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Post #225663
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1:39 am, Nov 7 2008
Posts: 35

So finally Soi-Fon finished that little one.
But I still don't like her.

I wonder who it was, who saved that Vice-Captain (forgot her name)
I kinda remember that attack but i don't know from where... confused

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1:47 am, Nov 7 2008
Posts: 4917

i wonder who it was as well...

So i am guessing its the old espada against Soi-Fon now?

Post #225676
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Werd Nerd

2:15 am, Nov 7 2008
Posts: 590

I'm guessing that too...

And yes, I too will spend the next week wondering who the great saviour is.

...And, as usual, I'll spend it wondering when the Vaizards are gonna show up.

Though at least the fights have sped up a bit so they're not as hideously boring and painful anymore!

~Just Lynz, drop the -ajw~
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2:20 am, Nov 7 2008
Posts: 4917

Maybe its one of the Vizards!

Post #225680
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Werd Nerd

2:23 am, Nov 7 2008
Posts: 590

That'd be awesome!

Which is why I think it probably isn't.

But who knows, I could be pleasantly surprised for the first time in ages! *tries to be optimistic and fails miserably*

~Just Lynz, drop the -ajw~
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5:32 am, Nov 7 2008
Posts: 272

Yes Soi-fon finished the dude off... overwhelmingly.. again ^^
No close battles :s Always "ow no I was just holding back & pretending I was in deep shit".

I hope our mystery guy is Ichigo or some arrancar or even vaizard, but it's probably just another small fry dead

Post #225721
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6:33 am, Nov 7 2008
Posts: 62

The one helped matsumoto was a vizard for sure, since matsumoto was so surprised to se him/her again. I wonder which vizard it was cool

Post #225733
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7:15 am, Nov 7 2008
Posts: 24

Or maybe it was that girl (what was her name), the one Hitsugaya likes, his childhood friend?;> That attack looks like her fireball.
(she didn't appear in manga since Aizen betreyal, am i right, or am i missing something?)


8:03 am, Nov 7 2008
Posts: 678

you mean Hinamori? i doubt it would be her, she was obsessed with Aizen. if anything she could pose a risk to the Gotei 13 during this fight.

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Post #225760
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8:31 am, Nov 7 2008
Posts: 176

It was overall pretty boring for a chapter. I hate Soi Fon's vice...he's too high strung and stuck on himself. Anyhow, I did like the little cliff hanger of whom comes to aid Matsumoto. Hopefully it's a Vizard...considering they were on their way to fight. Hopefully next chap picks the pace up.

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9:17 am, Nov 7 2008
Posts: 641

I was actually thinking it might be Momo too, since it was a giant fireball...

Especially if it was Momo, even more reason for Rangiku to be surprised by her appearance considering how she was before.

Looks good, things are moving well enough along now.

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sleepy ghost

10:03 am, Nov 7 2008
Posts: 1140

Was Soi Fong bluffing when said that her Suzumebachi 2 strike instant kill thingy is her best move? I was under the impression that she was able to somewhat pull off a shunkou (that move Yoruichi used against her). Oh well, I just hope she has a better performance against Barragan (who I hope is more than just talk).

I'm with the people who say that it was Momo who intervened, though Kyouraku's vice captain also has yet to make an appearance in battle (I was under the assumption that she was too scared to witness Yamamoto in battle again, but I could be wrong)

"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained."
- Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain
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11:45 am, Nov 7 2008
Posts: 1130

I was thinking it is the group from Urahara's shop. That could've been a shot from Ururu or something Tessai cast.

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Post #225826 - Reply to (#225824) by Spanky151

11:55 am, Nov 7 2008
Posts: 25

Quote from Spanky151
I was thinking it is the group from Urahara's shop. That could've been a shot from Ururu or something Tessai cast.

i second that theory, i soooooo!!!! hope that ururu gets to play a part, she is the best. biggrin

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Demented Octopus

12:36 pm, Nov 7 2008
Posts: 737

Very nice chapter. It's great seeing Soi Fon being properly badass. I'm kinda disappointed that it looks like she's going to fight Barragan now. I had hoped we'd get to see an old man fight between him and Yamamoto, though I suppose we still might.

As for Rangiku's savior, I'm curious. It could be a vizard. That would be cool. I doubt it's Momo since she's probably still inactive. My best guess is Nanao as she's one of the few characters we really have no idea where she's supposed to be, we've yet to see her fight, and she's supposed to be a kido specialist so a big blast like that should be well within her ability. Of course I could be completely wrong.

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