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Is the "tragedy" genre appropriate for this manga?

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Post #802280

2:30 pm, May 14 2023
Posts: 4

Question in the topic header.

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Josei Addict

4:04 pm, May 14 2023
Posts: 203

This is how it's defined in the sidebar (under Genre):

Contains events resulting in great loss and misfortune.

I'd say no, personally, but it's broad enough. Not sure it captures the atmosphere though.

________________ (will reformat this some day…)
Post #802283 - Reply to (#802282) by flowinmyboat

5:25 pm, May 14 2023
Posts: 4

Quote from flowinmyboat
This is how it's defined in the sidebar (under Genre):

Contains events resulting in great loss and misfortune.

I'd say no, personally, but it's broad enough. Not sure it captures the atmosphere though.

Is Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 7 and 8 tragedy?
Is Hunter X Hunter tragedy?
Is Akira tragedy?

All of those have tragedy in their genres. I would say Tetsuwan Atom has far more moments of loss and misfortune than Hunter X Hunter.


12:36 am, May 15 2023
Posts: 206

Batman origin story
is Bruce Wayne a tragedy?

being a hero is a lonely life; baddies will send your significant other's head to you in a box
any hero that doesn't retire has probably lived a life that no one would choose for themselves

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Seinen is RIGHT

2:40 am, May 15 2023
Posts: 2411

Tezuka manga have begun to be drowned in genres fairly recently. What is that about? Having a broad look through his entries will lead to 2 or 3 hours I will never get back this week...
The punishment of being well-read. A psychological on New Treasure Island (1947), WTF? On to Astro Boy.

It´s not a slice-of-life. How?
It´s not school life. A very vague setting backdrop here and there.
Not a mech manga. Those are pilotable or at least drones and mechs just began being invented in US magazines back then. Iron-man is an edge case but sure, why not. Atom and his friends/ enemies on the other hand aren´t. Before anyone says that he fought a proper mech in some godforsaken chapter no one remembers. The manga as a whole is being tagged. Not random shit here or there.
Finally, not a tragedy as it is mostly a goofy child´s action-adventure story with some drama in a sci-fi setting.

So I just kicked all 4 genres. Genres are an essential tool for the search function for example outside of signifying what a manga is and isn´t about through omission. Only "musts" can lead to the best results possible. There are LN where nearly a dozen genres come together in a word vomit and sadly with good reason due to the author throwing in every tool they can use at once to get the most amount of readers. On paper. Astor Boy ain´t that though. "Only" a few genres are truly covered. Tezuka´s Hi no Tori is quite the opposite due to its near-unmatched scale. But I also had to remove a newly added martial arts just now. How is that ever a focus? In which story!?!

Let's do this. JoJo, Hunter X Hunter and Akira as tragedies. JoJo Part 3&5 end with success but also a heavy loss of life. 1, 6, 7 and 8 all end with TONS of death (SBR is a blood bath) and none of the goals readers want to see going fulfilled. It´s why there was a backlash to the ending of Part 8 last year. It´s simply a huge bummer. Part 6 has similar issues that lead to new polarization once the anime ended. Very bittersweet. Both even made previous parts darker as we learned how previous protagonists had their lives ruined after their endings (Jotaro´s "2nd" life reverses that of course). Only 2 and 4 end well and are never that dark.

HxH is a fairly miserable read if you really get down to it and the Shounen power fantasy is being denied at almost every step. The most unusual Jump flagship of all time? Gon is even heavily punished for going Super Saiyan and the editor was for example shocked when he had the latest chapters handed to him. Ritualistic child murder that leads to the radicalization of other kids is quite the topic for a Jump manga! Tween boys got a lot to think about there. Haha.

Akira is apocalyptic so no need to go further.

About Batman. Lego Batman keeps his backstory and is explicitly for young kids. Like Astro Boy. Ain´t nobody calling it tragic. The once-seen-as-gritty Batman 1989 ends with his avenging his parent´s death. Tragedy solved via murder and he even gets to bed Gotham´s finest. There are darker Fast and Furious films that it. Lol. TDK, BvS or Joker are huge bummers of course so Batman stories can go in every direction possible. It was a kid´s sci-fi comic in the 50s for a bit due to the Comic´s Code!

Lastly, Goku killed his grandfather and has no other relatives in OG DB. I say he had it worse than Batman and no one is calling Dragon Ball or DBZ tragic.

Edit: There are/were tons of wrongly assigned mech tags for example but Tezuka actually wrote a super robot manga with Majin Gallion, kinda. News to me.

Last edited by residentgrigo at 9:50 am, May 15 2023

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Post #802295 - Reply to (#802294) by residentgrigo

3:41 am, May 15 2023
Posts: 4

Quote from residentgrigo
HxH is a fairly miserable read if you really get down to it and the Shounen power fantasy is being denied at almost every step. The most unusual Jump flagship of all time? Gon is even heavily punished for going Super Saiyan and the editor was for example shocked when he had the latest chapters handed to him. Ritualistic child murder that leads to the radicalization of other kids is quite the topic for a Jump manga! Tween boys got a lot to think about there. Haha.

What an embarrassing post. If you're going to cherrypick every little "tragic" instance from a large story then Astro Boy has plenty. Right at the start, a little boy dies, sending his father into overwhelming grief. That alone is far more of a tragedy than Gon's "punishment" for his "power up".

Akira is apocalyptic so no need to go further.

Even more embarrassing. Apocalyptic means inherently tragic? WTF? Should The Road Warrior be considered a "tragedy"? How about MD Geist? How about Pop Chaser from Cream Lemon. 🤣

Last edited by Zerk0 at 3:46 am, May 15 2023

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Seinen is RIGHT

10:08 am, May 15 2023
Posts: 2411

It´s all up to the admins now and "astro boy tragedy" gives zero results on Google. Yes, none. The Wayback Machine further shows that the manga never had the tag and the others I explain above (minus mech) as late as 2022. Funny how it is suddenly one after the site´s existence since the mid-00s.*/

Why did I care about posting? Atom is the most important creation of the most important comic artist ever. Our entry needs to look the part and whoever started to misrepresent his manga this year or so needs to cool their jets. They are making a ton of his output look like Gekiga! He only did those starting in the 70s and get drowned out by wrong-tagged kid´s comics.

How Dark Horse is marketing Astro Boy btw:

Last edited by residentgrigo at 10:23 am, May 15 2023

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
Manga-Masters, My ANN-Lists + Imdb
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Post #802299 - Reply to (#802298) by residentgrigo

10:11 am, May 15 2023
Posts: 4

Quote from residentgrigo
It´s all up to the admins now and "astro boy tragedy" gives zero results on Google. Yes, none. The Wayback Machine further shows that the manga never had the tag and the others I explain above (minus mech) as late as 2022. Funny how it is suddenly one after the site´s existence since the mid ...

The point is you are clearly a clown with no idea what you're talking about, and contradicting your own reasoning. You can't whinge about Tetsuwan Atom not being a tragedy, then seriously try to argue that Hunter X Hunter is with the most laughable reasoning.

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11:02 am, May 15 2023
Posts: 10691

Never had Tragedy until Zerk0 added it in February, so removing it

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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5:02 pm, May 15 2023
Posts: 10691

Banning Zerk0 because he decided to comment in a different thread just to call me an idiot, as well as private messaging me with a similar message

Edit: And he decided to create a new account just to call me an idiot again. When will he learn?

Edit 2: Hasn't learned. He's created several more accounts since then

If anyone notices anything wonky on Tetsuwan Atom or any related series in the future, let me know. Zerk0 might retaliate on the data

Last edited by lambchopsil at 5:38 pm, May 15 2023

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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