I can't remember too much about the story but one of the points made is that the school does not allow dating and a couple was caught. So what they do is that they say that the guy likes the girl and thats all. Its not mutual but he "still tries to get her to like him back"
Also another plot point that I'm not too sure about is that the school was split into 2. The students that were smart and those that were not very smart. And the guy was from the delinquent side while she was from the smart people side. But I might be wrong on that. I think that I might be remembering something else with this one.
Also also I think the male lead might have had black hair but I'm not too sure.
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Looking for a romance manga I forgot the name of
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Post #780281
12:54 pm, Sep 16 2020
Posts: 19
4:18 pm, Sep 16 2020
Posts: 28
9:10 pm, Sep 16 2020
Posts: 19
Yeah that's another one I read but I got kinda bored of it after a while. But that wasn't the one. The school that I think they are in aren't from different kingdoms or anything. They're just normal 21st century high schoolers. Thank you though!
11:26 pm, Sep 18 2020
Posts: 30
8:27 am, Sep 22 2020
Posts: 19
Holy snap this was it lol. Thanks for finding it! I'm a sucker for high school romance mangas. It's a guilty pleasure.
11:23 am, Sep 28 2020
Posts: 2
11:23 am, Sep 28 2020
Posts: 2
Hello everyone,
A while back i read a series where a business man hooks up with his boss’ daughter and they start a relationship. In the end they do not end up together because of the age difference.
I know that it is not a lot to go on, but I was hoping someone could help me get the title of it so I can reread it.
A while back i read a series where a business man hooks up with his boss’ daughter and they start a relationship. In the end they do not end up together because of the age difference.
I know that it is not a lot to go on, but I was hoping someone could help me get the title of it so I can reread it.
10:11 am, Sep 29 2020
Posts: 19
Just asking but was it a smut manga where the girl calls him over whenever she wants?
1:47 pm, Sep 30 2020
Posts: 2
1:47 pm, Sep 30 2020
Posts: 2
From what I remember they had a real relationship, but there was a lot of intercourse as well.
Any titles that you have in mind I would greatly appreciate the help.
Last edited by GreatApe at 9:26 am, Oct 1 2020
Any titles that you have in mind I would greatly appreciate the help.
Last edited by GreatApe at 9:26 am, Oct 1 2020
11:30 am, Oct 5 2020
Posts: 19
Ok last question but is the girl the daughter of a CEO and the guy has to help her out with whatever she wants or else he'll get fired or something? Because I think I know what that is but I'm having trouble remembering the name.
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