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Post #308620 - Reply to (#306290) by Criminal Intent

6:54 am, Jul 25 2009
Posts: 2

Quote from Criminal Intent
For now Eba ignoring Haruto is basically just a plot device. I'm sure she'll clear it up eventually w/ some lame excuse just like the one Kanzaki first used (although later on she made a valid point).

It's doing it's job though. These last couple chapters have been making me very uneasy. Eba wants to distance herself, just as Kanzaki rejects Haruto, and now the Kikukawa is all up in his face.

I'm guessing (hoping) Eba is just planning some sort of surprise for Haruto, and thus the distance. The only thing that's suspicious is her hanging out with Kanzaki's brother.

The author is probably (hopefully) just trying to make it seem that she's distancing herself because of her plans to go back to Tokyo.

It's a compelling story.

Post #311708
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It's him!!

12:09 am, Aug 7 2009
Posts: 617

Just read the latest chapter (56) and goddamn this is like a game of musical chairs.
And everytime you think the music is slowing down to come to a stop, it picks right up again.
Last chapter I thought finally something would happen, and then she goes and says it's a joke. And the moron believes it.
If the author pulls something like that with the next chapter, I'm gonna be greatly annoyed.

Last edited by The Guy at 2:45 am, Aug 7 2009

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Post #311710
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The Kekkaishi

12:41 am, Aug 7 2009
Posts: 250

That was progress... Haruto actually asked her at the end. I want more romance, can't wait ^^....

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Post #311714 - Reply to (#311710) by Azari02
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It's him!!

1:18 am, Aug 7 2009
Posts: 617

Quote from Azari02
That was progress... Haruto actually asked her at the end. I want more romance, can't wait ^^....

Yeah, but last chapter she asked him to ask her (really?) to the thing (forgot) and then said it was a joke.
So what I was saying is that Kouji had better not pull the same stunt again with the next chapter.

Do but despise reason and science,
The highest of all human gifts -
Then you have surrendered to the Devil
And must surely perish. - J.W. von Goethe
Post #313770
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2:02 pm, Aug 15 2009
Posts: 58

Alright so with chapter 57 out, the development of Haruto x Kikukawa relationship finally ends, hopefully. So in chapter 57, Haruto after making a confession through 'if and then' statements is rejected but he still settles for a his current relationship with Eba as a 'close family' at least until she leave for Tokyo.

So hopefully during the next chapter we see drama between Kikukawa and Eba for the first time. Haruto will obviously have to face Kanzaki's brother after taking Eba to the Kouyousai, maybe during this Kanzaki steps in and does something, although i highly doubt that.

So future predictions, Hopefully this doesn't turn into another Suzuka since it has been heading in that direction for a bit now. Also if Eba does return back to Tokyo as everything is planned, when their friends find out they will try to convince Haruto to bring her back, although at this point I don't know who aside from his two close friends, But considering what he said last chapter he seems to have accepted that Eba is leaving and he is going to indulge in the time he has left with her as a 'close family'. So maybe there will be a time skip, seems highly unlikely, I have a feeling that either Eba returns or Haruto goes to Tokyo but during the time they are apart whoever goes to who finds the other dating someone else? Seems a little to cliche and overplayed but it could still happen.

Well thats it for now.

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Masanobu Hojo

8:47 am, Aug 20 2009
Posts: 366

Well, Kanzaki's brother was just playing around I think. Since he refers to Eba as his "prey" and didn't seem to phased by the fact she just ran off w/ Haruto. So I doubt there will be problems there.

Honestly, this series could go anywhere at this point. I think for now it should just stick to school-life drama and put Eba's departure on the back burner for now.

Post #315183
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11:00 am, Aug 21 2009
Posts: 185

I don't get why they don't just do long distance relationship...sure it might be a while before they meet again but they "love" each other right? I bet you if yuzuki goes then, it will be 1 or 2 years before they somehow meet in Tokyo again. Haruto said earlier that in the future he wanted to go to Tokyo and live there, that's just a main foundation for a future plot, but maybe his feelings will go away after they are away from each other for so long.

Then their feelings come back or something I bet, when they meet each other, but maybe by then both of them have their own gf/bf so it will be complicated lol, I don't see this mangaka of Suzuka letting them get together too easily. I'm sure nanami still has a place in this manga, since they keep showing her after the rejection. My bet is though, in the end, he will get together will Yuzuki unless the mangaka twists things up.

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Post #315243
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3:52 pm, Aug 21 2009
Posts: 58

Just read ch58, WOW....That was stupid, I mean seriously I did all that thinking and Haruto FINALLY mans up and says it bluntly in this chapter. Oh and jpnraw I think the reason they're against a long distance relationship is because Haruto wouldn't be able to keep an eye on Eba, or something like that.


4:31 pm, Sep 5 2009
Posts: 42

hmm...interesting predictions everyone...but I keep reading people say that they hope the mangaka doesn't "pull another suzuka", and I'm just wondering what does that actually mean? What do they refer to when they say "pull another suzuka"? (By they way, I read suzuka, it was a wonderful manga, but I just don't get what this phrase means)

Anyone care to explain?

Post #318747

5:14 pm, Sep 5 2009
Posts: 522

I smell a is going to turn out like in kinda reminds me of how yamato dated Honoka. If Haruto comes to love Nanami again and he betrays yuzuki...I'll drop this manga.

Post #318762
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6:14 pm, Sep 5 2009
Posts: 339

If he does love Nanami again and try to go out with her, I think it will be because the couple grows apart with a bunch of misconceptions. They'll break up until inevitably getting back together, preceding a time skip, in the last chapter. Of course that's if he tries to get with Nanami.

I think it's cause Suzuka just gave up on everything. Atleast that's one of the reasons why Suzuka gave me a bad aftertaste...

Post #318933
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12:28 pm, Sep 6 2009
Posts: 87

Uhm is anyone else getting the impression that eba flips a coin in secret after everytime something happens? I mean "Hey how about a distance relationship?" first she denies it "Nah that would be bad for us"
and short time after "Ok let's try it".
A little more pointing out the change of decisions of the characters would actually be nice.

Post #318978 - Reply to (#318933) by Emuchan

3:34 pm, Sep 6 2009
Posts: 522

Quote from Emuchan
Uhm is anyone else getting the impression that eba flips a coin in secret after everytime something happens? I mean "Hey how about a distance relationship?" first she denies it "Nah that would be bad for us"
and short time after "Ok let's try it".
A little more pointing out the change of decisions of the characters would actually be nice.

I totally agree with you. That's also one thing that annoys me.

Post #319420
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5:36 pm, Sep 8 2009
Posts: 58

Its because of Eba's spontaneous nature that she decides these things like that, but i do believe that she has a common sense. I'm really interested in finding out how their relationship will turn out, my opinion of the characters are getting better. Haruto seems more befitting of a main character nowadays and Eba is still a bit off but is not a bad heroine.

Post #319839 - Reply to (#319420) by Kaishe
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Masanobu Hojo

4:08 pm, Sep 10 2009
Posts: 366

Quote from Kaishe
Its because of Eba's spontaneous nature that she decides these things like that, but i do believe that she has a common sense. I'm really interested in finding out how their relationship will turn out, my opinion of the characters are getting better. Haruto seems more befitting of a main character nowadays and Eba is still a bit off but is not a bad heroine.


Eba has common sense it's just that it doesn't really kick instantly all the time. Although the mangaka, Kouji, could show Eba's complicated thought processes sometimes.

Also, I do like Haruto. He's as confused about love as any teenage boy, but unlike most romance heroes, he doesn't take it to the extreme and cling to every female who has an interest in him.

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