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Mass Effect 3 Boycott

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Urabe is not happy

13 years ago
Posts: 91

If anything; people should be boycotting it over Origin, which has been proven to scan scan your file system, violating your privacy.


13 years ago
Posts: 64

Steam does the same thing.. steam even keeps archives of what programs you have installed on ur PC

Why does no one complain about steam?

... Last edited by kekpew 13 years ago
Post #526561 - Reply To (#526491) by kekpew
Post #526561 - Reply To (#526491) by kekpew
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Urabe is not happy

13 years ago
Posts: 91

Quote from kekpew

Steam does the same thing.. steam even keeps archives of what programs you have installed on ur PC

Why does no one complain about steam?

No it doesn't. The only information Steam collects is your operating system and hardware.

And even then, you have to opt in for it.

Run procmon when running steam as others have done for Origin. Origin seeks through most of your file system, including your user folder, program data and your entire Program Files folder (or both, if you're on 64-bit).

Post #526567 - Reply To (#526356) by morenverca
Post #526567 - Reply To (#526356) by morenverca

13 years ago
Posts: 264

Quote from morenverca

from the beginning when they announced what the collectors had it was kinda obvious something like this would happen. i mean how else would ppl get the "classified squad member and mission" if one decided to get the regular edition of the game. im not saying its alright but i understand y t ...

nope, we had this on the pc forever basicly, it was a cd key, online pass on consoles is because they want to kill the used game market... on the pc we accepted that you cant really sell your games easily if you dont want them, but on the console, they cant stop the used sale, so they decided to get a piece of ever game sold. which is bullshit.

Quote from Gokuthegrate

Its content that was originally going to be exclusive to the Collector's Edition so I dont see what the fuss is about.

the big deal is that this character should be a game shatteringly major event, but instead its ripped out to gouge us another 10$, and they planed this way more than a month ago, so this is stuff that should be on the damn disc already.

Quote from LoS3RmiND

Seriously, people need to stop complaining about the day one dlc, all this whining is coming from people who are so cheap they don't want to spend $10 on a game that they are supposedly fans of and say that bioware is selling an incomplete game, when the complainers themselves have never touched the

extra 20$ in america, extra almost 60$ in europe.

just because we are fans of the game, doesn't mean we have to buy into "collectors editions" that are usualy just a cash grab.

Quote from greydrak

This whole anti-ME3 crap is just stupid...

If you get the collector's edition, the extra team member is included, as it should considering these people are paying $20 more than the regular edition people so obviously they deserve more for their dedication.

The extra member isn't as "important" and story-breaking like everyone keeps assuming it is, it'll at best be another "Sebastian"(DA2) where yes, he'll show up in story sequences if you have him, but otherwise not important.
This is also for ME3, the third game in the installment of personalized storylines, where people can and will have different squad members surviving since game 1 and different choices that affect their games differently. One more or less optional character (like Zaheed/Kasumi) that adds little to no effect to the main story isn't a big deal, at all, even if it's a paid extra.

I don't care about these idiots masquerading as "fans" when they whine about crap like this, the real fans already preordered the collector's edition so screw the people who think that video gaming is a right, it's not, it's a freakin luxury.

If you don't pay, don't expect to be treated any better, it's the same with everything else in this world, even in manga too, you don't pay for the manga, don't expect the mangaka to keep doing it for long. Hell, even "free to play" games aren't free, they're even worse offenders of "cutting content" and making people pay for the "complete" game and yet people are fine with that, because what, it's free for like the first few seconds? sigh, the internet is full of trolls and idiots...

you do understand that the character that they took out is

a porthian (sp) the 50k year old entinct alien race if this turns out to be like one of the other 2 dlc characters, id not buy the game just because they did something VERY stupid.

and saying fans arent fans bacuase they wont put up with this bullshit... yea... im guessing i just responded to either a troll or a 10 year old with no concept of what principals and conviction mean.

its at this point that i realized that most people here never played a real expansion pack, and that dlc is all they know of gaming... i guess people like me who get disgusted over dlc, especially dlc that cost 10$ for less than an hour of game play (what most dlc is) are a dieing bread...

i will read masseffect story conclusion online, but i will not pay any more money to them over this, the delay to squeeze multiplayer in, and origin exclusive.

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sleepy ghost

13 years ago
Posts: 1140

I don't see what thus fuss is all about. If they had released the dlc a couple of weeks after or 1 month after the launch date of the core game, I doubt it would have gotten this kind of attention, let alone threats of a boycott. Would the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC for ME2 have garnered this much attention if it was released on day 1 as well, despite its involvement of several key characters in the Mass Effect Universe?

Also, here are Casey Hudson's (director of the Mass Effect franchise) tweets on the whole thing. His argument makes sense to me.


"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained."

  • Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain
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Memento Mori

13 years ago
Posts: 365

Quote from true_grave_unit

I don't see what thus fuss is all about. If they had released the dlc a couple of weeks after or 1 month after the launch date of the core game, I doubt it would have gotten this kind of attention, let alone threats of a boycott. Would the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC for ME2 have garnered this m ...

Apparently people think that the porthians are more important than the identity of the Shadow Broker, as for the statement it is suposedly not true due to a leak script from last summer so they have most likely been working it it a litle longer.

Quote from EternalNightmare

John Bain aka Cynical Brit is back again with more on the boycott, worth watching if this interest you.

... Last edited by EternalNightmare 13 years ago

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown"


13 years ago
Posts: 1

such overreactions. I'll get it and I'll like it. seems odd a character like this wouldn't be more major though. just seems like a reward for people getting the CE, and yeah I hope I can still find one

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sleepy ghost

13 years ago
Posts: 1140

Quote from EternalNightmare

Apparently people think that the protheans are more important than the identity of the Shadow Broker, as for the statement it is suposedly not true due to a leak script from last summer so they have most likely been working it it a litle longer.


The point wasn't that they were working on it for only three months, but that they spent the three months between development and release of the core game working on and finishing the DLC, which we get access to on day 1 instead of day .


"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained."

  • Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain
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The Gorilla Killa™

13 years ago
Posts: 3229

Quote from Dragonfiremule

I already pre-ordered it ages ago before all this crap came up.

This, I pre-ordered the Collector's edition way back on Christmas Eve. It does suck how it's not only Day 1 DLC, but it's also $10 as well. Most people are gonna have to drop $70 for that, while the Collector's edition has a heap of extra stuff (Don't know why more people didn't pre-order this, cause there's a lot of stuff in it) and well as this Prothean DLC and it's only $10 more than that.

But if there's anything you guys should be mad about, it's this.

Though it does look like the Collector Assault Rifle is included with more than half of the things...


Quote from Klapzi

The cool part is that I never get tired of being deceived

Quote from tactics

Just because someone's head was chopped off doesn't mean they're dead. That's just silly.


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Memento Mori

13 years ago
Posts: 365

Ok seen it now, not worth a boycott nor my money.

... Last edited by EternalNightmare 13 years ago

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown"

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13 years ago
Posts: 298

I don't understand, I've played (and completed) the "normal" version of ME3 and didn't notice anything lacking... Except maybe "galactic readiness" never exceeding 50%. Every party member from the previous games get a little face-time, though sadly there is only one new party member (didn't care about him)... Ending(s) sucked and are VERY unsatisfying though (why bother with different endings if they are all pretty much the same), but that has nothing to do with DLC.

To those saying it's "incomplete", I say bullsh*t. Even at narrative difficulty you'd still need ±30 hours to complete the game, this is far more than the average RPG these days, and feels reasonably complete.
Weapons is nothing to complain about, I've used maybe 3 different weapons in total. The handgun at the start and two different assault rifles the rest of the game, didn't care about the rest.

The only thing I don't like about ME3 (game, not story) up to now is the apparent lack of modding capabilities (no coalesced.ini and such), running in non-combat zones would be a welcome addition.

Honestly, why do you all care about the DLC?
It's the same as complaining about the Star Wars movies because of expensive merchandise.

I take that back, apparently there is a coalesced file: editor

... Last edited by Joentjuh 13 years ago

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