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13 years ago
Posts: 79

I liked this chapter, hell at least I didn't see it coming. 😛


Things I enjoy:

  1. Badassery. I love being, doing, and living it. I also enjoy seeing it as it usually makes me cry man tears.
  2. Badassness.
  3. Badasses.
  4. Badass mofos.
  5. Manly badasses.

Things that I hate:

  1. Wimpy protagonists.
  2. Girly protagonists (if they're men).
  3. Douchie protagonists.
  4. Idiotic protagonists.
  5. Over-the-line rude protagonists.
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13 years ago
Posts: 584

I liked this chapter and I definately never saw that coming....Here I was thinking it was going to be a "SS did this atrocity" or some such, and then bam, it was something totally different.

I wonder then, after this, how Ichigo will confront SS and Ukitake.

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13 years ago
Posts: 146

If I pretend the arc started say, last chapter, i might be able to convince myself that the rest of this arc never happened...for once it was a good chapter


Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.
-Oath of the Night's Watch, A Song of Ice and Fire


13 years ago
Posts: 89

"Just when I thought I was out...they pull me back in. "

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13 years ago
Posts: 246

finally about time we get to see ichigo's bankai for real after so long time!

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Sam the Eagle

13 years ago
Posts: 351

Well, I don't really believe what Ginjo said about the Soul Society. Tite set it up too well. We haven't seen Urahara for a while, and he just happens to show up and say that he doesn't want Ichigo to know "that" in the same chapter that the new villain, who used Tsukishima to control everyone that Ichigo has ever cared about, comes out with some terrible secret. I just can't believe that all of these people who supposedly care about Ichigo could know something like this and still go along with it. It would mean that the relationships that Ichigo has built since the beginning of the manga were all lies. Seems a little too much to me.

Anyways, I'm just glad that we can finally see Ichigo's new bankai, even though Ginjo can supposedly counter anything that he does, bankai or no. Getting a little tired of the villain who can stop every attack....not counting anime filler...what's this? 8 guys?


13 years ago
Posts: 313

That is the big secret of the badge? A little disappointing really. It only makes sense that SS would want to know where their Shinigami's (even the substitutes) are at all times and it only makes sense to suppress the reiatsu. It was clearly stated in the Menos Grande/False Karakura Town arc that the people of Ichigo's hometown are abnormally spiritually sensitive, so having Ichigo run around at full power could be quite oppressive to the people of his hometown since it's been stated that Ichigo seems to almost hemorrhage spiritual energy and is mostly unable to control it's flow.

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chasing oblivion

13 years ago
Posts: 1366

Quote from devioustrevor

That is the big secret of the badge? A little disappointing really. It only makes sense that SS would want to know where their Shinigami's (even the substitutes) are at all times and it only makes sense to suppress the reiatsu. It was clearly stated in the Menos Grande/False Karakura Town arc that the people of Ichigo's hometown are abnormally spiritually sensitive, so having Ichigo run around at full power could be quite oppressive to the people of his hometown since it's been stated that Ichigo seems to almost hemorrhage spiritual energy and is mostly unable to control it's flow.

You took the words right out of my mouth. Not so much a horrible secret, but rather just didn't read the fine print. This is what Ginjo is so mad about? This is what why he's so willing to ruin so many people's lives? I hate to say it, but even Aizen had better motives as a villian. this is just stupid. Thanks for wasting more space in jump tite. >:-(

EDIT: You know what, I take back my comment about it being stupid. It's not stupid, it's just lame.

... Last edited by silent killer 13 years ago

Sarcasm just doesn't work over the internet.


13 years ago
Posts: 38

Although I found this chapter quite good, I was actually holding my breath for Isshin's backstory. 😢

Post #508862 - Reply To (#508798) by devioustrevor
Post #508862 - Reply To (#508798) by devioustrevor
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13 years ago
Posts: 191

First this

Quote from devioustrevor

That is the big secret of the badge? A little disappointing really. It only makes sense that SS would want to know where their Shinigami's (even the substitutes) are at all times and it only makes sense to suppress the reiatsu. It was clearly stated in the Menos Grande/False Karakura Town arc that the people of Ichigo's hometown are abnormally spiritually sensitive, so having Ichigo run around at full power could be quite oppressive to the people of his hometown since it's been stated that Ichigo seems to almost hemorrhage spiritual energy and is mostly unable to control it's flow.

Second, Oh my god, how can they observe a guy they knew nothing about except that he was very strong. The bastards. Kinda Lame progression.

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The Gorilla Killa™

13 years ago
Posts: 3229

Quote from devioustrevor

That is the big secret of the badge? A little disappointing really. It only makes sense that SS would want to know where their Shinigami's (even the substitutes) are at all times and it only makes sense to suppress the reiatsu. It was clearly stated in the Menos Grande/False Karakura Town arc that the people of Ichigo's hometown are abnormally spiritually sensitive, so having Ichigo run around at full power could be quite oppressive to the people of his hometown since it's been stated that Ichigo seems to almost hemorrhage spiritual energy and is mostly unable to control it's flow.

Like silent killer said, took the words outta my mouth. Though this was a good chapter, Ichigo doesn't seem to be good at connecting the dots about certain things, like exactly why Aizen was targeting Karakura Town and all.


Quote from Klapzi

The cool part is that I never get tired of being deceived

Quote from tactics

Just because someone's head was chopped off doesn't mean they're dead. That's just silly.


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Viva la anarchy

13 years ago
Posts: 111

....its finally getting interesting
...its finally getting ME interested after a while

Even it is little sad truth to know that everything was big lie but this is what I waited for< something that I finaly could not see comming (like in most of other shonenshit).

I belive in what Ginjo said cause I don`t see point why would he lie.

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chasing oblivion

13 years ago
Posts: 1366

It'd be ridiculous if what he said wasn't true. It's perfectly reasonable that something like that would be the case. I just don't see why it's so shocking or even a reason to be angry like Ginjo. It's lame. It's a paper thin excuse for war.


Sarcasm just doesn't work over the internet.


13 years ago
Posts: 128

It was a good chapter, but it was obvious that the soul society was using ichigo. Its not a big deal that the badge suppressed his spiritual pressure cause all the Soul Society members also had there Spiritual Pressure suppressed with a seal so they dont harm people inadvertently. Ukitake isnt bad or a traitor either, he created the badge to help monitor people closely associated with the Soul Society. None of this info is bad or a surprise and it wouldnt make a difference anyway, they already know where he lives and where his friends live, they were intending to leave him alone when he lost his powers.

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