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Wisdom Teeth removal.

Wisdom Teeth removed?
Yep, because I want my teeth to be straight.
No, it has it's own purpose.
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Eat Me

9:36 pm, Nov 23 2008
Posts: 438

I'm the lucky one here because I don't have any. Though my parents call me "dentally retarded" because I am 18 and still have not fully gotten in my 12 year molars. I was also missing 2 other permanent teeth and had to get implants for them instead. So I have had to have other oral surgeries. cry Payback's a bit** isn't it.

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The Movie Critic

9:50 pm, Nov 23 2008
Posts: 515

No not for me kinda funny thought my brother just got his pulled yesterday.

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10:18 pm, Nov 23 2008
Posts: 196

all 4 of my wisdom teeth grew in normally, and my teeth are straight. doesnt happen often, but im happy about it.

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Post #230470
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10:28 pm, Nov 23 2008
Posts: 156

I got all of mine removed at the same time. They weren't out yet, except for about 2/3 of one. It stayed like that for 2 years. I doubt they would have ever came out. They were giving me headaches and stuff, not real bad mind you, but enough to cause discomfort. They put me to sleep. Yippee! jk. I had stitches, gauze and blood in my mouth for a while (like 2 weeks). Couldn't eat normal food for several days and I had to rinse with warm salt water dead after EVERY piece of food. I couldn't sleep and was on pain killers for a few days. And when my stitches stared coming out I pulled on one gently, but it hurt like hell (it ended up being a piece of my gum lol <------ not funny at the time)

All in all it was nice >.> lol but no, don't let it detere you. It was worth it, and although it was a pain in the arsenol it didn't hurt as much as i thought (or as much as it sounds).

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10:40 pm, Nov 23 2008
Posts: 345

I have three wisdom teeth. Ill probably get them removed, but even though I am 18 they have yet to move.

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12:14 pm, Nov 24 2008
Posts: 18

When I got my braces the dentist told me I had to get four teeth removed
to make room for my wisdom teeth and when my wisdom teeth started growing the dentist told me I had to get them removed =/. At least it wasn't as bad as the first time bigrazz

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12:27 pm, Nov 24 2008
Posts: 60

If it's necessary then sure, but I will put up a losing fight for it to stay...
For me lucky, I think, the dentist in a span of my life of 18 years pulled out 8+ tooth to make space and straighten out my smile...

Now my wisdom tooth set is coming out very good.
No clashing under other tooth and weird positions of anything.

So I guess I'm one of the lucky ones.
I hope...

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12:36 pm, Nov 24 2008
Posts: 776

I got my teeth pulled a few years ago. I was so panicky before they even scheduled the appointment that the dr drugged me up twice as much as usual before going into get them out. And afterwords, I had a pretty long, drugged-up recovery. My friend, Britt, visited me a week after the surgery and my cheeks were still swollen like I chipmunks. I visited her two days after hers and she was barely swollen at all. So not fair.

Last edited by IMustBeInsane at 12:49 pm, Nov 24 2008

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Post #241925

7:14 pm, Dec 28 2008
Posts: 1762

I had to have the top two removed, they came in perfectly straight but weren't healthy. It wasn't a big deal, nor did it hurt, and my recovery was quick. The bottom two have yet to come up and I highly doubt that they ever will. But if they do and need to be removed as well, so be it.


7:27 pm, Dec 28 2008
Posts: 170

I'll probably keep my wisdom teeth unless they cause pain or complications, only then will I have them removed.

If it's not broke, don't fix it I say.

Edit: I'm 24 and only one of my wisdom teeth has poked through my gums so far, the others are nowhere to be found. The wisdom tooth that's showing is just 'barely' above the gum-line. No pain, and it seems to be straight.

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7:37 pm, Dec 28 2008
Posts: 145

I got my wisdom teeth removed (all 4) at the beginning of this year (I'm 18 now). I'm actually really lucky because it didn't hurt at all.

The previous day I was up really late reading manga so I was dead tired and I was pretty much out before they put me to sleep. Then it felt like just a few seconds later when they woke me up and I never really hurt. I slept most of the day (I was so tired lol) and when I woke up I was just fine. I did have a nasty bruise on my cheek though, but I'm fine with that because it didn't hurt that much (only when people touched it obviously).

I'm kind of like this will all surgeries, I never have any issues and I hardly hurt when the surgeries happen too. I guess I'm just lucky bigrazz

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7:50 pm, Dec 28 2008
Posts: 235

I get no pain from my wisdom teeth, so unless its unbearable, no. I hate going to the dentist anyway.

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Post #241945
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8:18 pm, Dec 28 2008
Posts: 6

I got mine removed last year and at the time they weren't hurting me. I didn't feel mine and they didn't give pain but apparently they were all impacted so I had to have them removed. My brother tried to get his removed but then the oral surgeon said that you need permission from your dentist and that his weren't impacting his teeth so he didn't need to take his out.

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11:19 pm, Dec 28 2008
Posts: 3342

I got two removed. I was still conscious, so hearing the cracking of bones was a new experience. eek

The whole recovery part was terribly annoying though...

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Post #242011

11:54 pm, Dec 28 2008
Posts: 3

It makes you wanna die sometimes...but mono is more painful. Only get them removed once and can only get mono once sooo i have both those down. And what i mean by mono being more painful is you sleep almost every second and when you wake up its like someone was punching you while you slept.

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