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Manga that focuses on solo masturbation instead of intercourse

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5:07 pm, Dec 8 2010
Posts: 3

I'm looking for a hentai manga that is based toward solo masturbation instead of intercourse, like something that follows a girl with an addiction to it, a strange fetish or just discovers her liking to it or something. I'm sick of reading a manga only to find pages and pages of intercourse, and I can't seem to find anything that strays from it. If I do find an H manga with a girl masturbating, it always ends up with only a couple scenes or so, then intercourse is the new focus and the original awesomeness is lost.

I'd prefer something with a young protagonist, preferably not loli, with realistic body proportions (no breasts bigger than heads lol), and with little or no intercourse. Basically, something that follows a young, perverted girl, without much sexual interaction with others, but Yuri is fine to an extent though. If anyone knows anything like this, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

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6:19 pm, Dec 8 2010
Posts: 252

Hentai with solo maturbation is probably not in the Hentai catogory.... More likely it will be an adult genre, Hentai focus of coital(did I spell that right?) it seems. Don't quote me on that though...

You are new to MU so I suggest if you can't find an accually suggestion look through the maturbation section although you'll find alot with sexual penetration...

My apologies in advance.

PS I wouldn't just leave a link to catogories normally, but I don't think there will be many if all more people posting to help.

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11:05 pm, Dec 8 2010
Posts: 741

@wage knight: I never would have called that genre combo as the masturbation section. laugh

Anyway, the stories in Jii are what you seek.

I think this is one of the only times I made a rec in this section. :exits:

Last edited by waftingwish at 11:10 pm, Dec 8 2010

Looking for... shoujo with a canned peach confession. Don’t English me I’m panic.
Post #431125
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11:56 pm, Dec 10 2010
Posts: 81

Try Onani Master Kurosawa. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

Post #431168
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5:17 am, Dec 11 2010
Posts: 377

Not a hentai but could be what you're looking for:
Kayou Gogo 9-ji


6:44 pm, Dec 17 2010
Posts: 3

Thanks for the recommendations guys! I had a look at Jii, but I guess that was a little short and silly, but the right sort of thing I suppose. I've seen Onani Master Kurosawa a billion times listed here and there, I never really considered it, but after reading some of the first volume I think I'll continue with that one. A more ecchi based manga is actually probably a better thing in terms of quality, so maybe it is an adult genre sort of thing I'm looking for instead.. I'll check out Kayou Gogo 9-ji some other time.

Also, I read one called Addiction which was pretty much the kinda thing I was looking for, except it was like, primary school loli or something lol.. I can't say I enjoy that. If anyone has any other ideas I'd love to hear them! smile wink grin


6:22 pm, Jan 10 2011
Posts: 44

Not exactly sure if it's what your looking for.. but, If I remember correctly Maintenance is about a chick who masturbates while watching a female mechanic work on cars. It's just a oneshot though, and I don't remember if any actual sex with the two take place or not.. It's been a while since I've read it though, so forgive me if I'm wrong. :]

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