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New Poll - Video Game Platforms

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10:29 am, Apr 6 2024
Posts: 10709

This week's poll was suggested by yuri_shibuya. How do you normally play your video games? I'm primarily a PC gamer on my gaming desktop with lots of games via Steam. I do a little bit on the phone on the side. How about you?

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Previous Poll Results:
Question: What do you call the social media platform where you tweet?
Twitter - votes: 2661 (93.9%)
X - votes: 174 (6.1%)
There were 2835 total votes.
The poll ended: April 6th, 2024 10:21am PDT

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Post #805928

10:33 am, Apr 6 2024
Posts: 64

PC laptop with external display, keyboard and mouse.
Should it be considered as laptop or desktop?

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12:45 pm, Apr 6 2024
Posts: 230

On my gaming laptop... So pc laptop... Though i do own consoles but haven't played on them much after covid...

Last edited by Trimutius at 12:45 pm, Apr 6 2024

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1:32 pm, Apr 6 2024
Posts: 17

I used to spend more time playing games on my phone and laptop, but now I have a medication that has to be taken in a clinic I get weekly, and the whole process takes 2 hours, so I spend at least 2 hours a week playing games on my switch, but it's often much more than that depending on the game I'm currently focusing on (atm it's TotK).

Both TotK and BotW have a habit of sucking me in and eating up my whole week if I let them, there're endless opportunities to waste vast amounts of irl time going around farming things or playing minigames or doing side quests. I have to exercise what little self-restraint I have to limit my amount of gaming time for the sake of my mental health, it's way too easy to mean to play "for just a little bit" only to discover that I've accidentally stayed up all night.


1:56 pm, Apr 6 2024
Posts: 197

If my PC runs linux, what do I click? Also it just depends on the game if I am more likely to play on a laptop or a desktop. I mostly play games on steam, and a lot of them run on linux and windows (eg Loop Hero, Stardew, Civ6, Papers Please, etc). So what actually goes on, is I just pickup the game where I left on a different operating system, day after day. BG3 runs on Windows, so you can guess which OS that i've been using recently tho.

Internet Lurker At Heart
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Josei Addict

3:14 pm, Apr 6 2024
Posts: 204

Ehhh, might have mis-voted without reading the options. Mainly handheld devices — mostly Nintendo though, so probably should have voted that.

Last edited by flowinmyboat at 3:14 pm, Apr 6 2024

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3:17 pm, Apr 6 2024
Posts: 66

I'm not really a gamer... But I voted Nintendo since I have Wii Sports Resort, and I play Mario Kart at my friend's house, sometimes.

Last edited by Erratic-Hopper at 3:17 pm, Apr 6 2024

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6:04 pm, Apr 6 2024
Posts: 84

I use my PC the most. However, I've recently been mostly using it to emulate some older games I grew up with.

Post #805941

1:41 pm, Apr 7 2024
Posts: 441

I accidentally clicked on "PC (desktop)", intending to choose "PC (laptop)"
...though that's partially because by desktop computer is out of commission, at the moment (waiting for my new motherboard and CPU), as well as a few other issues.
My desktop computer is supposed to be my main computer, for everything, with the laptop mainly just for use outside my home. (but that's not how it's been, for a while now, even before my recent hardware problem on the desktop)

...though I also didn't realize that there was a "Mac / Linux" option. (my laptop is Linux. Desktop is Win7)
A rather bizarre option, as all Linux (and nowadays also Mac?) computers are "PC (desktop)" or "PC (laptop)".

Also, I do play on emulators a lot, though that's mostly on the desktop. Haven't played much video game emulation on the laptop, in quite while
...though I am re-playing Warcraft 1, on DOSBOX, now.

Edit: I do have a couple of consoles, too.

Last edited by zarlan at 1:42 pm, Apr 7 2024

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2:21 pm, Apr 7 2024
Posts: 335

Used to play on a laptop with sub-par graphics. This year I treated myself to having a desktop PC built. The difference is amazing, and I'm never playing on a laptop again.

Post #805950 - Reply to (#805943) by Karonhioktha

4:39 am, Apr 8 2024
Posts: 441

A laptop can have perfectly good performance, in every aspect.
You can have a perfectly good gaming laptop ...except that the keyboard is clearly inferior (even a good sized ThinkPad, with its relatively good keyboard, that at least won't drive you crazy), and how you're limited to a single monitor, and one that is 15-17 inch, at most.

...but it's more expensive to get equal performance, from a laptop, they can't be kept as cool (and thus can't have components that get as hot), aren't nearly as easily upgraded or repaired/maintained...
You also have a more limited, and not as standardized/compatible, range of installable hardware.

In general, unless you need a computer you can take with you, a desktop is superior in every possible way
...but a laptop can do a decent job, at most things.

Last edited by zarlan at 4:41 am, Apr 8 2024

Post #805970 - Reply to (#805941) by zarlan

1:14 pm, Apr 9 2024
Posts: 5

Quote from zarlan
...though I also didn't realize that there was a "Mac / Linux" option. (my laptop is Linux. Desktop is Win7)
A rather bizarre option, as all Linux (and nowadays also Mac?) computers are "PC (desktop)" or "PC (laptop)".

Why PC = Windows?

And why putting two quite different types of system in only one answer? Linux computers are quite different from Macs, especially the fact that there is no set-in-stone configuration (you sometimes have to work with components not really compatible with linux drivers 🙄 ) and linux can be installed on any computer alongside any other OS (dual/multiboot). Also Steam Deck runs linux-based OS... So is Android (and some other smartphone OSes) 🙄
And Macs can be desktops or laptops too 😉

So this poll should be about type of equipment/device OR type of OS on the device. Or have a lot more options for inclusiveness sake.

Post #805972 - Reply to (#805970) by shichikouhouju

6:14 am, Apr 10 2024
Posts: 441

Indeed. I wholeheartedly agree.
I think there should have either just been a PC option, or the three options of Windows, Mac, and Linux. (though there are more PC OSes than that, of course, but those are rare enough to just fall under "Other platform", IMO)
I don't really get the reason for the desktop vs laptop distinction...

P.S. It should perhaps be mentioned, that people have gotten Linux to run on almost anything, far beyond what you or I have mentioned.

Post #805985 - Reply to (#805972) by zarlan

7:49 am, Apr 11 2024
Posts: 197

True on that. There are many handheld gaming computers/devices that run all sort of operating systems (steam deck - linux based, razer - android, and the new ayaneo flip should be windows).

Internet Lurker At Heart
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4:27 pm, Apr 12 2024
Posts: 825

I used to play on Famicom, Gameboy and PS1 back when I was a kid. Then I grew up and got a life.

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