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Are you scared of dying ?

Are you scared of dying ?
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3:02 pm, Sep 23 2009
Posts: 11

Accepted death along with my epilepsia. 4 times in situations where avoided death by hairbreadth while suffering from epileptic stroke.

Those who fear to die, dont deserve to live. Living without accepting death is like lying to yourself with grinning face.
What i may fear is the manner of dying and do I have regrets, not "passing on" itself.
Imagine yourself going to sleep. What will prove that current you doesnt die at that exact moment, and when "you" wake up, some1 other with exactly same personality and memories isnt born?
And last, only madman, overly idealistic idiot or foolishly courageous doesnt fear whole subject called "death".
Everyone fears something in the subject. Be it pain, regret, manner of death or the moment when you lose your sight of the things in front of you.

Last edited by Helzagore at 3:13 pm, Sep 23 2009

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3:10 pm, Sep 23 2009
Posts: 108

most are going to say no theyre not scared its inevitable everyone dies, I also thought no im not scared to die, but when it happens then I think many will change theyre mind sure we arent scared if we die tomorrow but imagine them telling you, you have a week to live im sure then people would be afraid its different to talk about something, compared to when you have to face it so I think almost everyone when not faced with death wont be afraid of it.

[Life is But A Dream..]
Post #322893
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3:13 pm, Sep 23 2009
Posts: 378

Nope, came extreamly close recently and I cant say it affected me all that much. Im happy with my life and I really enjoy the things I do, but I dont live in fear of dying. I know its a certainty of life.

Post #322903
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4:18 pm, Sep 23 2009
Posts: 838

What scares me is ... the people next to me dying, my family and friends. I dont know how to face that situation and i will never know because i think diferent than other people and well even if it hurts its not like the dead itself feels any pain.

Post #323030 - Reply to (#322890) by Helzagore
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4:05 am, Sep 24 2009
Posts: 140

Quote from Helzagore
Those who fear to die, dont deserve to live. Living without accepting death is like lying to yourself with grinning face.

And last, only madman, overly idealistic idiot or foolishly courageous doesnt fear whole subject called "death".
Everyone fears something in the subject. Be it pain, regret, manner of death or the moment when you lose your sight of the things in front of you.

First of all, thats contradictory...
And second, to fear dying does not mean to not accept death as the end of life. It only means that the uncertainty surrounding death makes you uncomfortable and scared.
To be scared of the unknown is a natural reaction of all living creatures, because of their subconcious will to live and the possible danger anything unknown holds to their life.
Doesn't this make our fear of dying and death entirely natural?
And realizing that we have to face this inevitable, fearsome event eventually is actually the exact opposite of lying to yourself.

Lastly, to say someone doesn't deserve to life is the most ignorant thing possible, I'd say.
In my opinion, noone has the authority to judge a life as undeserved or unworthy of living, since we are all but humans and thus not superior to life at all.

Last edited by Isara at 4:13 am, Sep 24 2009

Post #323035 - Reply to (#322890) by Helzagore
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5:30 am, Sep 24 2009
Posts: 822

Quote from Helzagore
Those who fear to die, dont deserve to live. Living without accepting death is like lying to yourself with grinning face.

Did you come up with that on your own? Maybe you should leave the philosophy to philosophers and keep your opinions to yourself.

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Post #323040 - Reply to (#323035) by 狂気
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6:46 am, Sep 24 2009
Posts: 874

Quote from 狂気
Quote from Helzagore
Those who fear to die, dont deserve to live. Living without accepting death is like lying to yourself with grinning face.

Did you come up with that on your own? Maybe you should leave the philosophy to philosophers and keep your opinions to yourself.

Lol laugh I second that comment.

@ Helzagore you trying to sound intelligent has just showed how foolish you are. You might not fear death now but at the moment of death you will and you'll realise that there is so much left that you want to do and see. Its human nature, you know self preservation and all

No one gives a shit what trite garbage you write here.
Post #323048 - Reply to (#323035) by 狂気

8:22 am, Sep 24 2009
Posts: 5

Quote from 狂気
Quote from Helzagore
Those who fear to die, dont deserve to live. Living without accepting death is like lying to yourself with grinning face.

Did you come up with that on your own? Maybe you should leave the philosophy to philosophers and keep your opinions to yourself.

I also second that comment.

It is human nature to try to want to live and not die, and thus get scared when they come across the thought of death. And in what way don't they deserve to live? Afraid or not there isn't much of a difference.

p.s. I did vote for a no, as I still have a long way ahead. But if faced by knife or gun at point blank... that's a different story!

Post #323051
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8:32 am, Sep 24 2009
Posts: 321

Why should one be afraid of dying?
I mean, everyone dies.

You just have to live life to the fullest.
Carpe Diem!

Post #323052
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Bazooka .

8:34 am, Sep 24 2009
Posts: 603

I'm actually curious what it's like to die.
I would be scared if someone pointed a gun at me or something though.definitely.

Post #323064
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9:58 am, Sep 24 2009
Posts: 186

We're all going to eventually anyways,
so what's the point of being afraid of something that'll happen to us all?
I see no point in it, but that's just my perspective.

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6:31 am, Sep 25 2009
Posts: 17

Not at all. I used to be scared of dying (mainly because i don't believe in any form of an afterlife and the thought of just ceasing to exist was scary), but nowadays i just accept that it's going to happen eventually, so why bother worrying or being scared of it.
I'm not saying that in a life or death situation i wouldn't choose life, because i would, i'd fight to live, clinging to life till my last breath, but i wouldn't be scared of dying. I'd fight for my life because there's still so much out there to do, rather than out of fear of death. Not even the thought of ceasing to exist particularly bothers me anymore, i've come to terms with that aspect of my beliefs (or lack thereof).

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7:33 am, Sep 25 2009
Posts: 574

When I think about the experiences I've had where I almost died or seriously thought I was going to die, I would say yes, hell yes, I was scared. But that was during the moment, so not sure if that is relevant. I know I am just scared of being scared when/while I die.

I already am expecting my death, because it can come at any time. All it takes is for you to trip, fall and hit your head and you're done.

I'm also scared of a painful death, emotional or physical. And I feel like I've posted in such a thread before...I do not believe in an after-life, or reincarnation. I believe I'm just going to rot, or forever be enclosed in a vase, but I can't comprehend not being alive and breathing, it's really sad. Like I'm here and then I'm gone, why even bother in the first place, you know? Not like after you're dead you can sit back and reminisce sad

Just because dying is inevitable, does not mean you have to accept it. That sounds ridiculous. Who can accept their death? Not everyone in this thread is going to die peacefully, some will be killed, some may die from cancer, some of you may take your own life...Think about it.

Quote from Calíbre
I'm not afraid of dying.
I'm afraid of dying with regrets.

I already have regrets and I'm not dead dead Shit. That is the last thing I want to think about when I'm about to kick the bucket.

Depressing thread is depressing.

Last edited by mewnbrite at 7:43 am, Sep 25 2009

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jail bait

8:10 am, Sep 25 2009
Posts: 1444

but i wouldnt know it when im dead so basically thats what im afraid of...
and i still havent done the things that i wanna do!!! im in love with life so im afraid of losing it!!

oh please do click this!
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The last Blood Elf

8:11 am, Sep 25 2009
Posts: 200

Huh, when to die ? right now ? yes i m scared
10000 years later ? i don't know if i would remember at that time.

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