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One Piece Chapter 561

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12:17 pm, Oct 22 2009
Posts: 418

Whoa! Talk about a battle on a grand scale! eek

Oda-san really took a lot of effort on this chapter, and considering the delay, I think this was worth the wait.

Everything was just fantastic, from the way this chapter unfold to the tension it has, especially how it ended.

I wonder how Luffy and every pirate is going to handle a lot of those Pacifistas, since it took a lot of teamwork to take down one (it's time like this I wish Oz Jr. wasn't seriously injured).

Anyway, can't wait to see what happens next. biggrin

See ya!
Post #329700
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Local Crack Dealer

12:44 pm, Oct 22 2009
Posts: 535

DUDE....does any one else think dragon is gonna join the fight?


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"You just bleed there and think about what you've done!"
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12:48 pm, Oct 22 2009
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'0ianfgoasfosd lsdflaa[


That's all I can say...

"“That's the difference between me and the rest of the world!
Happiness isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!” "
Post #329711
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1:19 pm, Oct 22 2009
Posts: 746

a;ldfkjdslfjslafjOHMYGOD! Haha, that chapter was tense~ Wow. Hawkeyes is just as strong as I'd hoped he'd be smile wink grin I eagerly await the next chapter~
Gomu Gomu no...Scapegoat! (I laughed)

Last edited by Aeylis at 1:35 pm, Oct 22 2009

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Post #329713
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1:20 pm, Oct 22 2009
Posts: 187


Post #329719 - Reply to (#329711) by Aeylis
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2:05 pm, Oct 22 2009
Posts: 378

Quote from Aeylis
a;ldfkjdslfjslafjOHMYGOD! Haha, that chapter was tense~ Wow. Hawkeyes is just as strong as I'd hoped he'd be smile wink grin I eagerly await the next chapter~
Gomu Gomu no...Scapegoat! (I laughed)

Haha, yeah thats how I saw it too. Good one, eagerly awaiting next week!

Post #329782
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7:08 pm, Oct 22 2009
Posts: 339

It is nice to see his progess in terms of world strength though.. I mean Luffy(who at the time was about as strong as Zoro) has gone from Mihawk using a small letter opener type knife to actually using his real sword and trying(maybe not his utmost hardest though) to cut him down. That is some good progress. And it's only taken him like 500 chapters to get there..

The Rear Admirals haven't even started fighting for the most part.. And now you have atleast 9 Kuma's joining..

I think that the most amazing part of this chapter was that there were only 2 double pages...

Last edited by ikuyoK at 7:14 pm, Oct 22 2009

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sleepy ghost

7:54 pm, Oct 22 2009
Posts: 1140

Was Luffy using Haki when he predicted that his arms would get cut off if he attacked Hawkeyes? Or was that just him utilizing his battle experience? Anyhow, Hawkeyes truly deserves that title of the world's #1 swordsman if he cut a frozen tidal wave without any apparent effort. I'm looking forward to seeing if Whitebeard or Luffy have up their sleeves to get out of this new bind or if they'll simply use brute force to win (it's worked so far, after all).

"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained."
- Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain
Post #329810 - Reply to (#329711) by Aeylis
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9:52 pm, Oct 22 2009
Posts: 166

Quote from Aeylis
Gomu Gomu no...Scapegoat! (I laughed)
LOL @ Gomu Gomu no Scapegoat!
i loved the part where Luffy dragged Buggy into his fight. and for once Buggy was actually useful.

Quote from true_grave_unit
Was Luffy using Haki when he predicted that his arms would get cut off if he attacked Hawkeyes? Or was that just him utilizing his battle experience?
i was thinking of the same thing too! would be great if that was his Haki. i hope he'll come out w/ some new moves during this arc.

the Kuma army was unexpected..! they could prolly wipe out almost everyone on the battlefield, be it pirates or marines, and only the strongest will be left standing... and hopefully the Strawhat pirates will be united and maybe Dragon & his revolutionary army will come??

oh and has anyone noticed that guy on the last page w/ the SHARINGAN symbol on his shirt? eek
i just had to point that out bigrazz

Post #330882 - Reply to (#329793) by true_grave_unit
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5:05 pm, Oct 27 2009
Posts: 90

Quote from true_grave_unit
Was Luffy using Haki when he predicted that his arms would get cut off if he attacked Hawkeyes? Or was that just him utilizing his battle experience? Anyhow, Hawkeyes truly deserves that title of the world's #1 swordsman if he cut a frozen tidal wave without any apparent effort. I'm looking forward to seeing if Whitebeard or Luffy have up their sleeves to get out of this new bind or if they'll simply use brute force to win (it's worked so far, after all).

I think its Hawkeyes swordsman aura is what Luffy saw. And, for Luffy was able to read it, is quite a feat. Even Mihawk acknowledged it when he said Luffy is actually quite "calm". I guess you can say he has grown in battle experience as well... He has met so many strong people he is able to gauge the strength of an opponent and read their attacks better. But remember, Mihawk is rumored to fight on equal terms against Shanks, so its safe to say that his aura is similar to Shanks.

Also, the funny thing about Luffy, he always knows who he should fight. I think even Zoro mentioned this once in Enies lobby when Luffy was fighting against the leopard guy, Rob Lucci. He knows Mihawk is not his opponent, because he saw him own Zoro (too powerful as of now), also because he is a swordsman (not really compatible with a brawler like Luffy who has rubber DF abilities) and to top it off, he needs to save Ace!

I completely agree with you on the fact that Mihawk is the most powerful swordsman! He is my favorite anti-hero (wont really call him a bad guy) and one of my favorite characters in OP.

Also, notice that even the fifth division of WB can fight on equal terms with a Shichibukai like Mihawk. That truly says something about the WB crew!

Overall, nice chapter. Especially when reading it after a week of exams!smile

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Peaceful Dictator™

4:20 am, Oct 29 2009
Posts: 742

we haven't really seen whitebeard make a move. maybe the some of the straw-hat crew or dragon and the revolutionary army or maybe the fish-men will turn up to give luffy a hand. .

it looked like whitebeard new something was going to happen that's why he barely made a move himself and we haven't seen blackbeard's move yet. biggrin

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