Well it's Sunday night and I haven't touched my books, despite two tests and a crapload of hw. I'll prolly start at 9 or so. Or tomorrow. As they say, Due tomorrow = Do tomorrow
I normally wait till the day before to do it. Like for my English 102 class that I only take Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have a essay proposal due Tuesday, and I haven't started it yet... I dread looking at that stuff... So I'm not a 'super procrastinator' but definitely a 'procrastinator.'
I've always been a procrastinator with everything, not just work. I don't leave work 'til the very last minute though, usually because if I did I actually wouldn't pass anything even if I didn't sleep due to the sheer amount of work that needs to be produced. But the way I am now, I can get everything done if I stay up extremely late, almost not sleeping.
I'm not a 'super-procrastinator' because I'll have trouble sleeping as there's something niggling in the back of my mind, telling me that I've still got another piece of homework to do. Generally, I leave it to the night before...gah...It's so hard to break habits. I should be doing my homework now....erm....
If it's something that can be done in like....10 mins or so, I do it immediately to get rid of it. Those big projects....well....I always leave it to those last couple of days before the due date!
I remember doing one of my 'major' assignments for credits...It was earlier this year. After coming home from a solo performance for music at 9, have a shower, eat etc....start project at 11 o' clock. Hardcore rush it to 3-4am. Due at 9am in the same day! I pulled a decent grade...heh. But that taught me not to do that again! I was so wasted that day. I practically thrived on panadol for my headaches!