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A Saxophone Player x Flute Player BL

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6:00 pm, May 15 2024
Posts: 4

The story is about two guys who are both 25 years old, have bad luck with romance (one has 5 exes while the other 6 exes), and sleep together because they get aroused after performing. The first chapter has the dark-haired guy being berated by the women in their music club thing because he leads people on. The blonde-haired guy is seen as a prince. Both of them find serious relationships annoying and everything. There's also a highschool girl who has a crush on the blonde guy and helps in keeping them together. The blonde guy can also play a lot of instruments. Thanks in advance.

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8:40 pm, May 15 2024
Posts: 1

Hello! Thats Iki Dekinai no wa Kimi no Sei 🙂

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12:08 am, May 16 2024
Posts: 4

Thank you!!

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