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1:33 pm, Aug 27 2014
Posts: 1698

Back to playing WoW Panderia on a private server!

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1:38 pm, Aug 27 2014
Posts: 374

Clannad on PSP, great to see a new side of this.

Post #651530
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Resident Odd

5:53 pm, Sep 7 2014
Posts: 665

Started up Seiken Densetsu 3. Want to focus on Tales of Xillia 2 primarily, but will be sticking to SD3 on the days when I can't play ToX2 instead.

I kinda have a backlog going, but I'm determined to play things one at a time basically.

Anyhow, ToX2 has been incredibly fun and charming. I love the new characters and the returning ones. There was a lot of thought put into making this story, I'd say.

As for Seiken Densetsu 3, I want to be able to finish this game once and for all. I've started up this game a few times, but never really ended it, so this would be my opportunity. To the point that I'll just follow a strategy guide to the letter.

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6:47 am, Sep 8 2014
Posts: 63

Midnight Puppeteer. Who would've guessed this game is actually a long one...

“If I'm going to just live taking someone else's place, then it'd be better if I could just be a pebble. That way, there'd be neither misunderstanding nor confusion, and then even you wouldn't know me.” — Eine Kleine (Kenshi Yonezu)
Post #651596
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7:56 am, Sep 8 2014
Posts: 1144

Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 (Someday I'm gonna unlock everything...)

~4400 manga completed
~1700 ongoing...
Post #651949
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6:01 pm, Sep 12 2014
Posts: 18

Replaying super scribblenauts.

Post #651954
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Resident Odd

7:34 pm, Sep 12 2014
Posts: 665

Am still in the midst of Seiken Densetsu 3, but finished Tales of Xillia 2. ToX2 has been quite a fun and entertaining journey. It was basically a near-flawless game, what with the exception of the debt system.

Anyhow, I'm hoping to enjoy Tales of Graces f as well. The beginning was a bit slow, but that's a normal thing about jrpgs so I haven't minded too much. I'm hoping the characters and plot will progress in a fantastic manner, since this game is supposed to have some high acclaim. According to rpgfan, the game was an Editor's Choice. Can't wait to experience why.

Post #652060
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Nothing Special

11:51 pm, Sep 13 2014
Posts: 16

Just started Persona 4 Golden a day ago.. It's a bit late, but it's better late than never, right? xP

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12:27 am, Sep 17 2014
Posts: 203

Playing some ArcheAge and mah gawds! There were so many players on yesterday. Had to queue for like an hour to just get in to a server and when I finally got in and started to play.... a few hundred people - which you can't run through, same with NPCs - doing the same quest totally clogging up the area making it almost impossible to finish the quest.
I finally got past that quest and moved forward and it was like that all the way until I decided to just go to bed and sleep instead. dead

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4:36 pm, Sep 17 2014
Posts: 30

Elsword as eve going to become a Code Nemesis eek

Post #652297
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6:32 pm, Sep 17 2014
Posts: 155

I was cleaning up my room and I found my old game boy and games, so I started playing Superstar Saga and Pokemon Emerald. Oh the memories~ smile

"The great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude." - from Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson
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3:31 pm, Sep 22 2014
Posts: 1698

Playing Divinity Original Sins. I'm playing the torrented version and it is very glitchy since it's the alpha version. What I do like about this is the turn-based battles. It's like playing a board game :3.

Post #652693 - Reply to (#652687) by eccentrrick
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Slightly obscene

5:15 pm, Sep 22 2014
Posts: 498

Eh, you should really throw the prequisite moola at Larian and get the game for realsies.

It is such a glorious return of the turn based combat systems that I played that game exclusively 'til I finished it back at the release. I still plan to do another run soon as they are adding more stuff to it, like new companions and such.

On my end, I'm currently playing far too much of Destiny. It's been a while since I've ingested such a huge amount of gaming-crack. It's actually pretty damn unhealty bigrazz

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Post #652697
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7:58 pm, Sep 22 2014
Posts: 409

Everything recently has been about Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition on the PS4. Got it on release day and I've been playing it ever since. I have a solo campaign going, as well as a co-op one with my wife as she really enjoys these types of games as well.

I don't foresee myself playing anything else for at least another month, if not longer.

Post #652709 - Reply to (#652693) by Baalzebup
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11:38 pm, Sep 22 2014
Posts: 10691

Quote from Baalzebup
Eh, you should really throw the prequisite moola at Larian and get the game for realsies.

It is such a glorious return of the turn based combat systems that I played that game exclusively 'til I finished it back at the release. I still plan to do another run soon as they are adding more stuff to it, like new companions and such.

I agree. Just buy it. The current version is pretty bug free, and the next DLC release is free and will contain 2 new companions. I've already logged 77 hours into the game. Probably another 5-7 more hours since I just killed Cassandra.

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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