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Site Poll - Chat Box 90 - Thugs. What to do?

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Post #364129
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8:47 am, Mar 16 2010
Posts: 2342

I'm a Mui Tai fighter, and in the process in learning Tai Chi. So I should know when fighting is the best option. Knowing if someone is hostile would be a big part of this situation.


10:36 am, Mar 16 2010
Posts: 11

It really matters what people consider *THUGS*
Because there are street thugs, Gang thugs ect...
I have friends that are gang thugs........even though i might not know them.. they might know me through my friends and thats why they would come up to us .... ----- And the only reason why thugs would come up to you is either got some thing they need or want. 2 you did something to them, or family did something. [b]3. you where in the wrong place at the wrong time...
But don't quote me on this ............

Post #364172
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1:21 pm, Mar 16 2010
Posts: 53

Tsubaki21 i realy liked your answer and for a girl that is the best thing to do. Defend the weaker...

BTW SUPER PULL i will post what happend to me so if you dont want to read stop now if you do then...

Last 1.May we went camping 30 mills from our town. We go on 30.April and stay till 2.May.
It was a nice camp till the night on the 1.May we got stoned drunk and a girl came to our camp from another camp, some guys came with the girl; and she was a bit*h teesing my friend.
Then my friend said to them to go from our camp and the acted as nothing happend, so my friend got mad and chased them, after 5 mins they came there was like 10 of them. And start acting tough my friend got into a one on one with the guy that he chased out and kick the shit out of him... THIS IS WHERE THE TROUBLE STARTED...

After the fight one of them said to my friend come with us and grabed his arm and try to take him into the woods, i grabed my friend trown him into the tent then he grabed my other friend for the neck, i pushed the guy away like 2 meters, then they all came storming down on my head 4-5 of them... while my first friend got away and im glad he survived that. As for me i got some brusies some cuts on the lip on the nose but nothing major.(im a big guy im proud to say they couldnt even bring me down on the groun couse if they did i would be in worse condition); So my answer is protect my friends and i think i will have to do this thing again since we are going on the 1.May this year on the same place and i guess they will too. As for my friends one just stood watche them punch me, one was hit with case of beer botlles, one ran, one play dead ( omg how i was afraid for him he was on the groud not moving and i was all bloody and came to see is he ok and nothing was wrong with him just fear smile ) So the answers are ok some people stay some run some play dead...

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4:02 pm, Mar 18 2010
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Depends on the thugs.
-Equel in nummer: protect friends of course.
-outnummered: Run away with friends
-thugs are all a head bigger than ours: depends on the strenght of my friends, so probably saved or running away with them
-really stong thugs: if there slow, run away
- thugs are all a head bigger than ours + really stong thugs: dig a grave...

Even after dead, we raise from the ashes for the sake of manga.
Post #364741
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12:10 am, Mar 19 2010
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I'm going to go with... "What friends? I don't know those people."

But seriously, if the people don't seem like asses, then I'd try to help and move on... or get passed by as they did not even register our existence. Probably because we're more likely to get targeted for a pick-pocketing rather than a mugging or beat-down.

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Post #364743 - Reply to (#363722) by Tsubaki21
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12:32 am, Mar 19 2010
Posts: 87

Quote from Tsubaki21
Yeah,that is the way things happen in reality... I'm a little oblivious so I get followed alot. Where I work and live is pretty dangerous as well. Then on top of that I hate to hurt anyone's's feelings so when people follow me or I see an angry looking group walking towards me, I think to myself "I do not want to hurt their feelings, perhaps they are misunderstood, kind people" (most people where I live dress like thugs). This is so incredibly stupid of me but I can't bring myself not to do it. Also, when I've been attacked the guys didn't necessarily want my money (I'm a girl, know what I mean?) so it's a little different from robbery. Most guys will just back off, when I keep walking for too long, but if they may me too uncomfortable I start screaming "MAY I HELP YOU, SIR" (you do this with your hands together, it shows authority) and they usually back of, but some don't. I mean I'm not some kind of kick-butt professional, I'm probably less athletic-inclined than average, I really just want them to get away from me.... I only took 2 self defense classes from a police lady at my school, and she taught me what to do..... Oh and I hate when other people get involved more than anything. I have a tendancy to really mother others, so I make sure everyone else gets out of danger before me. I'm not trying to be a hero, I just don't know what I'd do if someone got hurt and I didn't do anything to stop because I was protecting myself... You know? So, in a way I'm still protecting myself.

Listen, I dont know where you are from or what kind of neighborhood you live in, but the fact that you are thinking about self defense in a situation where you are about to get beaten by multiple dudes, tells me you are not thinking clearly. Let me explain something to you, criminals do not give a fuck about you and your well being. In this hypothetical question that has been asked of us, you have a group of thugs coming towards you and you understand that they intend to harm you. In this situation in which you are aware that inaction will result in a physical beat down, the choice to do anything other than run for your life is the wrong choice.

I say this because you dont seem to understand how criminals actually act in the real world as opposed to the fictional one. There is nothing you can do against people who dont care about their own well being, you cant fight people who dont care if they get hurt and you cant threaten people who dont care about going to jail. If you are about to get mugged, your life and physical health is literally on the line. I know someone who sustained life long injuries from a simple mugging with only two other dudes. My overall point is that attempting to communicate or fight back against people who want to do you harm is fucking stupid and childish and anyone who thinks otherwise needs to grow the fuck up and stop living in a fantasy.

Post #364772
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6:50 am, Mar 19 2010
Posts: 53

You are not making a point what should we do? get down on the ground and do nothing and btw tsubaki21 is a girl if she would let them do what they want she would be molested... you have to defend in any way you know , everything people have been saying here are methods of defence (running away as well couse you save your self). But running away is not an option for a girl think about it for an instance how many girls are faster then you... She cant ran away that easy, she has no options but to take a stand or she wouldnt get out of a situation like this unharmed...

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Post #364786 - Reply to (#364743) by VenusInFurs
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8:36 am, Mar 19 2010
Posts: 79

Quote from VenusInFurs
Listen, I dont know where you are from or what kind of neighborhood you live in, but the fact that you are thinking about self defense in a situation where you are about to get beaten by multiple dudes, tells me you are not thinking clearly. Let me explain something to you, criminals do not give a fuck about you and your well being. In this hypothetical question that has been asked of us, you have a group of thugs coming towards you and you understand that they intend to harm you. In this situation in which you are aware that inaction will result in a physical beat down, the choice to do anything other than run for your life is the wrong choice.

I say this because you dont seem to understand how criminals actually act in the real world as opposed to the fictional one. There is nothing you can do against people who dont care about their own well being, you cant fight people who dont care if they get hurt and you cant threaten people who dont care about going to jail. If you are about to get mugged, your life and physical health is literally on the line. I know someone who sustained life long injuries from a simple mugging with only two other dudes. My overall point is that attempting to communicate or fight back against people who want to do you harm is fucking stupid and childish and anyone who thinks otherwise needs to grow the fuck up and stop living in a fantasy.

guys that attack girls generally just want dominance (or money, which I don't have), it's all psychological, if you stand up to them a little instead of screaming and crying (although I sort of want to) they'll back off. You might have alot of experience in street fights or whatever, but you probably have no experience as a girl.
@vojo85 thanks, boys are faster, but girls have more endurance wink I'm especially not fast in heels.

Last edited by Tsubaki21 at 8:48 am, Mar 19 2010

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8:45 am, Mar 19 2010
Posts: 1444

well that happened to us once...
apparently they were drunk and they smashed this bottle because they got pissed because of one of my friend's face...
we were all shocked and we were like gaping at them for like five seconds...
and then i shouted run!!! it was a really fun experience... laugh

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Post #364843 - Reply to (#364786) by Tsubaki21
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2:01 pm, Mar 19 2010
Posts: 87

Quote from Tsubaki21
guys that attack girls generally just want dominance (or money, which I don't have), it's all psychological, if you stand up to them a little instead of screaming and crying (although I sort of want to) they'll back off. You might have alot of experience in street fights or whatever, but you probably have no experience as a girl.
@vojo85 thanks, boys are faster, but girls have more endurance wink I'm especially not fast in heels.

Whatever, your listening to what I am saying, you keep thinking that criminals care about your gender and your going to end up in a world of trouble. I am going to say this one last time, you have no experience with criminals and you are basing your judgment on some sort of weird fictional version of what you think a thug would do if they were going to hurt you. If you think "standing up" for yourself in that type of situation would be beneficial, your so fucking wrong I dont know what to say. Also let me be clear, I have very little experience in street fights, what I do have is experience in getting my fucking ass beat by large groups of dudes with no conscious. Girl or boy, it doesn't matter, in fact as a girl I would be much more frightened at what a group of guys could possibly do to me other than just assaulting me.

Post #364854 - Reply to (#364843) by VenusInFurs
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3:22 pm, Mar 19 2010
Posts: 79

Quote from VenusInFurs
Whatever, your listening to what I am saying, you keep thinking that criminals care about your gender and your going to end up in a world of trouble. I am going to say this one last time, you have no experience with criminals and you are basing your judgment on some sort of weird fictional version of what you think a thug would do if they were going to hurt you. If you think "standing up" for yourself in that type of situation would be beneficial, your so fucking wrong I dont know what to say. Also let me be clear, I have very little experience in street fights, what I do have is experience in getting my fucking ass beat by large groups of dudes with no conscious. Girl or boy, it doesn't matter, in fact as a girl I would be much more frightened at what a group of guys could possibly do to me other than just assaulting me.

Oh my goodness get it through your thick brain. What I know is not just based on actual experience, but also statistics (why don't you look it up, I'm actually in a psychology class). Guys looking for a fight don't go after girls and don't say stuff like "ooowee hey baby wanna have fun tonight?" If you don't know how to do anything but get your assed kicked then stop talking. Because I am not just going to sit around and wait for that, better to do something than nothin, hun. Thanks though.
ugh and another thing, gender has has so much to do with just about everything. Maybe you don't notice because you're a guy, but girls get payed less, educated less, treated worse, and harrassed more, and I am so sick of it.

Last edited by Tsubaki21 at 5:21 pm, Mar 19 2010

Post #364904 - Reply to (#364854) by Tsubaki21
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7:52 pm, Mar 19 2010
Posts: 87

Quote from Tsubaki21
Oh my goodness get it through your thick brain. What I know is not just based on actual experience, but also statistics (why don't you look it up, I'm actually in a psychology class). Guys looking for a fight don't go after girls and don't say stuff like "ooowee hey baby wanna have fun tonight?" If you don't know how to do anything but get your assed kicked then stop talking. Because I am not just going to sit around and wait for that, better to do something than nothin, hun. Thanks though.
ugh and another thing, gender has has so much to do with just about everything. Maybe you don't notice because you're a guy, but girls get payed less, educated less, treated worse, and harrassed more, and I am so sick of it.

You really aren't understanding the very simple concept I am trying to convey to you. I am not saying anything about statistics or how females are treated in our society and I am not talking about how to handle a situation in which you are "not sure" about the intent of a group of shady looking guys. What I have said from the beginning is that if you are in a situation where you are positive a group of people intend to harm you physically, to do anything other than run is retarded. To say the childish things you are saying about attempting to"fight back" and "defend" yourself, shows me you dont know what you are talking about and have never been in a dangerous situation. I am having a hard time understanding why you are arguing with me on this point, it is so simple to understand.

Fact - People can be unpredictable and brutal
Conclusion - Dont take chances with thugs

Post #364906
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8:02 pm, Mar 19 2010
Posts: 2275

Neither of you are understanding what the other is saying and never will. So, just leave it at that or you both will get this thread locked.

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and I don't know you. Make sure it doesn't leave the building."
Post #364908 - Reply to (#363664) by shaggievara
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8:22 pm, Mar 19 2010
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Quote from shaggievara


They'd think twice with skillz like that.

Well, I think that it's best to make my decision based on the situation. Either I get the motherflippin' out of there or defend myself - whatever would work best.

I don't know about most people, but if I think that it's necessary to fight back, I will. To say that it's "childish" to do so is somewhat ridiculous.

Post #364912 - Reply to (#364906) by Toto
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8:55 pm, Mar 19 2010
Posts: 79

Quote from Toto
Neither of you are understanding what the other is saying and never will. So, just leave it at that or you both will get this thread locked.

haha, will do hun, sorry I get a little fired up sometimes!

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