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forgotten manga (or maybe it was an anime?)

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Just another otaku

1:28 am, May 30 2012
Posts: 196

ok, so i can only remember one scene from this manga.

there's a girl and a boy, they're siblings and POTENTIAL SPOILER ALERT AHEAD I THINK (i don't know for sure bigrazz ) then one day their father dies. before their father died, the boy sort of started to have feelings for the girl and then discovered that they actually arn't siblings AT ALL. he was adopted. ( i think) at their dad's grave, from what i vaguely remember, the boy tells the girl that he's not relate to her and she gets quite upset.
i think the boy's quite strong too.

anyway thank yous! and sorry for the many "i think"s

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Just another otaku

9:30 pm, Jun 2 2012
Posts: 196

ok, i'm not bumping it, i'm just posting to say that i remembered which manga it was! woot woot!
it was hero tales by arakawa hiromu
here's the link smile

in case anyone's interested.... ----______----

Post #554364
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7:53 am, Jun 3 2012
Posts: 651

I love you. I wish more people were like you. I hate it when people make these posts and are like OK NEVERMIND I FOUND IT but never say what it was they were looking for and the post gets locked and they never answer when you PM them and blahhhh.

So thank you.

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