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Most embarrassing moments of your life

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Post #345259
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goddess of victory

8:46 am, Dec 30 2009
Posts: 22

My 7th grade history teacher used to give us candy if we answered a question correctly. One day, I answered a question correctly and forgot for a second that she was going to give me a lollipop. After answering the question I looked down at my paper then looked up again to find a lollipop zooming across the room at me. I quickly reached up with my hands to catch it, but it was too late. The lollipop landed smack dab in the middle of my forehead. The stem hit me perfectly in the center leaving a tiny circle on top a huge bump. The bump went away within a day or two but the circle from the stem lasted awhile longer. It was so embarrassing.

In Heaven, all the interesting people are missing.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Post #345300 - Reply to (#50019) by lightning90

1:22 pm, Dec 30 2009
Posts: 288

Quote from lightning90
really? i once ran into girls toilet but noone in it, so less embarrassing for me. lol

in mandarine phonetics "wo-men" means "us"...
this can get confusing when you might have happened to study really hard for a week with little sleep to memorize a different language! cry

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9:06 am, Jan 6 2010
Posts: 283

What about lending some money from friends...i guess this is the most embarrassing moments in my life..I always lending money from friens during my collage day....i nvr have enough money back then...i need to have a big thick cheek on my face....

The other embarasing moment for me is when my scooter being on-tow...hahaha....i guess that the most funny story hapen to me.....just imagine that u really park ur bike somewhere, then it suddenly disappear...really strange, i though i had dreaming or i misplace somewhere....then i go crazy duno what to do... dead

Post #346753

9:59 am, Jan 6 2010
Posts: 62

In the seventh grade when I had just started at a new school I tripped in the middle of the school cafeteria and dropped my tray. It wasn't very enjoyable to clean the cafeteria when others were laughing around me and I was covered in porridge.

Post #346906
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Is a female

5:10 am, Jan 7 2010
Posts: 3457

Being sexually harrased on facebook.

By a girl.

Two years younger than me.

And my friends sister.


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5:29 am, Jan 7 2010
Posts: 121

When I worked at a hotel a couple of years back, me and the rest of the staff used to call are boss the mammoth. one day when i was talking to her i almoust called her that to her face. what came out was maa, and then i paniced and called her mom. to the point is that her name is maria so it wouldent have to get that embaressing


5:36 am, Jan 7 2010
Posts: 79

the most embarrassing moment of my life thus far, having a relationship with a girl, only to have her openly denied it. The whole story is a lot more complicated, but that it the gist of it.

I swear to live my life alone from that point, and everything work out fine thus far (with the only annoying inconvenience of people thinking I'm either gay or too aloof)

Signatures are for people who have too much time and ideas, I lack the idea part....
Post #346913 - Reply to (#346911) by WandererXI
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5:55 am, Jan 7 2010
Posts: 121

[quote=WandererXI]the most embarrassing moment of my life thus far, having a relationship with a girl, only to have her openly denied it. The whole story is a lot more complicated, but that it the gist of it.

he he, once this guy (who wasnt my boyfriend) broke up with me in a crowded cafe.apperently hed thought we were a couple for like a month. then he went around telling people how sad i was.

I also did a seinfeld and dated a guy whose name i didnt know. the first time we met he told me but i was so stressed about him asking me out so i didnt understand what he said. and after talking on the phone and meeting him a couple of times it was to embaressing to ask.

man Im pretty embaressing

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6:40 pm, Jan 10 2010
Posts: 560

I was passing by an old crush of mine. He knew I liked him back then, but was a jerk and a stalker to me. I was passing him by, sort of "flaunting what I got" and went up the stairs. Then I tripped on the top step and face planted on the ground. I knew he saw me, but I stood up, and walked away really fast, not daring to look back.

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Post #348705
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9:13 pm, Jan 11 2010
Posts: 44

lots of funny stories and some i can relate to smile
i happen to have a lot of embarrasing stories here are some that come to mind..

umm once i was standing organizing some papers and i noticed through my peripheral vision that someone just came and stood beside me. i thought it was a guy cousin of mine. i wanted to surprise him, so i quickly turned and gave him a big hug. When i realised the person i was hugging was not thin like my cousin but just a little chunky??! i immediately looked up only to see that it was my childhood friend's boyfriend.... SO EMBARRASING!!

Another time in high school i was in my german class. It was around the christmas holidays and we were having a laid back day learning about some of the things they do in germany during christmas time. The teacher had given us some pictures to color just to keep us busy and let us chat. In high school you never get to color pictures so i took my picture and sat down and began coloring quite happily. Half way through coloring the picture I notice that i hear people snickering. When i look up the entire class (like 15 ppl) is staring at me with these huge grins on their faces. I looked to my friend already embarrased without even knowing why and she started laughing and told me that it was so cute that i was sitting there coloring my pictures and enthusiastically humming xmas songs like 'rodulph the red nosed reindeer'

one last emarrasing moment which is very recent...
I was participating in a play and we were trying on our costumes. i had put on this long gold 'dress' like thing and was trying to step over a tub of props. well to my surprise that gold dress limited how far i could strech my leg out, and i lost my balance and my foot ended up in the tub instead of on the other side. causing me to trip, lose a shoe, and fall flat on my face with a very loud thud. Ofcourse everyone that didn't see me fall heard the thud and looked in my direction. To make things worse like 30 minutes later during a break i was admiring a staff that my friend was using as a prop and picked it up and started trying to do some cool martial arts tricks ive seen with the staff. Unfortunately i forgot about the limit in how far i could strech my leg with the gold dress on and when i was attepting a high kick the costume got in the way but the momentum of the kick only caused me to fall flat on my back with another loud thud....

i know these stories were long but i hope you guys enjoy shy

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The Shorty

8:58 pm, Oct 31 2010
Posts: 330

have a pile of bird poop on my head for 3 hours without noticing it -don't ask me how it got there i don't know >.<

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Slumbering Remnant

9:07 pm, Oct 31 2010
Posts: 657

My sister needed a pad so I was in the next stall to hers so I got one and put my hand under the stall and waved it around saying "hey here~! here~" then I noticed she wasn't takin it and looked at "her" shoes and noticed it wasn't her...yes- I said "oh cra-.."
I sat there until the other person was long gone (I wanted to hit my head against the wall)....when I came out my sister asked me "what took you so long?!" apparently she had a extra one in her pocket and came out of the stall without me gosh that was quite embarrassing... that is my only embarrassing other moments are very few so this is basically my only one. it isn't really embarrassing, it's more humorous. well my sister laughed at me for a whole month after that, she laughs everytime she remembers....

Last edited by sweetnsour321 at 9:16 pm, Oct 31 2010

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I hear you say "Why?" Always "Why?" You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?"
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11:20 am, Apr 27 2011
Posts: 572

If it's the MOST embarrassing/CRAZIEST/STUPIDEST thing I've ever done..
That would be..
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Cycling on the Manhattan in the not the Cycling road but on the f*cking freeway. My stupidity caused a traffic on the bridge, I had to cycle back when I finally realized people were yelling at me. [by that time, I already cycled mid-way across the bridge]. Gosh, I was so stupid for not following the cycling map..

*face palm face palm face palm

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Actually, cycling alone in Downtown Manhattan was a bad idea for me.

Cos the second time I went cycling, I got stuck inside a crowd of people near Battery park because there was a festival there..Luckily, I wasn't the only cyclist there..there was a group of students from Columbia University who got stranded in the pedestrian pathway because the police blocked out some of the road junctions. Some teenagers cussed at us... damn. it was embarrassing.

and then, the same stupid thing happened in London......

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Half a year ago, I got myself into a stupid situation for carrying 2 heavy large sized luggage when I travelling around London. Thankfully, there were some fine british gentlemen helped me carry the luggage down the stairs in the London Underground..but it was stupid when I constantly got into the wrong tube and eventually, I got mixed up with the Euston Square train station and the King's Cross train station, the latter of which I'm supposed to catch the 10 a.m train to Edinburgh.

Ultimately, I lost £140+..+ the bus fair + taxi fair. I was 3 hours late for my train. ...I should have bought a flight ticket that landed at Edinburgh instead of London Heathrow if I had known this would happened. LOL.

Last edited by Brucie_kun at 11:38 am, Apr 27 2011

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Rape is imminent.

1:09 pm, Apr 27 2011
Posts: 25

I was racing on of my friends to the bathroom at school and I beat her. Right when I was going to turn around and gloat at her I slipped and fell on some water, straight onto my backside. She just laughed like until she was in tears then just walked over me and didnt even bother to help. Mind you this was during passing time and the bathroom was packed, I had a large audience eek

The meaning of to give life meaning.
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1:22 pm, Apr 27 2011
Posts: 591

i was 10 years old i had a neighbor we were best friends, i had a huge crush on her (maybe even loved her), anyways it was during the summer time and i use to walk around the house with just my tidy whities on only (i thought boxers were not cool then), anyways i was in my room and she was in our house ( i did not know) and barges into my room and saw me in my tidy whities my gosh i felt like i was about to die, its funny to me now but that probably was the most embarrassing moment in my life laugh

"when i'm sad, i stop being sad and be awesome instead."
- Barney Stinson
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