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Manga Vs. Light Novels

Manga or Light Novels, which do you prefer... or which has contained your favorite story?
Light Novel
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3:28 pm, Jul 22 2008
Posts: 196

Just curious to see how many people read the translated light novels as well as manga, and whether they prefer one over the other.

I personally enjoy both, although my favorite stories so far have been in best found in light novel form, Zero no Tsukaima and Full Metal Panic. Sadly though no one has continued translating Full Metal Panic from BOMF on.

well anyways, lets see some peoples opinions.

Should of clarified< Manga vs their light novel counter parts, and vice versa
but it seems everyone got the point.

Last edited by Juicifer at 4:59 pm, Jul 22 2008

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Local Prig

3:35 pm, Jul 22 2008
Posts: 1899

Generally speaking, I like manga more, but the light novels are usually better than any subsequent adaptions they have. I'm sure anyone who's read both knows just how insanely better the Haruhi novels are than the manga (just as an example).

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Demented Octopus

3:49 pm, Jul 22 2008
Posts: 737

I've never actually read a light novel. So I guess I'm on the manga side. Technically though most of my exposure to manga/light novel stories comes from watching the anime adaptations.

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Post #182316
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4:01 pm, Jul 22 2008
Posts: 3503

Well, I like light novels, and if you are asking about light novels and their manga counterparts, I will choose light novels.

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Post #182337
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Mome Basher

4:55 pm, Jul 22 2008
Posts: 3380

Well, each have their own goodness (and faults) so I can't really prefer one over the others. Here's how I classify them:

Light novels - For the most content(waaaaaay laugh ), plus, it brings out more of your imagination imho.
Manga - If adapted from a light novel, content is sacrificed and modified a little but in return, you get some visuals (fanservice)

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Post #182410
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8:00 pm, Jul 22 2008
Posts: 2342

I've only read one Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu (Novel), so I can't make a definite decision yet. I like books but being a art lover I find sometimes manga is cool. Also there are times I find where you can't really describe a scene too well without some pictures. Light Novels do throw in a picture once in a while, so you can't picture a character how you want but you can think up how scenes will play out. Light novel do however add a nice change of pace and offer more to the senses then just visual.

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