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New Poll - Dropped by Scanlators

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12:21 am, Jan 6 2018
Posts: 10691

F_J gave another poll that's related to last week's. This time, what if it was the scanlation group that dropped the series? It could either be officially dropped or the releases were so slow that they might as well have dropped it.

You can submit poll ideas here

Previous Poll Results:
Question: You know a series is incomplete and on hiatus
I'd still read it - votes: 3147 (55.9%)
Nope, skip it - votes: 2478 (44.1%)
There were 5625 total votes.
The poll ended: January 6th 2018

Huh, more people would read it. That actually surprised me

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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12:52 am, Jan 6 2018
Posts: 421

I'd still read it.
If any of the cover, name, description, genres, demographic, review of a particular series catches my eye, I will give it a try, like reading 5 to 10 chapters. And if I like it I'll go through the whole thing till it's translated. Then I'll wait for the translator to continue again or somebody else to pick up the mantel. And depending on how much I like it, I may go RAW hunting.

Quote from lambchopsil
Huh, more people would read it. That actually surprised me

As for me, it doesn't surprise me at all. I kinda saw that coming. I saying that from my practical experience, as I some of those types on my lists, which are also on the list of a good amount of people apart me.
A good example is ID, Sword of The Emperor...and Kaze No Stigma, this one is also a cruel one where many ends up finding including me, that the author passed away, thus leaving it incomplete.
Oh! And Highschool of The Dead should be a very popular name on this line-up.
Honourable Mention: Zombie Powder by KUBO Tite-sensei, which I hoped that he had continued instead of doing the whole last BS Yhwach Arc of Bleach.

Tv Tokyo - Anime & Manga ~ MinatoAce
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4:20 am, Jan 6 2018
Posts: 2411

I'd still read it. Our thread to shine a light on such manga and the one to highlight never translated ones are both linked in my signature.

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
Manga-Masters, My ANN-Lists + Imdb
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4:58 am, Jan 6 2018
Posts: 454

An even more glaring example than the last one, where it was a question of the actual publishing being on hiatus, I won't touch a title that has any kind of scanlations problem with a ten-foot pole anymore.

Again, literally hundreds of this type of title on my lists already......ones I've read a portion of and, most likely, will never get to read the end of.........yeah, I'd have to have a hole in my head to knowingly read even a single chapter of one more that could turn out the same way.

Quote from lambchopsil
Huh, more people would read it. That actually surprised me

Quote from MinatoAce
As for me, it doesn't surprise me at all. I kinda saw that coming.

Yes, it surprises me a little, but not a lot. It's not exactly a huge gap to begin with, and I think as much as anything the majority is simply reflecting how much turnover we have in our in there are just more people (as a percentage of the whole) who are newer to all this and don't yet realize just how volatile fan scanlations can be. Yes, this question was about manga on an official hiatus, but a lot of new readers don't realize just how great a chance there is (except in the smallest percentage of very popular titles) that there will be real problems/a great likelihood that things aren't going to turn out well, either because of publishing or scanlating.

Of course it could just be that I'm more cynical than most, that's possible too biggrin

Last edited by svines85 at 5:12 am, Jan 6 2018

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8:47 am, Jan 6 2018
Posts: 236

I've been waiting for around 7 years for SEKITOU ELERGY to be picked up again.

It's a realistic picture of working class life and love.

I know there are people out there who like realism as much as I do.

Post #747395

8:56 am, Jan 6 2018
Posts: 80

I may read a few chapters to see if I like it, but I will most likely just add it to my ever growing "Plan to read" list. And unless the translation is completed, I will probably not read it.

Same for manga that is completed and the translation is still has quite some chapters to arrive at the ending. I would rather read it all in one go, than read most of it, end up with a giant cliffhanger and feel as I lose my sanity because I want one more chapter.

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10:46 am, Jan 6 2018
Posts: 182

I voted "no" in the last poll, but I voted "yes" this time. If I really love a series (in Japanese) I will continue in the original language. I am surprised that so many people voted yes in the last poll, and in this poll too. I avoided incomplete translations for a while before I started learning Japanese. I avoid most ongoing series in general, however.

Post #747424
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9:04 pm, Jan 6 2018
Posts: 402

You're not making provisions for people who can read in the original language in this poll. Normally, I'd say no -- I would never start reading something with a high chance of never finishing it, but when it comes to Japanese manga, I'd start by reading the raws even if the scanlation is available, so my answer is N/A.

Active translations list
Completed translations list
Dropped translations
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9:58 am, Jan 7 2018
Posts: 46

With today technology I can wait for 100 manga.

My perfect sentence when someone suspect me : "I'm not suspect, it's not me I swear"
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1:54 pm, Jan 7 2018
Posts: 374

Read it, try to find the raws, fail, cry.

Post #749577

9:48 pm, Jan 11 2018
Posts: 144

If the raws are available, I'd at least be able to look at the art.


3:49 am, Jan 12 2018
Posts: 5

I've already finished some series reading RAWs, so if I can find it in Japanese I'll somehow manage to finish it (though it will take more time).

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