she is so soft and "squishy"!! lol

For my father hmmmmmm just daddy. I mean were not that much close *shrugs* I still love him but I only put on a baby voice when I want something smile

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Lawless Resolute

3:28 pm, Nov 26 2011
Posts: 138

Mother = mom if I'm talking about her, mother talking to her, mommy when I'm in trouble or need something laugh
Father = dad if about, father to his face, dad if i want something or got into trouble with mom

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"Don't you fly?"

3:48 pm, Nov 26 2011
Posts: 38

Mom and Old Man.

Post #509478
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4:05 pm, Nov 26 2011
Posts: 2

Mother : Bu (Beautiful), Emu, Agua . . . too many nicknames to count. biggrin
Father: Dad, Daddy

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Nice desu ne

11:18 pm, Nov 30 2011
Posts: 1132

I call my dad "daddy", "dadaa", "father", and "appa" (korean for "daddy")
I call my mom a number of things - I call her by her korean name, her american alias, just the simple "mama" and "mommy" (which i noticed my parents refer to themselves in third person as "mommy" and "daddy") and variants of "mom" and "lady" in korean (ohma, ohmonee, ahjima, ajimonee, ohmmoneem) I also call her halmony which is "grandma" in korean. The only one she takes offense to is "woman" so I had to drop that one. roll eyes

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11:25 pm, Nov 30 2011
Posts: 599

For my mother I usually call her Mom or Mummy. For my father, I call him Dad and sometimes Daddy.

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12:12 am, Dec 1 2011
Posts: 339

When I was little I called them mommy and daddy. At a certain point I decided that it was time to stop and consciously trained myself to call them mom and dad, though I kept calling dad "daddy" for longer than I called mom "mommy," I guess because "daddy" didn't seem as childish as "mommy" to me. I think he was actually rather sad when I stopped calling him "daddy." If I want to annoy my mom, I call her "Lizzy," her hated childhood nickname--though, really, I don't think she cares that much any more (no, her name isn't Elizabeth).

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Ancient Alien

12:35 am, Dec 1 2011
Posts: 312

Mommy and Daddy lol
But my siblings and I have unknowingly shortened Mommy to mo-y, so we say it without pronouncing the middle m's. People always say, "who? who is ma-yi?"

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Living is Dying

1:47 pm, Dec 1 2011
Posts: 20

I call her "mum"... dead

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The Wandering Star

7:49 am, Feb 8 2012
Posts: 44

Mama or just Ma & Papa or just Pa.
Yeah, only that xD

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8:37 am, Feb 8 2012
Posts: 199

i'm quite different from u guys


lol biggrin

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