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Search finds only manga with releases?

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6:15 pm, Dec 20 2014
Posts: 525

Okay maybe I'm just dumb, but: How do you find manga by name that don't have any releases in the database? When you search for the title it finds only the releases, so if the manga doesn't have any releases it yields no results.


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10:28 pm, Dec 20 2014
Posts: 10734

There's a series search...

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #658411

2:35 am, Dec 21 2014
Posts: 35

so when you search it shows the releases,
then at the bottom of the page, you can choose to search for it as a series, mangaka, scanilator, or publisher.
If you click go after the series one it will search for series with that title/description(depending on which you chose)

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6:47 pm, Dec 21 2014
Posts: 525

I see, thanks.

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