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Do u Exercise?
Yea! Im workout maniac!
Yep, Daily
Only in P.E. class
Only my fingers on the keyboard
Sometimes, when i feel like it
Nope, too lazy
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Over the Rainbow.

9:23 pm, Oct 3 2008
Posts: 664

Only during PE. I have to study instead of exercising. But I don't eat much and I don't get fat easily. But I have to admit, I eat a whole lotta junk.

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The White Guy

9:25 pm, Oct 3 2008
Posts: 340

.....exercise"ha ha ha" bigrazz .....i only exercise in P.E. and even then i just do half the push ups and stuff...

So basically to vanquish the world of evil you must have mega sex with a girl then your soul is taken...yes
Post #211001
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7:43 am, Oct 4 2008
Posts: 596

My legs ache dead

I decided to jog yesterday(although brisk walking is more like it)...I usually have this sudden urges to exercise yet they never last dead...They last a week at the most...

To see everything from the perspective of eternity

1:12 pm, Oct 4 2008
Posts: 245

Used to work out a lot (played tennis daily for ten years, then did kickboxing and spinning daily for two years)... then I stopped for two years (exams and stuff), but I'm gonna start again this year. Next week, in fact. Either Kung Fu or Self Defence.

Post #211125 - Reply to (#211110) by tomomimorgan
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1:58 pm, Oct 4 2008
Posts: 1027

Quote from tomomimorgan
Either Kung Fu or Self Defence.

is there any doubt about which to choose? kung fu or self defense? kung fu IS self defense...try saying it both loud...imagine an attacker going at you and you saying 'beware i know kung fu' or 'beware i know self defense dead'

If the sea were made of Whiskey and I was a duck
I'd swim to the bottom and never come up
Post #211129 - Reply to (#211125) by bedob

2:05 pm, Oct 4 2008
Posts: 245

Quote from bedob
Quote from tomomimorgan
Either Kung Fu or Self Defence.

is there any doubt about which to choose? kung fu or self defense? kung fu IS self defense...try saying it both loud...imagine an attacker going at you and you saying 'beware i know kung fu' or 'beware i know self defense dead '

Ummm yeah you're right about that... But, well, I could say it really mean like glaring at the person, "Don't move. I know SELF DEFENSE. I'm warning you for your own good." (actually the point of the self defense class is that it's aimed specifically at girls in case of aggression. And it's taught by a black belt in Kung Fu, anyway biggrin)

But, yeah, after watching Kung Fu Panda I pretty much made up my mind.

Post #211134 - Reply to (#211110) by tomomimorgan
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2:08 pm, Oct 4 2008
Posts: 64

Quote from tomomimorgan
Used to work out a lot (played tennis daily for ten years, then did kickboxing and spinning daily for two years)... then I stopped for two years (exams and stuff), but I'm gonna start again this year. Next week, in fact. Either Kung Fu or Self Defence.

You should try jiu jitsu. It's a good way to stay in shape and its fun to do also great for self defense. I've been doing it for a couple of years now.

If I'm not back in five minutes... just wait longer
Post #211135 - Reply to (#211129) by tomomimorgan
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2:08 pm, Oct 4 2008
Posts: 1027

Quote from tomomimorgan
Quote from bedob
Quote from tomomimorgan
Either Kung Fu or Self Defence.

is there any doubt about which to choose? kung fu or self defense? kung fu IS self defense...try saying it both loud...imagine an attacker going at you and you saying 'beware i know kung fu' or 'beware i know self defense dead '

Ummm yeah you're right about that... But, well, I could say it really mean like glaring at the person, "Don't move. I know SELF DEFENSE. I'm warning you for your own good." (actually the point of the self defense class is that it's aimed specifically at girls in case of aggression. And it's taught by a black belt in Kung Fu, anyway biggrin )

But, yeah, after watching Kung Fu Panda I pretty much made up my mind.

HA...there you go...pandas are awesome, kung-fu is awesome...and you'll be able to kick ass like a's a win win win situation.... biggrin

If the sea were made of Whiskey and I was a duck
I'd swim to the bottom and never come up
Post #211136 - Reply to (#211129) by tomomimorgan
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2:08 pm, Oct 4 2008
Posts: 2342

Quote from tomomimorgan
Quote from bedob
Quote from tomomimorgan
Either Kung Fu or Self Defence.

is there any doubt about which to choose? kung fu or self defense? kung fu IS self defense...try saying it both loud...imagine an attacker going at you and you saying 'beware i know kung fu' or 'beware i know self defense dead '

Ummm yeah you're right about that... But, well, I could say it really mean like glaring at the person, "Don't move. I know SELF DEFENSE. I'm warning you for your own good." (actually the point of the self defense class is that it's aimed specifically at girls in case of aggression. And it's taught by a black belt in Kung Fu, anyway biggrin )

But, yeah, after watching Kung Fu Panda I pretty much made up my mind.

Well it's really a choice of either wanting to defend yourself or kick ass.

Post #211140 - Reply to (#211134) by poorboy

2:14 pm, Oct 4 2008
Posts: 245

Quote from poorboy
Quote from tomomimorgan
Used to work out a lot (played tennis daily for ten years, then did kickboxing and spinning daily for two years)... then I stopped for two years (exams and stuff), but I'm gonna start again this year. Next week, in fact. Either Kung Fu or Self Defence.

You should try jiu jitsu. It's a good way to stay in shape and its fun to do also great for self defense. I've been doing it for a couple of years now.

Actually, jiu jitsu and aikido were my first choices... but I couldn't find them at any gym close to my house (sigh). Although there is kendo as an alternative!! biggrin

@bedob: pandas rock!!! ^_^

@KennEH! : ummm... let me think... Kicking ass does sound like a good idea! biggrin

Post #211142 - Reply to (#211140) by tomomimorgan
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2:19 pm, Oct 4 2008
Posts: 64

Quote from tomomimorgan
Quote from poorboy
Quote from tomomimorgan
Used to work out a lot (played tennis daily for ten years, then did kickboxing and spinning daily for two years)... then I stopped for two years (exams and stuff), but I'm gonna start again this year. Next week, in fact. Either Kung Fu or Self Defence.

You should try jiu jitsu. It's a good way to stay in shape and its fun to do also great for self defense. I've been doing it for a couple of years now.

Actually, jiu jitsu and aikido were my first choices... but I couldn't find them at any gym close to my house (sigh). Although there is kendo as an alternative!! biggrin

@bedob: pandas rock!!! ^_^

@KennEH! : ummm... let me think... Kicking ass does sound like a good idea! biggrin

Kendo Ouch!! My friend ht me with a bamboo sword! It broke skin! eek

If I'm not back in five minutes... just wait longer
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2:28 pm, Oct 4 2008
Posts: 612

i used to only exercise during PE, but not i'm in swim, so i don't even do push-up's or run anymore...i've had my share of doubts about my weight, being a hormonal teenage girl, but i rarely ever act out my resolutions in terms of diet and exercise, mainly because i'm too lazy & don't care enough to make a change...

i'm lazy at starting commitments, but once i'm committed, i would wake up and go to school at 6:45 in the morning for first period PE (freshman year)

The Deviant
Post #312637
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Acting on Impulse

6:59 am, Aug 11 2009
Posts: 113

Daily, I wouldn't say i'm a maniac or anything but i usually spend about 2 hours a day doing exercise. Runs, weights and sit ups but honestly most of my time is spent stopping to catch my breath lol.

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7:15 am, Aug 11 2009
Posts: 65

I workout around 5 days a week a combination of weights, and martial arts. I guess you could say that I'm somewhat into working out but nothing serious

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7:49 am, Aug 11 2009
Posts: 389

well i play a lot of sports, and i do a workout everday for about an hour and an hafe.

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