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Noblesse Forever!

3:13 am, Jun 20 2012
Posts: 1067

What Danzo said was order to protect Leaf, the anihilation of Uchiha was necessary...
Peace is not always the option.
Its good to see that manga is back again on its feet...... Though I do hope that Masashi will not show us Naruto's speech jutsu about peace and ideal world.

Itachi: I will love you forever.

Last edited by strixflash at 3:37 am, Jun 20 2012

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A dignified

4:20 am, Jun 20 2012
Posts: 546

The background for Itachi and the whole Uchiha clan thing FINALLY revealed after 575 or so chapters...
Naruto finally back to fighting, wtf is going to happen to the 5 kages and Madara? Kinda lame if he just disappears since Edo Tensei got cancelled.

"People don't change, they just give in."<BR><!--url_type_2--><a href='' target='_blank'><u>Kubera is the best.</u></a><!--url_type_2_end--><BR>同人音楽 (doujin music)<BR><!--img--><img src='' border='0' alt='Laila Hemawati'><!--img_end-->
Post #557217 - Reply to (#557142) by strixflash

11:08 am, Jun 20 2012
Posts: 678

Quote from strixflash
What Danzo said was order to protect Leaf, the anihilation of Uchiha was necessary...
Peace is not always the option.
Its good to see that manga is back again on its feet...... Though I do hope that Masashi will not show us Naruto's speech jutsu about peace ...

Actually you'd be surprised about that theory. Especially when you think about it, Tobi was the major cause of the whole situation in general. When dealing with something like that you have to go for the root cause of it, plus Danzo was initially looking for reasons of his own to annihilate the Uchiha.

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5:29 pm, Jun 20 2012
Posts: 430

I don't care what anybody says, this chapter was AWESOME!!! biggrin I'm gonna give my own little brother a big hug! laugh

Post #557280 - Reply to (#557268) by mirahsan2
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Noblesse Forever!

7:29 pm, Jun 20 2012
Posts: 1067

Quote from mirahsan2
I don't care what anybody says, this chapter was AWESOME!!! biggrin I'm gonna give my own little brother a big hug! laugh

I didnt meant that I hated the chapter....
I loved it and from my point of view it was AWESOME!.....
I was just saying that Masashi shouldnt show us Naruto's speech about love and peace......and the Ideal World with no war.....its just too unrealistic and boring.

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Post #557286 - Reply to (#557280) by strixflash
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8:55 pm, Jun 20 2012
Posts: 131

Quote from strixflash
I didnt meant that I hated the chapter....
I loved it and from my point of view it was AWESOME!.....
I was just saying that Masashi shouldnt show us Naruto's speech about love and peace......and the Ideal World with no war.....its just too unrealistic and boring.

There's a reason it's called Shounen series.

Post #557304 - Reply to (#557217) by jrdragon2003
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10:29 pm, Jun 20 2012
Posts: 470

Quote from jrdragon2003
Actually you'd be surprised about that theory. Especially when you think about it, Tobi was the major cause of the whole situation in general. When dealing with something like that you have to go for the root cause of it, plus Danzo was initially looking for reasons of his own to annihilate the Uchiha.

Yes, I agree with you. I think it's just too suspicious that Danzo went to Itachi alone in order to convince him to annihilate the Uchiha before the Third could try to negotiate with them.

I think Danzo manipulated Itachi and Itachi jumped the gun. It's also my theory that the entire Uchiha clan was manipulated in some way (by Tobi?), and were intentionally driven to start a coup, probably as an excuse to get rid of them all.

At this point, we don't know why, exactly, they turned power hungry enough to stage a coup. If the Uchiha had always been that disgruntled, would Naruto and Sasuke's moms have been good friends? Seems to me if you hate the people in power, you wouldn't want to hang out with the Hokage's wife. So something must have happened in between the time the Fourth died and the night of the massacre to drastically change things for them.

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Shoujo Queen

5:12 pm, Jun 21 2012
Posts: 418

Ok, this is the first Naruto chapter that brought me to tears! Well now that Tobi's plans are foiled, there is nothing left to do but have the final showdown. This brings me to ask this question, now that sasuke knows the full truth about the situation, whats next for him? will he be a good boy and become a prisoner after the war or die trying to destroy the leaf and naruto? Hmmm lets see how this plays out.

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But if it makes you happy to win on the internet, have at it.

Screams from the haters, got a nice ring to it. I guess every superhero need her theme music...
Post #557567 - Reply to (#557280) by strixflash

1:14 pm, Jun 22 2012
Posts: 430

Quote from strixflash
I didnt meant that I hated the chapter....
I loved it and from my point of view it was AWESOME!.....
I was just saying that Masashi shouldnt show us Naruto's speech about love and peace......and the Ideal World with no war.....its just too unrealistic and boring.

Oh I know, I was just generally saying. And also, what if Sasuke just joined Naruto? Yeah everyone would just love that. I think Sasuke is going to do something completely different and hopefully take everyone by surprise.

Post #557568 - Reply to (#557567) by mirahsan2
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1:23 pm, Jun 22 2012
Posts: 920

Quote from mirahsan2
Oh I know, I was just generally saying. And also, what if Sasuke just joined Naruto? Yeah everyone would just love that. I think Sasuke is going to do something completely different and hopefully take everyone by surprise.

Hell no, most would hate it, we have been fed with emo Sasuke for to long for him to actually just go "Hey im a good guy now, sorry about attacking all your people and cutting of a kages arm!" he even said himself he couldnt forgive the leaf even after Itatchi tried to convince him.

Post #557891
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All is in chaos

8:42 pm, Jun 24 2012
Posts: 161

Wouldnt worry about Sasuke joining up with Naruto right away Kishi already said they are gonna fight each other lol.
As for the idea of Sasuke going all out or being a prisoner of war id say Sasuke will do whatever he wants like always and no way in hell would he allow himself to be a prisoner xD

Still im hoping something happpens in the fight between Naruto and tobi and tobi gets away would love to see a future confrontation between Sasuke and Tobi to the death smile

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9:00 pm, Jun 24 2012
Posts: 430

Yup I agree. Sasuke's going to go all out on his own, in his own way.

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