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9 years ago
Posts: 1181

Playing this atm

Was playing
Call of Duty Black Ops 3 the other day

Looking forward to
Persona 5
And ofcourse Attack on Titan game xD

... Last edited by Knightzomegaz 6 years ago
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9 years ago
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Pokemon Silver for Nintendo again 😀

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9 years ago
Posts: 1700

Currently playing Final Fantasy 7 with a texture mod to make everything look better :3

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9 years ago
Posts: 155

Undertale. Oh my god it is so good.


"The great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude." - from Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson

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9 years ago
Posts: 23

currently playing the street gears resurrection game. feels good 😀

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9 years ago
Posts: 3

Resident Evil Revelations 2, Mana Khemia and Resonance of Fate.

Township when I'm away from the console... and the Dark Parables series when I have insomnia. 😀


9 years ago
Posts: 1041

prefer JoJo ASB but not that many are online anymore

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9 years ago
Posts: 89

Persona Q, Bravely Default, PMD: Gates to Infinity, Rhythm Thief, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, and that cool little animal crossing spin-off Happy Home Designer.

Eventually going to finish Puppeteer and Tearaway...
I'll probably drop everything when Persona 5 comes out though. 😳

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9 years ago
Posts: 2050

Dota 2 and Borderlands 2.



Quote from LawX

You are like the dense main character in a shoujo manga.

Quote from Crenshinibon

And you will murder someone one day, pika. If you're my daughter.

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A dignified

9 years ago
Posts: 546

Final Fantasy XIII - Currently going through the NMC (No Medics Challenge) that I created. Twitch channel

osu! - Circles are cool.

Cabal 2 - Still in open beta. I like some aspects of it but my overall impression is not great.


"People don't change, they just give in."Kubera is the best.同人音楽 (doujin music)

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Nice desu ne

9 years ago
Posts: 1132

Played a bunch of skyrim. Really bummed that I can't marry Serana. Put a damper on those continuous hours of dungeons and whatnot. But just got a handful of games to place in my backlog: Hyperdimension Neptunia, Black Closet, Endless Legend, Mount & Blade, and DA:I

Super pumped for Dragon's Dogma and Overwatch.

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Seinen is RIGHT
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9 years ago
Posts: 2431

Call of Duty Black Ops III Treyarch´s first main CoD game (No.3) was pretty rough but they immediately improved and managed to become the leading team for the franchise. Last year´s Advanced Warfare was a very similar game and the narrative (a GitS adaptation in disguise!) is a bit convoluted but the campaign is the best since the genre standard setting Modern Warfare. It even features a WW2 callbacks with Cyborgs vs Tiger tanks! The Treyarch typical difficult and gore also returned and the series apparently gave up on "attention grabbing" shock value as it has been missing in action since MW3. The Zombie mode should have stayed a room defense game but i like the 40s look and the main multiplayer is a blast if you crank it up to hardcore which features one-hit kills. The game lastly looks as good as a 60 fps console shooter currently can and the sound design is top notch. Next year´s CoD may be doomed after 2 hits in a row... A- and it´s the best current shooter of the generation.

Fallout 4 proved a bit divisive and 1 (the best), 3 and New Vegas are the superior entries but i still put 70 hours into the game and even went for all 3 fraction endings. The crafting system needs a do-over as the necessary items were given an inventory weight and the same applies to a lesser degree for the new conversation system yet i view both as a good addition to the Bethesda stable. The changed skill and armor system though need to revert back and the writer messed up the ultra-bland side quests big time while delivering the best Bethesda campaign and combat yet so i view the games as Fallout 3,5. It even fells like remake of F3 at times so i suggest fellow series veterans who liked that entry to keep at it if the game initially turns you off. It certainly grew on me as the main narrative went on. The developers lastly need to move on to a new engine! The bugs were reduced to a manageable level after the release and the landscapes are downright picturesque at time but the character models and animation are from another decade altogether. B+

Just Cause 3 Also-ran series occasionally feature a stand out entry that gets a
wider audience excited. Red Faction Guerilla or Just Cause 2 certainly fit the bill but these tend to go nowhere with the sequel and this game sadly follows suit. The gliding mechanics and the hookshot are still a delight and the game is certainly pretty but everything else is the definition of mediocre. Nothing new is brought to the table either. The game was thankfully patched into a healthy state by the time i started and I can live with the again bland narrative but grinding identical/bad shooting or driving mini quests to get to the somewhat better story missions burned me out, so I gave up halfway through. This isn't a "bad" game and the PC version is destined to get interesting mods but i would suggest to get the 2nd one on the cheap for an identical experience and i demand more of a sequel. Skip

Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam The 2 Mario RPG series started to run into a serious problems with stagnation over the years so Big N just mashed them together while fixing nothing.
The new dialogue fast forward bottom is nice i guess but where is the skip function and there is less of the Paper Mario gameplay (the better of the 2 series) than expected so i gave up after a few hours. Been there done that is this game´s motto which doesn´t make it bad but i demand more than a new level pack with endless mini games mixed in. Skip.

Persona 4: Dancing All Night I hate idols and the game´s detractors made a convincing case against it but i got it one the cheap and the flaunting handheld market was free of competition anyway. The story mode is a forgettable VN that barely fits into the now over-convoluted continuity despite being the main focus. The gang bullies a bunch of people into believing in the heart of dance to pass time on a vacation and freshly debuted idols are now bigger than Michael Jackson in the world of P4 so it´s ultimately an idol advertisement.
I also learned that idols choreograph their performance in the style of a grade school stage play after watching the awkwardly inserted Nanako dance. Lol. The rhythm gameplay itself is somewhat problematic and easy to cheat too so i got a Platinum out of the short experience. A Theatrythm clone with un-remixed music from P 1-4 (2 is the best) would have been a delight and this feature-incomplete DLC trap may have some merit to hardcore fans but even they should wait for a PS+ deal. Skip.

Rise of the Tomb Raider I have played every game in the series and prefer the direct prequel, which i 100%ed, due to the more coherent world. Anniversary is still remains my favorite entry but a bronze medal is nice too. My biggest problem is that the narrative is even dumber and more of a focus this time around. The 2 main villains may be a step up and the gore-porn has been toned down a bit but Lara comes off as a bipolar serial killer in the end. The gameplay is the star though and i can´t complaining in that regard! The landscapes and tombs are worth the price of admission alone so grab an ice pick and become a barely human stalker of men (but finish the prequel first). B+

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker The original campaign was a bit of an Eva rip-off and the frankly unnecessary new arc is even more blatant about that. The playable cast is also way too big and solving everything with "nakama power" doesn´t fit the SMT franchise either (besides P4 i guess). Neither the still acceptable story nor the dated presentation are the selling points though and the core gameplay is still as good as a J-RPGs can get today. B+ for the whole game and a B- for the new stuff but D.S. Overclocked is the better package due to the stronger narrative/atmosphere.

Star Wars: Battlefront isn´t the deepest game and the leveling mechanics are thus a bit pointless but high level players won´t be able to overrun new players with better gear thanks to that. I thus managed to become a MVP within the first hour of play and i don´t mind the lack of a campaign due to Dice´s mostly bad track record.The new novel "Battlefront: Twilight Company" fulfills that role just fine and there is nothing wrong with having a focus either.
The whole experience itself is more importantly the most force accurate in the history of Star Wars games and my biggest gripes are fixable balancing issues and a few glitched achievements (The horror!). The graphics and sound are further some of the best on the market and the sense of scale is awe-inspiring. The amount of modes/maps is fine enough and the sequel is destined to make this game absolute but EA started on the right note with the license. B

... Last edited by residentgrigo 9 years ago

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
Manga-Masters, My ANN-Lists + Imdb

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9 years ago
Posts: 336

I've been playing a lot of my old Ace Combat (the best three; 04, 5, and zero) games to prepare myself for Ace Combat 7.

I also just got Fallout New Vegas, so I'm having fun with that too.


9 years ago
Posts: 24

Okami and Demon's Souls for the first time. They're both really great games.

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Slightly obscene

9 years ago
Posts: 498

X-COM 2 has my soul so badly right now, it's not even funny. I have managed to fit in some Gravity Rush Remastered on the side as well, but everything else has been put to the side until I finish my first campaign. One more round, one more mission.

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