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Mirror's Egde for PC

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8:51 am, Jan 15 2009
Posts: 186

I encountered a little but very annoying bug there.
(Got game yesterday)
On the level 3, after minute or so, Faith just started to... walk.
Because of this i can't jump, and because i can't jump i can't finish this level.
Anyone encountered this problem? How can i beat it? confused

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3:39 pm, Jan 19 2009
Posts: 147

Oh gods, I want this sooo bad. I've read critic reviews, but as a normal gamer how is it? I honestly never expected DICE to make something like this after Battlefield.

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6:56 pm, Jan 25 2009
Posts: 18

Haze, I believe you need to update your game. It's happened to many people including me, and I'm pretty sure I just had to patch to fix it.


7:20 pm, Jan 25 2009
Posts: 429

I've been wanting to try this game out, after it's price drops a little at least.


7:48 pm, Jan 25 2009
Posts: 8

You wanna know what's funny? Nvidia was one of the partners in making this game, and their PhysX technology is in it, but their flagship card, the GTX 295 can't play it all because of either driver bugs or something else. Check it out on if you don't believe me.

Post #252152
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7:52 pm, Jan 25 2009
Posts: 1574
someone made a mirrors edge in flash in anybody's interested


8:18 pm, Jan 25 2009
Posts: 429

Cool I just tried it, one thing bothers me though which has bothered me in old platformers like Prince of Persia is the way the whole body has an after affect movement, I know it's just an image thing but it bothers me to a point because it results in the controls being hard to use. If it fixed that it would be awesome and I checked the site and it said there really is going to be a 2D Mirror's Edge, I hope it's for DS then.

Post #252169 - Reply to (#252152) by daed
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8:55 pm, Jan 25 2009
Posts: 3342

Quote from daed
someone made a mirrors edge in flash in anybody's interested

Damn you. I just wasted an hour on that game!

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