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Translator looking for Group/Staff for Classic Shoujo Sci-Fi Manga

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Post #767777
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6:23 am, Feb 26 2019
Posts: 3

Hi all.

A few weeks ago I posted an ad looking for a group to take me on as a translator and thanks to that I found a great group who I’m excited to work with.

However, while digging around through raws I found a series of classic shoujo sci-fi manga that I’m just dying to translate. The group I joined up with doesn’t really have any hands free to take on a new, long-term project like this but they don’t mind if I freelance around a little for projects I’m passionate about.

So let’s talk about the manga. I want to do everything by Sasaki Junko. Full stop.

Never have I encountered a manga artist who so perfectly checked all my boxes. As the old horror manga meme goes: this hole was meant for me. What makes her stuff so great? Well, if the thought of combining the melodramatic old shoujo style of Rose of Versailles with the rayguns, dinosaurs and glass utopias of Golden-age sci-fi novels doesn’t appeal to you then you probably aren’t right for this project.

Here, check out a free sample of her first main series: (click the top button, red arrow on white)

And that’s her first one. It only gets better from there.

Her stuff is by and large untouched by translation groups and I doubt she’ll get official translations at any point. That’s a crime and a shame. We need more great sci-fi manga in the world.

My intent is to translate all of her main series in chronological order of release, and possibly also her shorter one-shots on the side. This is a fairly large undertaking so hopefully we can put out chapters at a decent pace. Of course we’re all just doing this for the love so I understand there will be times when real life slows us down.

You can participate however you like. If your group would like to take on this project that would be fine, or if you’d like to join the group I belong to as an editor/typesetter/cleaner for this project that also works.

Let’s help bring some amazing sci-fi manga to the English speaking community. If you need proof that I’m a translator who can pull this kind of thing off I’ll happily provide it.

I have raws for the first 2 series already, and can easily obtain the rest as needed.


(Please do not inquire regarding translations of other series, I have a full plate with only enough room for this one new project.)


1:22 pm, Feb 28 2019
Posts: 127

Good luck in finding a group that's willing to help you clean/redraw/Typeset for those specific manga from the author. The art looks very similar to another manga... Or was it anime... Anyway that I used to read.

However I don't think it's great if you joined my group 🤣 my group is mostly translators rather than editors 😢 but good luck to you for finding a home for those projects

Post #767942
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5:54 pm, Mar 4 2019
Posts: 20

Please PM me. I'm interested in helping out as editor. 🙂

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Post #768073
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6:14 am, Mar 11 2019
Posts: 3

Bumping. I specifically need a typesetter now.

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Scan Master

4:16 pm, Mar 11 2019
Posts: 138

Never heard of this author before, but I'm really loving their art.
It's giving me a bit of SHINTANI Kaoru vibes, but they still bring their own unique style to everything as well.

Where are you obtaining raws from, btw? Are they personal scans? ebooks? Public raws?
I don't have much time to help out with any other part of the process, but I'm always looking for vintage manga to scan, and wouldn't mind providing some high-quality 600dpi TIF raws as long as the volumes wouldn't be too expensive for me to buy during my next bulk import from Japan.

Visit my scanning blog:

Jammin' Scans

::End of Transmission::
Post #768127 - Reply to (#767820) by Harutora
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8:52 am, Mar 15 2019
Posts: 4

Found a home. :-)

Quote from Harutora
Good luck in finding a group that's willing to help you clean/redraw/Typeset for those specific manga from the author. The art looks very similar to another manga... Or was it anime... Anyway that I used to read.

However I don't think it's great if you joined my group 🤣 my group is mo ...

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