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Name of this short yaoi?

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12:39 am, Jul 23 2014
Posts: 4

I have been looking for this manga everywhere. It's short, maybe 4 or 5 chapters. The main character is a rich guy + aiming to be an actor, but his leg gets injured and he has to give up on being an actor. He gets into a relationship with this guy who is maybe his servant? But also his sister's fiance apparently?
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and then at the end it's implied that that dude killed his sister

Anyone have any idea what I'm talking about it? Thanks much!

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2:17 am, Jul 23 2014
Posts: 482

wow, interesting. i'll wait for the answer too

Post #648035
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3:24 am, Jul 23 2014
Posts: 37

Sounds like the last story from $10


11:30 am, Jul 23 2014
Posts: 4

That's the one! I didn't remember that it was part of a collection. Thanks!

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