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4:21 pm, Apr 25 2011
Posts: 704

it was a one shot in a series of one shot
the father sold iff his son to this person, gave him juice with durg in it
the son woke up tied to the bed wearing a rather sexy throng
and the man came in and put stimulant in the boy's hole and said that the boy need to say he wants the man over the phone in order for the pain to subside
and the boy coudn't handle it anymore and called
and the man gleefully went into the room while his assistant says "you just want to enjoy him for yourself and not to save the boy from the awful father"

thank you

Post #464354
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10:37 pm, Apr 25 2011
Posts: 179

Kouya no Seifukuou - 5) The Love Call of the Master?

I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best.
- Oscar Wilde -
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