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How many times have you been confessed to?

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Post #410536
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1:33 pm, Sep 28 2010
Posts: 2050

Three and a half? times. Rejected all. Once in seventh, once in 9th, and two times from the same guy in 10th and 11th.

The third guy was hard because he was my best and very close guy friend. :/ But that's all in the past and we're still as close as before. Which is nice.

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Quote from LawX
You are like the dense main character in a shoujo manga.
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And you will murder someone one day, pika. If you're my daughter.
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Slumbering Remnant

6:04 pm, Sep 28 2010
Posts: 657

I don't know...
does it count when some guy asks his sister to ask you out?
if so then yes. same person for few years...
if no then no...

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I hear you say "Why?" Always "Why?" You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?"
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6:14 pm, Sep 28 2010
Posts: 874


No one gives a shit what trite garbage you write here.
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8:49 pm, Sep 28 2010
Posts: 3342

We had a topic just like this that went to hell. Lets keep this one sane.

"“That's the difference between me and the rest of the world!
Happiness isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!” "
Post #410616
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Xiled Reaper

8:49 pm, Sep 28 2010
Posts: 135

hmm like 50 times but most were randoms but being in a school which centralized football would be a cause since i was a starter

Post #410621

9:02 pm, Sep 28 2010
Posts: 17

erm less than ten XD but i rejected all of them cos my parents didn't want us to have any bf/gf while studying..

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AKA Roseille

9:21 pm, Sep 28 2010
Posts: 326

4 times, (almost 5?) which is kind of shocking, since I avoid the male species like the plague. I am just not interested in getting into a relationship.

Creepiest: None were really creepy, but one was slightly disturbing and annoying. I met this boy at camp and knew him for about a week. It's funny, because many many years before, he was the first boy I "fell in love" with. At that time, he was sweet and nice and thoughtful. The same was not true about him when I met him again. He got my number and called almost every day. Creeper.

Most Memorable: Was when I was a kid. I didn't count this one, because he only told my brother he liked me, and left an anonymous little rock on my doorstep wrapped in tinfoil. My name had been scratched into it. I was 12 (or so? I think) at the time. A little while later, his house burned down. He and his little brother were inside at the time. They did not make it. I hope he's in heaven doing crazy things right now. He was a really fun and nutty kid.

The others were boring and not worth mentioning. I don't know why I replied to this topic. I feel like a creeper.

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Post #410625 - Reply to (#410624) by Alaena Night
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9:27 pm, Sep 28 2010
Posts: 72

Quote from Alaena Night
Most Memorable: Was when I was a kid. I didn't count this one, because he only told my brother he liked me, and left an anonymous little rock on my doorstep wrapped in tinfoil. My name had been scratched into it. I was 12 (or so? I think) at the time. A little while later, his house burned down. He and his little brother were inside at the time. They did not make it. I hope he's in heaven doing crazy things right now. He was a really fun and nutty kid.

Aww, I am sorry. He was very sweet. Wow, tinfoil wrapped rock...that is so romantic. cry I feel like I just read a tragic manga.

Favorite Shoujo mangaka:
AOKI Kotomi

Favorite Shoujo Scanlation Group:
Forbidden Garden
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9:45 pm, Sep 28 2010
Posts: 672

Four times, which is weird cause I'm not exactly pretty.

Creepy: A friend of my dad's who had known me since I was a kid. I was fourteen around that time. dead

Awkward: My ex's ex-girlfriend. She was in like, three of my classes in high school. I barely talked to her unless we were forced to work together, which was often. She asked if I was seeing anyone, and if I wasn't, then I should get together with her. laugh

Strange: A boy I barely talked to following me around at the school library. Again, wanted to hook up. roll eyes

Most Memorable: Now, I'm no shotacon or anything, but a family friend of mine has a little brother younger than me by seven years. When I was sixteen, he was like, what-nine? Well, back to my main point--the kid was a real sweetheart unlike his stupid older brother who I considered a brother myself. He would follow me around, watch me cook, help me with whatever it was that I was doing, and one day flat out asked me if I would marry him. He even had a fake ring from the machine he'd gotten just for me! Even if it was 50 cents. laugh My dad heard about his proposal from his dad the next day and got on my case about it.

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*__* I'll have what she's having... please~♥
Post #410635

10:29 pm, Sep 28 2010
Posts: 490

Once, but I thought she was mocking me. I found out later than she really had had a crush on me. Strange things to reminisce about. Perhaps a bit of regret. She was a cutie.

Post #410642
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11:04 pm, Sep 28 2010
Posts: 2

Once, and it was pretty interesting. This girl I had known for a while and sort of liked cornered me in the hall one day and asked me out. I freaked out since I was about to miss my bus and one of her friends was with her, so I said no and ran. Looking back, I probably would've said yes if she wasn't so creepy about it.

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11:13 pm, Sep 28 2010
Posts: 583

Hmm, let see...real serious ones, 2.....the 1st one was a friend and I had seen it coming a mile away, but still wasn't prepared and well I literally ran out on him....2nd time it was over the phone and the guy was someone I talked to, but I didn't really like as a person, let alone as a potential boyfriend...
Then there have been others in between...mostly random strangers making a move on me.....Oh and the one time my mom tried to hook me up w/ a friend of hers...

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6:00 am, Sep 29 2010
Posts: 364

When I was in standard 5, a guy always send his friend to say that he like me.Thats all. I remember the guy's friend who become the messenger more than the guy itself.Haha...

Oh yeah...a guy I know from chatting ask me to marry him.I freaked out and removed him from my friend list.

Just last week, a guy sang a song for me when I was buying a cloth and he is a sales assistant. maybe he wants me to buy the cloth...

I'm very shy and ordinary. I can't seem to get myself closer to a guy even as a friend, I always put a distant unintentionally. So, guys usually don't come near me. Well its fine with me, I'm not into relationship now. laugh

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8:57 pm, Sep 29 2010
Posts: 774

Quite a few but they all end up to be creepers. o_o
The creepiest one:
I was trying to get the guy off my back so I told him I was seeing someone and had just gone on a date.
The first thing he asked was "did you -blank- him?".
He later apologized -genuinely- by saying:
"I'm sorry. I thought you were easy." (SERIOUSLY)

At the time I was 16, never been kissed and horrified laugh

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11:15 pm, Sep 29 2010
Posts: 26

Confessed to three times.

First one happened to be through a text message in 5th grade. Dated her for a year.

Second one was from a friend of the first girl who confessed to me. Had to reject her since I was already seeing someone else.

Third one wasn't a direct confession, however. As incredible as it may sound, she happened to be a friend of the two girls who confessed to me earlier.

I am currently a senior in high school who has indulged in academics and studies. Longing for a relationship in college, I am not planning on dating anyone right now.

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